/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /// The common infrastructure for ps_quad_* shaders. /// /// # Memory layout /// /// The diagram below shows the the various pieces of data fectched in the vertex shader: /// ///```ascii /// (int gpu buffer) /// +---------------+ (sGpuCache) /// (instance-step vertex attr) | Int header | +-----------+ /// +-----------------------------+ | | | Transform | /// | Quad instance (uvec4) | +--> | transform id +--> +-----------+ /// | | | | z id | /// | x: int prim address +---+ +---------------+ (float gpu buffer) /// | y: float prim address +--------------------------> +-----------+--------------+-+-+ /// | z: quad flags | (sGpuCache) | Quad Prim | Quad Segment | | | /// | edge flags | +--------------------+ | | | | | /// | part index | | Picture task | | bounds | rect | | | /// | segment index | | | | clip | uv rect | | | /// | w: picture task address +--> | task rect | | color | | | | /// +-----------------------------+ | device pixel scale | +-----------+--------------+-+-+ /// | content origin | /// +--------------------+ /// /// To use the quad infrastructure, a shader must define the following entry /// points in the corresponding shader stages: /// - void pattern_vertex(PrimitiveInfo prim) /// - vec4 pattern_fragment(vec4 base_color) ///``` #define WR_FEATURE_TEXTURE_2D #include shared,rect,transform,render_task,gpu_buffer flat varying mediump vec4 v_color; flat varying mediump vec4 v_uv_sample_bounds; // x: (in ps_quad_textured) has edge flags // y: has uv rect // z: (in ps_quad_textured) sample as mask flat varying lowp ivec4 v_flags; varying highp vec2 v_uv; #ifndef SWGL_ANTIALIAS varying highp vec2 vLocalPos; #endif #ifdef WR_VERTEX_SHADER #define EDGE_AA_LEFT 1 #define EDGE_AA_TOP 2 #define EDGE_AA_RIGHT 4 #define EDGE_AA_BOTTOM 8 #define PART_CENTER 0 #define PART_LEFT 1 #define PART_TOP 2 #define PART_RIGHT 3 #define PART_BOTTOM 4 #define PART_ALL 5 #define QF_IS_OPAQUE 1 #define QF_APPLY_DEVICE_CLIP 2 #define QF_IGNORE_DEVICE_SCALE 4 #define QF_USE_AA_SEGMENTS 8 #define QF_SAMPLE_AS_MASK 16 #define INVALID_SEGMENT_INDEX 0xff #define AA_PIXEL_RADIUS 2.0 PER_INSTANCE in ivec4 aData; struct PrimitiveInfo { vec2 local_pos; RectWithEndpoint local_prim_rect; RectWithEndpoint local_clip_rect; int edge_flags; int quad_flags; ivec2 pattern_input; }; struct QuadSegment { RectWithEndpoint rect; vec4 uv_rect; }; struct QuadPrimitive { RectWithEndpoint bounds; RectWithEndpoint clip; vec4 color; }; QuadSegment fetch_segment(int base, int index) { QuadSegment seg; vec4 texels[2] = fetch_from_gpu_buffer_2f(base + 3 + index * 2); seg.rect = RectWithEndpoint(texels[0].xy, texels[0].zw); seg.uv_rect = texels[1]; return seg; } QuadPrimitive fetch_primitive(int index) { QuadPrimitive prim; vec4 texels[3] = fetch_from_gpu_buffer_3f(index); prim.bounds = RectWithEndpoint(texels[0].xy, texels[0].zw); prim.clip = RectWithEndpoint(texels[1].xy, texels[1].zw); prim.color = texels[2]; return prim; } struct QuadHeader { int transform_id; int z_id; ivec2 pattern_input; }; QuadHeader fetch_header(int address) { ivec4 header = fetch_from_gpu_buffer_1i(address); QuadHeader qh = QuadHeader( header.x, header.y, header.zw ); return qh; } struct QuadInstance { // x int prim_address_i; // y int prim_address_f; // z int quad_flags; int edge_flags; int part_index; int segment_index; // w int picture_task_address; }; QuadInstance