/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_workers_jsexecutionmanager_h__ #define mozilla_dom_workers_jsexecutionmanager_h__ #include #include #include "MainThreadUtils.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/CondVar.h" #include "mozilla/Mutex.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "nsISupports.h" class nsIGlobalObject; namespace mozilla { class ErrorResult; namespace dom { class WorkerPrivate; // The code in this file is responsible for throttling JS execution. It does // this by introducing a JSExecutionManager class. An execution manager may be // applied to any number of worker threads or a DocGroup on the main thread. // // JS environments associated with a JS execution manager may only execute on a // certain amount of CPU cores in parallel. // // Whenever the main thread, or a worker thread begins executing JS it should // make sure AutoRequestJSThreadExecution is present on the stack, in practice // this is done by it being part of AutoEntryScript. // // Whenever the main thread may end up blocking on the activity of a worker // thread, it should make sure to have an AutoYieldJSThreadExecution object // on the stack. // // Whenever a worker thread may end up blocking on the main thread or the // activity of another worker thread, it should make sure to have an // AutoYieldJSThreadExecution object on the stack. // // Failure to do this may result in a deadlock. When a deadlock occurs due // to these circumstances we will crash after 20 seconds. // // For the main thread this class should only be used in the case of an // emergency surrounding exploitability of SharedArrayBuffers. A single // execution manager will then be shared between all Workers and the main // thread doc group containing the SharedArrayBuffer and ensure all this code // only runs in a serialized manner. On the main thread we therefore may have // 1 execution manager per DocGroup, as this is the granularity at which // SharedArrayBuffers may be present. class AutoRequestJSThreadExecution; class AutoYieldJSThreadExecution; // This class is used to regulate JS execution when for whatever reason we wish // to throttle execution of multiple JS environments to occur with a certain // maximum of synchronously executing threads. This should be used through // the stack helper classes. class JSExecutionManager { public: NS_INLINE_DECL_THREADSAFE_REFCOUNTING(JSExecutionManager) explicit JSExecutionManager(int32_t aMaxRunning = 1) : mMaxRunning(aMaxRunning) {} enum class RequestState { Granted, ExecutingAlready }; static void Initialize(); static void Shutdown(); static JSExecutionManager* GetSABSerializationManager(); private: friend class AutoRequestJSThreadExecution; friend class AutoYieldJSThreadExecution; ~JSExecutionManager() = default; // Methods used by Auto*JSThreadExecution // Request execution permission, returns ExecutingAlready if execution was // already granted or does not apply to this thread. RequestState RequestJSThreadExecution(); // Yield JS execution, this asserts that permission is actually granted. void YieldJSThreadExecution(); // Yield JS execution if permission was granted. This returns false if no // permission is granted. This method is needed because an execution manager // may have been set in between the ctor and dtor of // AutoYieldJSThreadExecution. bool YieldJSThreadExecutionIfGranted(); RequestState RequestJSThreadExecutionMainThread(); // Execution manager currently managing the main thread. // MainThread access only. static JSExecutionManager* mCurrentMTManager; // Workers waiting to be given permission for execution. // Guarded by mExecutionQueueMutex. std::deque mExecutionQueue MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mExecutionQueueMutex); // Number of threads currently executing concurrently for this manager. // Guarded by mExecutionQueueMutex. int32_t mRunning MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mExecutionQueueMutex) = 0; // Number of threads allowed to run concurrently for environments managed // by this manager. // Guarded by mExecutionQueueMutex. int32_t mMaxRunning MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mExecutionQueueMutex) = 1; // Mutex that guards the execution queue and associated state. Mutex mExecutionQueueMutex = Mutex{"JSExecutionManager::sExecutionQueueMutex"}; // ConditionVariables that blocked threads wait for. CondVar mExecutionQueueCondVar = CondVar{mExecutionQueueMutex, "JSExecutionManager::sExecutionQueueMutex"}; // Whether the main thread is currently executing for this manager. // MainThread access only. bool mMainThreadIsExecuting = false; // Whether the main thread is currently awaiting permission to execute. Main // thread execution is always prioritized. // Guarded by mExecutionQueueMutex. bool mMainThreadAwaitingExecution MOZ_GUARDED_BY(mExecutionQueueMutex) = false; }; // Helper for managing execution requests and allowing re-entrant permission // requests. class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoRequestJSThreadExecution { public: explicit AutoRequestJSThreadExecution(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, bool aIsMainThread); ~AutoRequestJSThreadExecution() { if (mExecutionGrantingManager) { mExecutionGrantingManager->YieldJSThreadExecution(); } if (mIsMainThread) { if (mOldGrantingManager) { mOldGrantingManager->RequestJSThreadExecution(); } JSExecutionManager::mCurrentMTManager = mOldGrantingManager; } } private: // The manager we obtained permission from. nullptr if permission was already // granted. RefPtr mExecutionGrantingManager; // The manager we had permission from before, and where permission should be // re-requested upon destruction. RefPtr mOldGrantingManager; // We store this for performance reasons. bool mIsMainThread; }; // Class used to wrap code which essentially exits JS execution and may block // on other threads. class MOZ_STACK_CLASS AutoYieldJSThreadExecution { public: AutoYieldJSThreadExecution(); ~AutoYieldJSThreadExecution() { if (mExecutionGrantingManager) { mExecutionGrantingManager->RequestJSThreadExecution(); if (NS_IsMainThread()) { JSExecutionManager::mCurrentMTManager = mExecutionGrantingManager; } } } private: // Set to the granting manager if we were granted permission here. RefPtr mExecutionGrantingManager; }; } // namespace dom } // namespace mozilla #endif // mozilla_dom_workers_jsexecutionmanager_h__