// GENERATED FILE - DO NOT EDIT. // Generated by generate_entry_points.py using data from gl.xml and gl_angle_ext.xml. // // Copyright 2020 The ANGLE Project Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be // found in the LICENSE file. // // validationES1_autogen.h: // Validation functions for the OpenGL ES 1.0 entry points. #ifndef LIBANGLE_VALIDATION_ES1_AUTOGEN_H_ #define LIBANGLE_VALIDATION_ES1_AUTOGEN_H_ #include "common/PackedEnums.h" #include "common/entry_points_enum_autogen.h" namespace gl { class Context; bool ValidateAlphaFunc(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, AlphaTestFunc funcPacked, GLfloat ref); bool ValidateAlphaFuncx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, AlphaTestFunc funcPacked, GLfixed ref); bool ValidateClearColorx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); bool ValidateClearDepthx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed depth); bool ValidateClientActiveTexture(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum texture); bool ValidateClipPlanef(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum p, const GLfloat *eqn); bool ValidateClipPlanex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation); bool ValidateColor4f(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat red, GLfloat green, GLfloat blue, GLfloat alpha); bool ValidateColor4ub(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLubyte red, GLubyte green, GLubyte blue, GLubyte alpha); bool ValidateColor4x(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed red, GLfixed green, GLfixed blue, GLfixed alpha); bool ValidateColorPointer(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLint size, VertexAttribType typePacked, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer); bool ValidateDepthRangex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed n, GLfixed f); bool ValidateDisableClientState(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, ClientVertexArrayType arrayPacked); bool ValidateEnableClientState(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, ClientVertexArrayType arrayPacked); bool ValidateFogf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); bool ValidateFogfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateFogx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); bool ValidateFogxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *param); bool ValidateFrustumf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat l, GLfloat r, GLfloat b, GLfloat t, GLfloat n, GLfloat f); bool ValidateFrustumx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed l, GLfixed r, GLfixed b, GLfixed t, GLfixed n, GLfixed f); bool ValidateGetClipPlanef(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum plane, const GLfloat *equation); bool ValidateGetClipPlanex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum plane, const GLfixed *equation); bool ValidateGetFixedv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateGetLightfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum light, LightParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateGetLightxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum light, LightParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateGetMaterialfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum face, MaterialParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateGetMaterialxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum face, MaterialParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateGetTexEnvfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateGetTexEnviv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, const GLint *params); bool ValidateGetTexEnvxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateGetTexParameterxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureType targetPacked, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateLightModelf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, GLfloat param); bool ValidateLightModelfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateLightModelx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); bool ValidateLightModelxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *param); bool ValidateLightf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum light, LightParameter pnamePacked, GLfloat param); bool ValidateLightfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum light, LightParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateLightx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum light, LightParameter pnamePacked, GLfixed param); bool ValidateLightxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum light, LightParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateLineWidthx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed width); bool ValidateLoadIdentity(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); bool ValidateLoadMatrixf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, const GLfloat *m); bool ValidateLoadMatrixx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, const GLfixed *m); bool ValidateLogicOp(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, LogicalOperation opcodePacked); bool ValidateMaterialf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum face, MaterialParameter pnamePacked, GLfloat param); bool ValidateMaterialfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum face, MaterialParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateMaterialx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum face, MaterialParameter pnamePacked, GLfixed param); bool ValidateMaterialxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum face, MaterialParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *param); bool ValidateMatrixMode(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, MatrixType modePacked); bool ValidateMultMatrixf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, const GLfloat *m); bool ValidateMultMatrixx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, const GLfixed *m); bool ValidateMultiTexCoord4f(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum target, GLfloat s, GLfloat t, GLfloat r, GLfloat q); bool ValidateMultiTexCoord4x(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLenum texture, GLfixed s, GLfixed t, GLfixed r, GLfixed q); bool ValidateNormal3f(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat nx, GLfloat ny, GLfloat nz); bool ValidateNormal3x(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed nx, GLfixed ny, GLfixed nz); bool ValidateNormalPointer(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, VertexAttribType typePacked, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer); bool ValidateOrthof(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat l, GLfloat r, GLfloat b, GLfloat t, GLfloat n, GLfloat f); bool ValidateOrthox(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed l, GLfixed r, GLfixed b, GLfixed t, GLfixed n, GLfixed f); bool ValidatePointParameterf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, PointParameter pnamePacked, GLfloat param); bool ValidatePointParameterfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, PointParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidatePointParameterx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, PointParameter pnamePacked, GLfixed param); bool ValidatePointParameterxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, PointParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidatePointSize(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat size); bool ValidatePointSizex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed size); bool ValidatePolygonOffsetx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed factor, GLfixed units); bool ValidatePopMatrix(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); bool ValidatePushMatrix(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint); bool ValidateRotatef(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat angle, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); bool ValidateRotatex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed angle, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); bool ValidateSampleCoveragex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLclampx value, GLboolean invert); bool ValidateScalef(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); bool ValidateScalex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); bool ValidateShadeModel(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, ShadingModel modePacked); bool ValidateTexCoordPointer(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLint size, VertexAttribType typePacked, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer); bool ValidateTexEnvf(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, GLfloat param); bool ValidateTexEnvfv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, const GLfloat *params); bool ValidateTexEnvi(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, GLint param); bool ValidateTexEnviv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, const GLint *params); bool ValidateTexEnvx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, GLfixed param); bool ValidateTexEnvxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureEnvTarget targetPacked, TextureEnvParameter pnamePacked, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateTexParameterx(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureType targetPacked, GLenum pname, GLfixed param); bool ValidateTexParameterxv(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, TextureType targetPacked, GLenum pname, const GLfixed *params); bool ValidateTranslatef(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfloat x, GLfloat y, GLfloat z); bool ValidateTranslatex(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLfixed x, GLfixed y, GLfixed z); bool ValidateVertexPointer(const Context *context, angle::EntryPoint entryPoint, GLint size, VertexAttribType typePacked, GLsizei stride, const void *pointer); } // namespace gl #endif // LIBANGLE_VALIDATION_ES1_AUTOGEN_H_