/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #ifndef mozilla_dom_Worker_h #define mozilla_dom_Worker_h #include "mozilla/Attributes.h" #include "mozilla/dom/DebuggerNotificationBinding.h" #include "mozilla/DOMEventTargetHelper.h" #include "mozilla/RefPtr.h" #include "mozilla/WeakPtr.h" #ifdef XP_WIN # undef PostMessage #endif namespace mozilla::dom { class EventWithOptionsRunnable; struct StructuredSerializeOptions; struct WorkerOptions; class WorkerPrivate; class Worker : public DOMEventTargetHelper, public SupportsWeakPtr { public: NS_DECL_ISUPPORTS_INHERITED NS_DECL_CYCLE_COLLECTION_SCRIPT_HOLDER_CLASS_INHERITED(Worker, DOMEventTargetHelper) static already_AddRefed Constructor(const GlobalObject& aGlobal, const nsAString& aScriptURL, const WorkerOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv); JSObject* WrapObject(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aGivenProto) override; Maybe GetDebuggerNotificationType() const override { return Some(EventCallbackDebuggerNotificationType::Worker); } // True if the worker is not yet closing from the perspective of this, the // owning thread, and therefore it's okay to post a message to the worker. // This is not a guarantee that the worker will process the message. // // This method will return false if `globalThis.close()` is invoked on the // worker before that method returns control to the caller and without waiting // for any task to be queued on this thread and run; this biases us to avoid // doing wasteful work but does mean if you are exposing something to content // that is specified to only transition as the result of a task, then you // should not use this method. // // The method name comes from // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/web-messaging.html#eligible-for-messaging // and is intended to convey whether it's okay to begin to take the steps to // create an `EventWithOptionsRunnable` to pass to `PostEventWithOptions`. // Note that early returning based on calling this method without performing // the structured serialization steps that would otherwise run is potentially // observable to content if content is in control of any of the payload in // such a way that an object with getters or a proxy could be provided. // // There is an identically named method on nsIGlobalObject and the semantics // are intentionally similar but please make sure you document your // assumptions when calling either method. bool IsEligibleForMessaging(); void PostMessage(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aMessage, const Sequence& aTransferable, ErrorResult& aRv); void PostMessage(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aMessage, const StructuredSerializeOptions& aOptions, ErrorResult& aRv); // Callers must call `IsEligibleForMessaging` before constructing an // `EventWithOptionsRunnable` subclass. void PostEventWithOptions(JSContext* aCx, JS::Handle aOptions, const Sequence& aTransferable, EventWithOptionsRunnable* aRunnable, ErrorResult& aRv); void Terminate(); IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(error) IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(message) IMPL_EVENT_HANDLER(messageerror) protected: Worker(nsIGlobalObject* aGlobalObject, already_AddRefed aWorkerPrivate); ~Worker(); friend class EventWithOptionsRunnable; RefPtr mWorkerPrivate; }; } // namespace mozilla::dom #endif /* mozilla_dom_Worker_h */