/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ #include "gtest/gtest.h" #include "gtest/MozGTestBench.h" #include "gmock/gmock.h" #include "mozilla/ArrayUtils.h" #include "mozilla/UniquePtr.h" #include "mozilla/SSE.h" #include "mozilla/arm.h" #include "qcms.h" #include "qcmsint.h" #include <cmath> /* SSEv1 is only included in non-Windows or non-x86-64-bit builds. */ #if defined(MOZILLA_MAY_SUPPORT_SSE) && \ (!(defined(_MSC_VER) && defined(_M_AMD64))) # define QCMS_MAY_SUPPORT_SSE #endif using namespace mozilla; static bool CmpRgbChannel(const uint8_t* aRef, const uint8_t* aTest, size_t aIndex) { return std::abs(static_cast<int8_t>(aRef[aIndex] - aTest[aIndex])) <= 1; } template <bool kSwapRB, bool kHasAlpha> static bool CmpRgbBufferImpl(const uint8_t* aRefBuffer, const uint8_t* aTestBuffer, size_t aPixels) { const size_t pixelSize = kHasAlpha ? 4 : 3; if (memcmp(aRefBuffer, aTestBuffer, aPixels * pixelSize) == 0) { return true; } const size_t kRIndex = kSwapRB ? 2 : 0; const size_t kGIndex = 1; const size_t kBIndex = kSwapRB ? 0 : 2; const size_t kAIndex = 3; size_t remaining = aPixels; const uint8_t* ref = aRefBuffer; const uint8_t* test = aTestBuffer; while (remaining > 0) { if (!CmpRgbChannel(ref, test, kRIndex) || !CmpRgbChannel(ref, test, kGIndex) || !CmpRgbChannel(ref, test, kBIndex) || (kHasAlpha && ref[kAIndex] != test[kAIndex])) { EXPECT_EQ(test[kRIndex], ref[kRIndex]); EXPECT_EQ(test[kGIndex], ref[kGIndex]); EXPECT_EQ(test[kBIndex], ref[kBIndex]); if (kHasAlpha) { EXPECT_EQ(test[kAIndex], ref[kAIndex]); } return false; } --remaining; ref += pixelSize; test += pixelSize; } return true; } template <bool kSwapRB, bool kHasAlpha> static size_t GetRgbInputBufferImpl(UniquePtr<uint8_t[]>& aOutBuffer) { const uint8_t colorSamples[] = {0, 5, 16, 43, 101, 127, 182, 255}; const size_t colorSampleMax = sizeof(colorSamples) / sizeof(uint8_t); const size_t pixelSize = kHasAlpha ? 4 : 3; const size_t pixelCount = colorSampleMax * colorSampleMax * 256 * 3; aOutBuffer = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(pixelCount * pixelSize); if (!aOutBuffer) { return 0; } const size_t kRIndex = kSwapRB ? 2 : 0; const size_t kGIndex = 1; const size_t kBIndex = kSwapRB ? 0 : 2; const size_t kAIndex = 3; // Sample every red pixel value with a subset of green and blue. uint8_t* color = aOutBuffer.get(); for (uint16_t r = 0; r < 256; ++r) { for (uint8_t g : colorSamples) { for (uint8_t b : colorSamples) { color[kRIndex] = r; color[kGIndex] = g; color[kBIndex] = b; if (kHasAlpha) { color[kAIndex] = 0x80; } color += pixelSize; } } } // Sample every green pixel value with a subset of red and blue. for (uint8_t r : colorSamples) { for (uint16_t g = 0; g < 256; ++g) { for (uint8_t b : colorSamples) { color[kRIndex] = r; color[kGIndex] = g; color[kBIndex] = b; if (kHasAlpha) { color[kAIndex] = 0x80; } color += pixelSize; } } } // Sample every blue pixel value with a subset of red and green. for (uint8_t r : colorSamples) { for (uint8_t g : colorSamples) { for (uint16_t b = 0; b < 256; ++b) { color[kRIndex] = r; color[kGIndex] = g; color[kBIndex] = b; if (kHasAlpha) { color[kAIndex] = 0x80; } color += pixelSize; } } } return pixelCount; } static size_t GetRgbInputBuffer(UniquePtr<uint8_t[]>& aOutBuffer) { return GetRgbInputBufferImpl<false, false>(aOutBuffer); } static size_t GetRgbaInputBuffer(UniquePtr<uint8_t[]>& aOutBuffer) { return GetRgbInputBufferImpl<false, true>(aOutBuffer); } static size_t GetBgraInputBuffer(UniquePtr<uint8_t[]>& aOutBuffer) { return GetRgbInputBufferImpl<true, true>(aOutBuffer); } static bool