const RELATIVE_DIR = "image/test/browser/"; const TESTROOT = "" + RELATIVE_DIR; const TESTROOT2 = "" + RELATIVE_DIR; var chrome_root = getRootDirectory(gTestPath); const CHROMEROOT = chrome_root; function getImageLoading(doc, id) { return doc.getElementById(id); } // Tries to get the Moz debug image, imgIContainerDebug. Only works // in a debug build. If we succeed, we call func(). function actOnMozImage(doc, id, func) { var imgContainer = getImageLoading(doc, id).getRequest( Ci.nsIImageLoadingContent.CURRENT_REQUEST ).image; var mozImage; try { mozImage = imgContainer.QueryInterface(Ci.imgIContainerDebug); } catch (e) { return false; } func(mozImage); return true; } function assertPrefVal(name, val) { let boolValue = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(name); Assert.strictEqual(boolValue, val, `pref ${name} is set to ${val}`); if (boolValue !== val) { throw Error(`pref ${name} is not set to ${val}`); } } function assertFileProcess() { // Ensure that the file content process is enabled. assertPrefVal("browser.tabs.remote.separateFileUriProcess", true); } function assertSandboxHeadless() { assertPrefVal("security.sandbox.content.headless", true); } function getPage() { let filePage = undefined; switch (Services.appinfo.OS) { case "WINNT": filePage = "file:///C:/"; break; case "Darwin": filePage = "file:///tmp/"; break; case "Linux": filePage = "file:///tmp/"; break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported operating system"); } return filePage; } function getSize() { let iconSize = undefined; switch (Services.appinfo.OS) { case "WINNT": iconSize = 32; break; case "Darwin": iconSize = 128; break; case "Linux": iconSize = 128; break; default: throw new Error("Unsupported operating system"); } return iconSize; } async function createMozIconInFile(ext, expectSuccess = true) { const kPAGE = getPage(); const kSize = expectSuccess ? getSize() : 24; // we get 24x24 when failing, // e.g. when remoting is // disabled and the sandbox // headless is enabled // open a tab in a file content process let fileTab = await BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, kPAGE, { preferredRemoteType: "file", }); // get the browser for the file content process tab let fileBrowser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(fileTab); let checkIcon = async (_ext, _kSize, _expectSuccess) => { const img = content.document.createElement("img"); let waitLoad = new Promise(resolve => { // only listen to successfull load event if we expect the image to // actually load, e.g. with remoting disabled and sandbox headless // enabled we dont expect it to work, and we will wait for onerror below // to trigger. if (_expectSuccess) { img.addEventListener("load", resolve, { once: true }); } img.onerror = () => { // With remoting enabled, // Verified to work by forcing early `return NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE;` // within `nsIconChannel::GetIcon(nsIURI* aURI, ByteBuf* aDataOut)` // // With remoting disabled and sandbox headless enabled, this should be // the default path, since we don't add the "load" event listener. ok(!_expectSuccess, "Error while loading moz-icon"); resolve(); }; }); img.setAttribute("src", `moz-icon://.${_ext}?size=${_kSize}`); img.setAttribute("id", `moz-icon-${_ext}-${_kSize}`); content.document.body.appendChild(img); await waitLoad; const icon = content.document.getElementById(`moz-icon-${_ext}-${_kSize}`); Assert.notStrictEqual(icon, null, `got a valid ${_ext} moz-icon`); is(icon.width, _kSize, `${_kSize} px width ${_ext} moz-icon`); is(icon.height, _kSize, `${_kSize} px height ${_ext} moz-icon`); }; await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(fileBrowser); await SpecialPowers.spawn( fileBrowser, [ext, kSize, expectSuccess], checkIcon ); await BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(fileTab); }