/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ var pm; // Create a principal based on the { origin, originAttributes }. function createPrincipal(aOrigin, aOriginAttributes) { return Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( NetUtil.newURI(aOrigin), aOriginAttributes ); } function getData(aPattern) { return JSON.stringify(aPattern); } // Use aEntries to create principals, add permissions to them and check that they have them. // Then, it is removing origin attributes with the given aData and check if the permissions // of principals[i] matches the permission in aResults[i]. function test(aEntries, aData, aResults) { let principals = []; for (const entry of aEntries) { principals.push(createPrincipal(entry.origin, entry.originAttributes)); } for (const principal of principals) { Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, "test/clear-origin"), pm.UNKNOWN_ACTION ); pm.addFromPrincipal( principal, "test/clear-origin", pm.ALLOW_ACTION, pm.EXPIRE_NEVER, 0 ); Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principal, "test/clear-origin"), pm.ALLOW_ACTION ); } // `clear-origin-attributes-data` notification is removed from permission // manager pm.removePermissionsWithAttributes(aData); var length = aEntries.length; for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) { Assert.equal( pm.testPermissionFromPrincipal(principals[i], "test/clear-origin"), aResults[i] ); // Remove allowed actions. if (aResults[i] == pm.ALLOW_ACTION) { pm.removeFromPrincipal(principals[i], "test/clear-origin"); } } } function run_test() { do_get_profile(); pm = Services.perms; let entries = [{ origin: "http://example.com", originAttributes: {} }]; // In that case, all permissions should be removed. test(entries, getData({}), [ pm.UNKNOWN_ACTION, pm.UNKNOWN_ACTION, pm.ALLOW_ACTION, pm.ALLOW_ACTION, ]); }