var xhr; var myself; async function handleLoadstart() { try {"POST", "FOOBAR", false); // This will potentially queue another "loadstart" event // before we can catch (err). But the order should be // guaranteed, that is the first postMessage arriving at // our parent is from the first catch (err). xhr.send(); myself.postMessage("MissingError"); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof DOMException) { // This is what we expect to happen on the first error // and the parent will check for this to arrive. myself.postMessage("DOMException"); } else { myself.postMessage("OtherError"); } // Let's ensure we still bail out from the processing. xhr.removeEventListener("loadstart", handleLoadstart, true); throw err; } } self.onmessage = async function () { xhr = new XMLHttpRequest({ mozAnon: false }); myself = self; xhr.addEventListener("loadstart", handleLoadstart, true);"POST", "FOOBAR", false); xhr.send(); postMessage("TERMINATE"); };