schema: 1 bugzilla: product: Core component: WebVR origin: name: openvr description: OpenVR API interface url: release: v1.11.11 (2020-04-23T17:06:49-08:00). revision: v1.11.11 license: BSD-3-Clause vendoring: url: source-hosting: github tracking: tag exclude: - "**" include: - LICENSE - - headers/openvr.h - src/README - src/*.h - src/*.cpp - src/vrcommon update-actions: - action: move-dir from: '{vendor_dir}/src/vrcommon' to: '{vendor_dir}/src' # The "src/jsoncpp.cpp" file and the "src/json" directory can be skipped. OpenVR # uses the jsoncpp library, which we have already imported elsewhere. If # warnings about using deprecated jsoncpp classes show up during compilation # you might need to reapply the patch in bug 1598288. It replaces uses of the # `Json::Reader` and `Json::StyledWriter` classes with the more modern # `Json::CharReaderBuilder` and `Json::StreamWriterBuilder`. - action: delete-path path: '{vendor_dir}/src/jsoncpp.cpp' patches: - "mozilla.patch"