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/// This shader applies a (rounded) rectangle mask to the content of the framebuffer.

#include ps_quad,ellipse

varying highp vec4 vClipLocalPos;

flat varying highp vec3 v_clip_params;      // xy = box size, z = radius
flat varying highp vec4 vClipCenter_Radius_TL;
flat varying highp vec4 vClipCenter_Radius_TR;
flat varying highp vec4 vClipCenter_Radius_BR;
flat varying highp vec4 vClipCenter_Radius_BL;
// We pack 4 vec3 clip planes into 3 vec4 to save a varying slot.
flat varying highp vec4 vClipPlane_A;
flat varying highp vec4 vClipPlane_B;
flat varying highp vec4 vClipPlane_C;
flat varying highp vec2 vClipMode;


PER_INSTANCE in ivec4 aClipData;

#define CLIP_SPACE_RASTER       0

struct Clip {
    RectWithEndpoint rect;
    vec4 radii;
    vec4 radii_top;
    vec4 radii_bottom;
    float mode;
    int space;

Clip fetch_clip(int index) {
    Clip clip;

    clip.space = aClipData.z;

    vec4 texels[3] = fetch_from_gpu_buffer_3f(index);
    clip.rect = RectWithEndpoint(texels[0].xy, texels[0].zw);
    clip.radii = texels[1];
    clip.mode = texels[2].x;
    vec4 texels[4] = fetch_from_gpu_buffer_4f(index);
    clip.rect = RectWithEndpoint(texels[0].xy, texels[0].zw);
    clip.radii_top = texels[1];
    clip.radii_bottom = texels[2];
    clip.mode = texels[3].x;

    return clip;

void pattern_vertex(PrimitiveInfo prim_info) {

    Clip clip = fetch_clip(aClipData.y);
    Transform clip_transform = fetch_transform(aClipData.x);

    vClipLocalPos = clip_transform.m * vec4(prim_info.local_pos, 0.0, 1.0);

    if (clip.space == CLIP_SPACE_RASTER) {
        vTransformBounds = vec4(clip.rect.p0, clip.rect.p1);
    } else {
        RectWithEndpoint xf_bounds = RectWithEndpoint(
            max(clip.rect.p0, prim_info.local_clip_rect.p0),
            min(clip.rect.p1, prim_info.local_clip_rect.p1)
        vTransformBounds = vec4(xf_bounds.p0, xf_bounds.p1);

    vClipMode.x = clip.mode;

    // If the radii are all uniform, we can use a much simpler 2d
    // signed distance function to get a rounded rect clip.
    vec2 half_size = 0.5 * (clip.rect.p1 - clip.rect.p0);
    float radius = clip.radii.x;
    vClipLocalPos.xy -= (half_size + clip.rect.p0) * vClipLocalPos.w;
    v_clip_params = vec3(half_size - vec2(radius), radius);
    vec2 r_tl = clip.radii_top.xy;
    vec2 r_tr = clip.radii_top.zw;
    vec2 r_br = clip.radii_bottom.zw;
    vec2 r_bl = clip.radii_bottom.xy;

    vClipCenter_Radius_TL = vec4(clip.rect.p0 + r_tl,

    vClipCenter_Radius_TR = vec4(clip.rect.p1.x - r_tr.x,
                                 clip.rect.p0.y + r_tr.y,

    vClipCenter_Radius_BR = vec4(clip.rect.p1 - r_br,

    vClipCenter_Radius_BL = vec4(clip.rect.p0.x + r_bl.x,
                                 clip.rect.p1.y - r_bl.y,

    // We need to know the half-spaces of the corners separate from the center
    // and radius. We compute a point that falls on the diagonal (which is just
    // an inner vertex pushed out along one axis, but not on both) to get the
    // plane offset of the half-space. We also compute the direction vector of
    // the half-space, which is a perpendicular vertex (-y,x) of the vector of
    // the diagonal. We leave the scales of the vectors unchanged.
    vec2 n_tl = -r_tl.yx;
    vec2 n_tr = vec2(r_tr.y, -r_tr.x);
    vec2 n_br = r_br.yx;
    vec2 n_bl = vec2(-r_bl.y, r_bl.x);
    vec3 tl = vec3(n_tl,
                   dot(n_tl, vec2(clip.rect.p0.x, clip.rect.p0.y + r_tl.y)));
    vec3 tr = vec3(n_tr,
                   dot(n_tr, vec2(clip.rect.p1.x - r_tr.x, clip.rect.p0.y)));
    vec3 br = vec3(n_br,
                   dot(n_br, vec2(clip.rect.p1.x, clip.rect.p1.y - r_br.y)));
    vec3 bl = vec3(n_bl,
                   dot(n_bl, vec2(clip.rect.p0.x + r_bl.x, clip.rect.p1.y)));

    vClipPlane_A = vec4(tl.x, tl.y, tl.z, tr.x);
    vClipPlane_B = vec4(tr.y, tr.z, br.x, br.y);
    vClipPlane_C = vec4(br.z, bl.x, bl.y, bl.z);



// See http://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/distfunctions2d/distfunctions2d.htm
float sd_box(in vec2 pos, in vec2 box_size) {
    vec2 d = abs(pos) - box_size;
    return length(max(d, vec2(0.0))) + min(max(d.x,d.y), 0.0);

float sd_rounded_box(in vec2 pos, in vec2 box_size, in float radius) {
    return sd_box(pos, box_size) - radius;

vec4 pattern_fragment(vec4 _base_color) {
    vec2 clip_local_pos = vClipLocalPos.xy / vClipLocalPos.w;
    float aa_range = compute_aa_range(clip_local_pos);

    float dist = sd_rounded_box(clip_local_pos, v_clip_params.xy, v_clip_params.z);
    vec3 plane_tl = vec3(vClipPlane_A.x, vClipPlane_A.y, vClipPlane_A.z);
    vec3 plane_tr = vec3(vClipPlane_A.w, vClipPlane_B.x, vClipPlane_B.y);
    vec3 plane_br = vec3(vClipPlane_B.z, vClipPlane_B.w, vClipPlane_C.x);
    vec3 plane_bl = vec3(vClipPlane_C.y, vClipPlane_C.z, vClipPlane_C.w);

    float dist = distance_to_rounded_rect(

    // Compute AA for the given dist and range.
    float alpha = distance_aa(aa_range, dist);

    // Select alpha or inverse alpha depending on clip in/out.
    float final_alpha = mix(alpha, 1.0 - alpha, vClipMode.x);

    return vec4(final_alpha);