"use strict"; /* eslint-disable mozilla/no-comparison-or-assignment-inside-ok */ SimpleTest.waitForExplicitFinish(); var gen = runTests(); function continueTest() { gen.next(); } function* runTests() { var expectHttp2Results = location.href.includes("http2"); var path = "/tests/dom/xhr/tests/"; var passFiles = [ ["file_XHR_pass1.xml", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/xml"], ["file_XHR_pass2.txt", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain"], ["file_XHR_pass3.txt", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain"], ["data:text/xml,%3Cres%3Ehello%3C/res%3E%0A", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/xml"], ["data:text/plain,hello%20pass%0A", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain"], ["data:,foo", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain;charset=US-ASCII", "foo"], ["data:text/plain;base64,Zm9v", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain", "foo"], ["data:text/plain,foo#bar", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain", "foo"], ["data:text/plain,foo%23bar", "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain", "foo#bar"], ]; var blob = new Blob(["foo"], { type: "text/plain" }); var blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(blob); passFiles.push([blobURL, "GET", 200, "OK", "text/plain", "foo"]); var failFiles = [ ["//example.com" + path + "file_XHR_pass1.xml", "GET"], ["ftp://localhost" + path + "file_XHR_pass1.xml", "GET"], ["file_XHR_fail1.txt", "GET"], ]; for (i = 0; i < passFiles.length; ++i) { // Function to give our hacked is() a scope (function (oldIs) { function is(actual, expected, message) { oldIs(actual, expected, message + " for " + passFiles[i][0]); } xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); is(xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), null, "should be null"); is(xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(), "", "should be empty string"); is(xhr.responseType, "", "wrong initial responseType"); xhr.open(passFiles[i][1], passFiles[i][0], false); xhr.send(null); is(xhr.status, passFiles[i][2], "wrong status"); // over HTTP2, no status text is received for network requests (but // data/blob URLs default to "200 OK" responses) let expectedStatusText = passFiles[i][3]; if ( expectHttp2Results && !passFiles[i][0].startsWith("data:") && !passFiles[i][0].startsWith("blob:") ) { expectedStatusText = ""; } is(xhr.statusText, expectedStatusText, "wrong statusText"); is( xhr.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"), passFiles[i][4], "wrong content type" ); var headers = xhr.getAllResponseHeaders(); ok( /(?:^|\n)Content-Type:\s*([^\r\n]*)\r\n/i.test(headers) && RegExp.$1 === passFiles[i][4], "wrong response headers" ); if (xhr.responseXML) { is( new XMLSerializer().serializeToString( xhr.responseXML.documentElement ), passFiles[i][5] || "<res>hello</res>", "wrong responseXML" ); is( xhr.response, passFiles[i][5] || "<res>hello</res>\n", "wrong response" ); } else { is( xhr.responseText, passFiles[i][5] || "hello pass\n", "wrong responseText" ); is(xhr.response, passFiles[i][5] || "hello pass\n", "wrong response"); } })(is); } URL.revokeObjectURL(blobURL); for (i = 0; i < failFiles.length; ++i) { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); let didthrow = false; try { xhr.open(failFiles[i][1], failFiles[i][0], false); xhr.send(null); } catch (e) { didthrow = true; } if (!didthrow) { is(xhr.status, 301, "wrong status"); is(xhr.responseText, "redirect file\n", "wrong response"); } else { ok(1, "should have thrown or given incorrect result"); } } function checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr) { let didthrow = false; try { xhr.responseText; } catch (e) { didthrow = true; } ok(didthrow, "should have thrown when accessing responseText"); } function checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr) { let didthrow = false; try { xhr.responseXML; } catch (e) { didthrow = true; } ok(didthrow, "should have thrown when accessing responseXML"); } function checkSetResponseType(xhr, type) { let didthrow = false; try { xhr.responseType = type; } catch (e) { didthrow = true; } is(xhr.responseType, type, "responseType should be " + type); ok(!didthrow, "should not have thrown when setting responseType"); } function checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, type) { let didthrow = false; try { xhr.responseType = type; } catch (e) { didthrow = true; } ok(didthrow, "should have thrown when setting responseType"); } function checkOpenThrows(xhr, method, url, async) { let didthrow = false; try { xhr.open(method, url, async); } catch (e) { didthrow = true; } ok(didthrow, "should have thrown when open is called"); } // test if setting responseType before calling open() works xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); checkSetResponseType(xhr, ""); checkSetResponseType(xhr, "text"); checkSetResponseType(xhr, "document"); checkSetResponseType(xhr, "arraybuffer"); checkSetResponseType(xhr, "blob"); checkSetResponseType(xhr, "json"); checkOpenThrows(xhr, "GET", "file_XHR_pass2.txt", false); // test response (sync, responseType is not changeable) xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_pass2.txt", false); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, ""); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "text"); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "document"); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "arraybuffer"); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "blob"); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "json"); xhr.send(null); checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "document"); is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); is(xhr.response, "hello pass\n", "wrong response"); // test response (responseType='document') xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_pass1.xml"); xhr.responseType = "document"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(null); yield undefined; checkSetResponseTypeThrows(xhr, "document"); is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr); is( new XMLSerializer().serializeToString(xhr.response.documentElement), "<res>hello</res>", "wrong response" ); // test response (responseType='text') xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_pass2.txt"); xhr.responseType = "text"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(null); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr); is(xhr.response, "hello pass\n", "wrong response"); // test response (responseType='arraybuffer') function arraybuffer_equals_to(ab, s) { is(ab.byteLength, s.length, "wrong arraybuffer byteLength"); var u8v = new Uint8Array(ab); is(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, u8v), s, "wrong values"); } // with a simple text file xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_pass2.txt"); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(null); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr); checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr); var ab = xhr.response; ok(ab != null, "should have a non-null arraybuffer"); arraybuffer_equals_to(ab, "hello pass\n"); // test reusing the same XHR (Bug 680816) xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_binary1.bin"); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(null); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); var ab2 = xhr.response; ok(ab2 != null, "should have a non-null arraybuffer"); ok(ab2 != ab, "arraybuffer on XHR reuse should be distinct"); arraybuffer_equals_to(ab, "hello pass\n"); arraybuffer_equals_to(ab2, "\xaa\xee\0\x03\xff\xff\xff\xff\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb"); // with a binary file xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_binary1.bin"); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(null); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr); checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr); ab = xhr.response; ok(ab != null, "should have a non-null arraybuffer"); arraybuffer_equals_to(ab, "\xaa\xee\0\x03\xff\xff\xff\xff\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb"); is(xhr.response, xhr.response, "returns the same ArrayBuffer"); // test response (responseType='json') var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", "responseIdentical.sjs"); xhr.responseType = "json"; var jsonObjStr = JSON.stringify({ title: "aBook", author: "john" }); xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(jsonObjStr); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr); checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr); is(JSON.stringify(xhr.response), jsonObjStr, "correct result"); is(xhr.response, xhr.response, "returning the same object on each access"); // with invalid json xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", "responseIdentical.sjs"); xhr.responseType = "json"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send("{"); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr); checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr); is(xhr.response, null, "Bad JSON should result in null response."); is( xhr.response, null, "Bad JSON should result in null response even 2nd time." ); // Test status/statusText in all readyStates xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); function checkXHRStatus() { if (xhr.readyState == xhr.UNSENT || xhr.readyState == xhr.OPENED) { is(xhr.status, 0, "should be 0 before getting data"); is(xhr.statusText, "", "should be empty before getting data"); } else { is(xhr.status, 200, "should be 200 when we have data"); if (expectHttp2Results) { is(xhr.statusText, "", "should be '' when over HTTP2"); } else { is(xhr.statusText, "OK", "should be OK when we have data"); } } } checkXHRStatus(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_binary1.bin"); checkXHRStatus(); xhr.responseType = "arraybuffer"; xhr.send(null); xhr.onreadystatechange = continueTest; while (xhr.readyState != 4) { checkXHRStatus(); yield undefined; } checkXHRStatus(); // test response (responseType='blob') // with a simple text file xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_pass2.txt"); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.onloadend = continueTest; xhr.send(null); yield undefined; is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); checkResponseTextAccessThrows(xhr); checkResponseXMLAccessThrows(xhr); var b = xhr.response; ok(b, "should have a non-null blob"); ok(b instanceof Blob, "should be a Blob"); ok(!(b instanceof File), "should not be a File"); is(b.size, "hello pass\n".length, "wrong blob size"); var fr = new FileReader(); fr.onload = continueTest; fr.readAsBinaryString(b); yield undefined; is(fr.result, "hello pass\n", "wrong values"); // with a binary file xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_binary1.bin", true); xhr.send(null); xhr.onreadystatechange = continueTest; while (xhr.readyState != 2) { yield undefined; } is(xhr.status, 200, "wrong status"); xhr.responseType = "blob"; while (xhr.readyState != 4) { yield undefined; } xhr.onreadystatechange = null; b = xhr.response; ok(b != null, "should have a non-null blob"); is(b.size, 12, "wrong blob size"); fr = new FileReader(); fr.readAsBinaryString(b); xhr = null; // kill the XHR object b = null; SpecialPowers.gc(); fr.onload = continueTest; yield undefined; is( fr.result, "\xaa\xee\0\x03\xff\xff\xff\xff\xbb\xbb\xbb\xbb", "wrong values" ); // with a larger binary file xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("GET", "file_XHR_binary2.bin", true); xhr.responseType = "blob"; xhr.send(null); xhr.onreadystatechange = continueTest; while (xhr.readyState != 4) { yield undefined; } xhr.onreadystatechange = null; b = xhr.response; ok(b != null, "should have a non-null blob"); is(b.size, 65536, "wrong blob size"); fr = new FileReader(); fr.readAsArrayBuffer(b); fr.onload = continueTest; xhr = null; // kill the XHR object b = null; SpecialPowers.gc(); yield undefined; var u8 = new Uint8Array(fr.result); for (var i = 0; i < 65536; i++) { if (u8[i] !== (i & 255)) { break; } } is(i, 65536, "wrong value at offset " + i); var client = new XMLHttpRequest(); client.open("GET", "file_XHR_pass1.xml", true); client.send(); client.onreadystatechange = function () { if (client.readyState == 4) { try { is(client.responseXML, null, "responseXML should be null."); is(client.responseText, "", "responseText should be empty string."); is(client.response, "", "response should be empty string."); is(client.status, 0, "status should be 0."); is(client.statusText, "", "statusText should be empty string."); is( client.getAllResponseHeaders(), "", "getAllResponseHeaders() should return empty string." ); } catch (ex) { ok(false, "Shouldn't throw! [" + ex + "]"); } } }; client.abort(); SimpleTest.finish(); } /* runTests */