/** * Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var gTimeoutId; var gTimeoutCount = 0; var gIntervalCount = 0; function timeoutFunc() { if (++gTimeoutCount > 1) { throw new Error("Timeout called more than once!"); } postMessage("timeoutFinished"); } function intervalFunc() { if (++gIntervalCount == 2) { postMessage("intervalFinished"); } } function messageListener(event) { switch (event.data) { case "startTimeout": gTimeoutId = setTimeout(timeoutFunc, 2000); clearTimeout(gTimeoutId); gTimeoutId = setTimeout(timeoutFunc, 2000); break; case "startInterval": gTimeoutId = setInterval(intervalFunc, 2000); break; case "cancelInterval": clearInterval(gTimeoutId); postMessage("intervalCanceled"); break; case "startExpression": // eslint-disable-next-line no-implied-eval setTimeout("this.postMessage('expressionFinished');", 2000); break; default: throw "Bad message: " + event.data; } } addEventListener("message", messageListener, false);