decode_instance() { QuadInstance qi = QuadInstance( aData.x, aData.y, (aData.z >> 24) & 0xff, (aData.z >> 16) & 0xff, (aData.z >> 8) & 0xff, (aData.z >> 0) & 0xff, aData.w ); return qi; } struct VertexInfo { vec2 local_pos; }; VertexInfo write_vertex(vec2 local_pos, float z, Transform transform, vec2 content_origin, RectWithEndpoint task_rect, float device_pixel_scale, int quad_flags) { VertexInfo vi; // Transform the current vertex to world space. vec4 world_pos = transform.m * vec4(local_pos, 0.0, 1.0); // Convert the world positions to device pixel space. vec2 device_pos = world_pos.xy * device_pixel_scale; if ((quad_flags & QF_APPLY_DEVICE_CLIP) != 0) { RectWithEndpoint device_clip_rect = RectWithEndpoint( content_origin, content_origin + task_rect.p1 - task_rect.p0 ); // Clip to task rect device_pos = rect_clamp(device_clip_rect, device_pos); vi.local_pos = (transform.inv_m * vec4(device_pos / device_pixel_scale, 0.0, 1.0)).xy; } else { vi.local_pos = local_pos; } // Apply offsets for the render task to get correct screen location. vec2 final_offset = -content_origin + task_rect.p0; gl_Position = uTransform * vec4(device_pos + final_offset * world_pos.w, z * world_pos.w, world_pos.w); return vi; } float edge_aa_offset(int edge, int flags) { return ((flags & edge) != 0) ? AA_PIXEL_RADIUS : 0.0; } #ifdef WR_VERTEX_SHADER void pattern_vertex(PrimitiveInfo prim); #endif PrimitiveInfo quad_primive_info(void) { QuadInstance qi = decode_instance(); QuadHeader qh = fetch_header(qi.prim_address_i); Transform transform = fetch_transform(qh.transform_id); PictureTask task = fetch_picture_task(qi.picture_task_address); QuadPrimitive prim = fetch_primitive(qi.prim_address_f); float z = float(qh.z_id); QuadSegment seg; if (qi.segment_index == INVALID_SEGMENT_INDEX) { seg.rect = prim.bounds; seg.uv_rect = vec4(0.0); } else { seg = fetch_segment(qi.prim_address_f, qi.segment_index); } // The local space rect that we will draw, which is effectively: // - The tile within the primitive we will draw // - Intersected with any local-space clip rect(s) // - Expanded for AA edges where appropriate RectWithEndpoint local_coverage_rect = seg.rect; // Apply local clip rect local_coverage_rect.p0 = max(local_coverage_rect.p0, prim.clip.p0); local_coverage_rect.p1 = min(local_coverage_rect.p1, prim.clip.p1); local_coverage_rect.p1 = max(local_coverage_rect.p0, local_coverage_rect.p1); switch (qi.part_index) { case PART_LEFT: local_coverage_rect.p1.x = local_coverage_rect.p0.x + AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #ifdef SWGL_ANTIALIAS swgl_antiAlias(EDGE_AA_LEFT); #else local_coverage_rect.p0.x -= AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p0.y -= AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p1.y += AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #endif break; case PART_TOP: local_coverage_rect.p0.x = local_coverage_rect.p0.x + AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p1.x = local_coverage_rect.p1.x - AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p1.y = local_coverage_rect.p0.y + AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #ifdef SWGL_ANTIALIAS swgl_antiAlias(EDGE_AA_TOP); #else local_coverage_rect.p0.y -= AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #endif break; case PART_RIGHT: local_coverage_rect.p0.x = local_coverage_rect.p1.x - AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #ifdef SWGL_ANTIALIAS