CmpRgbBuffer(const uint8_t* aRefBuffer, const uint8_t* aTestBuffer, size_t aPixels) { return CmpRgbBufferImpl<false, false>(aRefBuffer, aTestBuffer, aPixels); } static bool CmpRgbaBuffer(const uint8_t* aRefBuffer, const uint8_t* aTestBuffer, size_t aPixels) { return CmpRgbBufferImpl<false, true>(aRefBuffer, aTestBuffer, aPixels); } static bool CmpBgraBuffer(const uint8_t* aRefBuffer, const uint8_t* aTestBuffer, size_t aPixels) { return CmpRgbBufferImpl<true, true>(aRefBuffer, aTestBuffer, aPixels); } static void ClearRgbBuffer(uint8_t* aBuffer, size_t aPixels) { if (aBuffer) { memset(aBuffer, 0, aPixels * 3); } } static void ClearRgbaBuffer(uint8_t* aBuffer, size_t aPixels) { if (aBuffer) { memset(aBuffer, 0, aPixels * 4); } } static UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> GetRgbOutputBuffer(size_t aPixels) { UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> buffer = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(aPixels * 3); ClearRgbBuffer(buffer.get(), aPixels); return buffer; } static UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> GetRgbaOutputBuffer(size_t aPixels) { UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> buffer = MakeUnique<uint8_t[]>(aPixels * 4); ClearRgbaBuffer(buffer.get(), aPixels); return buffer; } class GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase : public ::testing::Test { protected: GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase() : mInProfile(nullptr), mOutProfile(nullptr), mTransform(nullptr), mPixels(0), mStorageType(QCMS_DATA_RGB_8), mPrecache(false) {} void SetUp() override { // XXX: This means that we can't have qcms v2 unit test // without changing the qcms API. qcms_enable_iccv4(); } void TearDown() override { if (mInProfile) { qcms_profile_release(mInProfile); } if (mOutProfile) { qcms_profile_release(mOutProfile); } if (mTransform) { qcms_transform_release(mTransform); } } bool SetTransform(qcms_transform* aTransform) { if (mTransform) { qcms_transform_release(mTransform); } mTransform = aTransform; return !!mTransform; } bool SetTransform(qcms_data_type aType) { return SetTransform(qcms_transform_create(mInProfile, aType, mOutProfile, aType, QCMS_INTENT_DEFAULT)); } bool SetBuffers(qcms_data_type aType) { switch (aType) { case QCMS_DATA_RGB_8: mPixels = GetRgbInputBuffer(mInput); mRef = GetRgbOutputBuffer(mPixels); mOutput = GetRgbOutputBuffer(mPixels); break; case QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8: mPixels = GetRgbaInputBuffer(mInput); mRef = GetRgbaOutputBuffer(mPixels); mOutput = GetRgbaOutputBuffer(mPixels); break; case QCMS_DATA_BGRA_8: mPixels = GetBgraInputBuffer(mInput); mRef = GetRgbaOutputBuffer(mPixels); mOutput = GetRgbaOutputBuffer(mPixels); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown type!"); break; } mStorageType = aType; return mInput && mOutput && mRef && mPixels > 0u; } void ClearOutputBuffer() { switch (mStorageType) { case QCMS_DATA_RGB_8: ClearRgbBuffer(mOutput.get(), mPixels); break; case QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8: case QCMS_DATA_BGRA_8: ClearRgbaBuffer(mOutput.get(), mPixels); break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown type!"); break; } } void ProduceRef(transform_fn_t aFn) { aFn(mTransform, mInput.get(), mRef.get(), mPixels); } void CopyInputToRef() { size_t pixelSize = 0; switch (mStorageType) { case QCMS_DATA_RGB_8: pixelSize = 3; break; case QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8: case QCMS_DATA_BGRA_8: pixelSize = 4; break; default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown type!"); break; } memcpy(mRef.get(), mInput.get(), mPixels * pixelSize); } void ProduceOutput(transform_fn_t aFn) { ClearOutputBuffer(); aFn(mTransform, mInput.get(), mOutput.get(), mPixels); } bool VerifyOutput(const UniquePtr<uint8_t[]>& aBuf) { switch (mStorageType) { case QCMS_DATA_RGB_8: return CmpRgbBuffer(aBuf.get(), mOutput.get(), mPixels); case QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8: return CmpRgbaBuffer(aBuf.get(), mOutput.get(), mPixels); case QCMS_DATA_BGRA_8: return CmpBgraBuffer(aBuf.get(), mOutput.get(), mPixels); default: MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("Unknown type!"); break; } return false; } bool ProduceVerifyOutput(transform_fn_t aFn) { ProduceOutput(aFn); return VerifyOutput(mRef); } void PrecacheOutput() { qcms_profile_precache_output_transform(mOutProfile); mPrecache = true; } qcms_profile* mInProfile; qcms_profile* mOutProfile; qcms_transform* mTransform; UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mInput; UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mOutput; UniquePtr<uint8_t[]> mRef; size_t mPixels; qcms_data_type mStorageType; bool mPrecache; }; class GfxQcms_sRGB_To_sRGB : public GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase { protected: void SetUp() override { GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase::SetUp(); mInProfile = qcms_profile_sRGB(); mOutProfile = qcms_profile_sRGB(); } }; class GfxQcms_sRGB_To_SamsungSyncmaster : public GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase { protected: void SetUp() override { GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase::SetUp(); mInProfile = qcms_profile_sRGB(); mOutProfile = qcms_profile_from_path("lcms_samsung_syncmaster.icc"); } }; class GfxQcms_sRGB_To_ThinkpadW540 : public GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase { protected: void SetUp() override { GfxQcms_ProfilePairBase::SetUp(); mInProfile = qcms_profile_sRGB(); mOutProfile = qcms_profile_from_path("lcms_thinkpad_w540.icc"); } }; TEST_F(GfxQcms_sRGB_To_sRGB, TransformIdentity) { PrecacheOutput(); SetBuffers(QCMS_DATA_RGB_8); SetTransform(QCMS_DATA_RGB_8); qcms_transform_data(mTransform, mInput.get(), mOutput.get(), mPixels); EXPECT_TRUE(VerifyOutput(mInput)); } class GfxQcmsPerf_Base : public GfxQcms_sRGB_To_ThinkpadW540 { protected: explicit GfxQcmsPerf_Base(qcms_data_type aType) { mStorageType = aType; } void TransformPerf() { ProduceRef(qcms_transform_data_rgb_out_lut_precache); } void TransformPlatformPerf() { qcms_transform_data(mTransform, mInput.get(), mRef.get(), mPixels); } void SetUp() override { GfxQcms_sRGB_To_ThinkpadW540::SetUp(); PrecacheOutput(); SetBuffers(mStorageType); SetTransform(mStorageType); } }; class GfxQcmsPerf_Rgb : public GfxQcmsPerf_Base { protected: GfxQcmsPerf_Rgb() : GfxQcmsPerf_Base(QCMS_DATA_RGB_8) {} }; class GfxQcmsPerf_Rgba : public GfxQcmsPerf_Base { protected: GfxQcmsPerf_Rgba() : GfxQcmsPerf_Base(QCMS_DATA_RGBA_8) {} }; class GfxQcmsPerf_Bgra : public GfxQcmsPerf_Base { protected: GfxQcmsPerf_Bgra() : GfxQcmsPerf_Base(QCMS_DATA_BGRA_8) {} }; MOZ_GTEST_BENCH_F(GfxQcmsPerf_Rgb, TransformC, [this] { TransformPerf(); }); MOZ_GTEST_BENCH_F(GfxQcmsPerf_Rgb, TransformPlatform, [this] { TransformPlatformPerf(); }); MOZ_GTEST_BENCH_F(GfxQcmsPerf_Rgba, TransformC, [this] { TransformPerf(); }); MOZ_GTEST_BENCH_F(GfxQcmsPerf_Rgba, TransformPlatform, [this] { TransformPlatformPerf(); }); MOZ_GTEST_BENCH_F(GfxQcmsPerf_Bgra, TransformC, [this] { TransformPerf(); }); MOZ_GTEST_BENCH_F(GfxQcmsPerf_Bgra, TransformPlatform, [this] { TransformPlatformPerf(); });