swgl_antiAlias(EDGE_AA_RIGHT); #else local_coverage_rect.p1.x += AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p0.y -= AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p1.y += AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #endif break; case PART_BOTTOM: local_coverage_rect.p0.x = local_coverage_rect.p0.x + AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p1.x = local_coverage_rect.p1.x - AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; local_coverage_rect.p0.y = local_coverage_rect.p1.y - AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #ifdef SWGL_ANTIALIAS swgl_antiAlias(EDGE_AA_BOTTOM); #else local_coverage_rect.p1.y += AA_PIXEL_RADIUS; #endif break; case PART_CENTER: local_coverage_rect.p0.x += edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_LEFT, qi.edge_flags); local_coverage_rect.p1.x -= edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_RIGHT, qi.edge_flags); local_coverage_rect.p0.y += edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_TOP, qi.edge_flags); local_coverage_rect.p1.y -= edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_BOTTOM, qi.edge_flags); break; case PART_ALL: default: #ifdef SWGL_ANTIALIAS swgl_antiAlias(qi.edge_flags); #else local_coverage_rect.p0.x -= edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_LEFT, qi.edge_flags); local_coverage_rect.p1.x += edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_RIGHT, qi.edge_flags); local_coverage_rect.p0.y -= edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_TOP, qi.edge_flags); local_coverage_rect.p1.y += edge_aa_offset(EDGE_AA_BOTTOM, qi.edge_flags); #endif break; } vec2 local_pos = mix(local_coverage_rect.p0, local_coverage_rect.p1, aPosition); float device_pixel_scale = task.device_pixel_scale; if ((qi.quad_flags & QF_IGNORE_DEVICE_SCALE) != 0) { device_pixel_scale = 1.0f; } VertexInfo vi = write_vertex( local_pos, z, transform, task.content_origin, task.task_rect, device_pixel_scale, qi.quad_flags ); if (seg.uv_rect.xy == seg.uv_rect.zw) { v_color = prim.color; v_flags.y = 0; } else { v_color = vec4(1.0); v_flags.y = 1; vec2 f = (vi.local_pos - seg.rect.p0) / (seg.rect.p1 - seg.rect.p0); vec2 uv = mix( seg.uv_rect.xy, seg.uv_rect.zw, f ); vec2 texture_size = vec2(TEX_SIZE(sColor0)); v_uv = uv / texture_size; v_uv_sample_bounds = vec4( seg.uv_rect.xy + vec2(0.5), seg.uv_rect.zw - vec2(0.5) ) / texture_size.xyxy; } return PrimitiveInfo( vi.local_pos, prim.bounds, prim.clip, qi.edge_flags, qi.quad_flags, qh.pattern_input ); } void antialiasing_vertex(PrimitiveInfo prim) { #ifndef SWGL_ANTIALIAS // This does the setup that is required for init_tranform_vs. RectWithEndpoint xf_bounds = RectWithEndpoint( max(prim.local_prim_rect.p0, prim.local_clip_rect.p0), min(prim.local_prim_rect.p1, prim.local_clip_rect.p1) ); vTransformBounds = vec4(xf_bounds.p0, xf_bounds.p1); vLocalPos = prim.local_pos; if (prim.edge_flags == 0) { v_flags.x = 0; } else { v_flags.x = 1; } #endif } void main() { PrimitiveInfo prim = quad_primive_info(); antialiasing_vertex(prim); pattern_vertex(prim); } #endif #ifdef WR_FRAGMENT_SHADER vec4 pattern_fragment(vec4 base_color); float antialiasing_fragment() { float alpha = 1.0; #ifndef SWGL_ANTIALIAS if (v_flags.x != 0) { alpha = init_transform_fs(vLocalPos); } #endif return alpha; } void main() { vec4 base_color = v_color; base_color *= antialiasing_fragment(); oFragColor = pattern_fragment(base_color); } #endif