/* * Test to ensure that image loading/decoding notifications are always * delivered async, and in the order we expect. * * Must be included from a file that has a uri of the image to test defined in * var uri. */ /* import-globals-from image_load_helpers.js */ const { HttpServer } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/httpd.sys.mjs" ); const { NetUtil } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.sys.mjs" ); const ReferrerInfo = Components.Constructor( "@mozilla.org/referrer-info;1", "nsIReferrerInfo", "init" ); var server = new HttpServer(); server.registerDirectory("/", do_get_file("")); server.registerContentType("sjs", "sjs"); server.start(-1); load("image_load_helpers.js"); var requests = []; /* global uri */ // Return a closure that holds on to the listener from the original // imgIRequest, and compares its results to the cloned one. function getCloneStopCallback(original_listener) { return function cloneStop(listener) { Assert.equal(original_listener.state, listener.state); // Sanity check to make sure we didn't accidentally use the same listener // twice. Assert.notEqual(original_listener, listener); do_test_finished(); }; } // Make sure that cloned requests get all the same callbacks as the original, // but they aren't synchronous right now. function checkClone(other_listener, aRequest) { do_test_pending(); // For as long as clone notification is synchronous, we can't test the clone state reliably. var listener = new ImageListener( null, function () { do_test_finished(); } /* getCloneStopCallback(other_listener)*/ ); listener.synchronous = false; var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener); var clone = aRequest.clone(outer); requests.push({ request: clone, locked: false }); } // Ensure that all the callbacks were called on aRequest. function checkSizeAndLoad(listener) { Assert.notEqual(listener.state & SIZE_AVAILABLE, 0); Assert.notEqual(listener.state & LOAD_COMPLETE, 0); do_test_finished(); } function secondLoadDone(oldlistener, aRequest) { do_test_pending(); try { var staticrequest = aRequest.getStaticRequest(); // For as long as clone notification is synchronous, we can't test the // clone state reliably. var listener = new ImageListener(null, checkSizeAndLoad); listener.synchronous = false; var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener); var staticrequestclone = staticrequest.clone(outer); requests.push({ request: staticrequestclone, locked: false }); } catch (e) { // We can't create a static request. Most likely the request we started // with didn't load successfully. do_test_finished(); } run_loadImageWithChannel_tests(); do_test_finished(); } // Load the request a second time. This should come from the image cache, and // therefore would be at most risk of being served synchronously. function checkSecondLoad() { do_test_pending(); var listener = new ImageListener(checkClone, secondLoadDone); var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener); var referrerInfo = new ReferrerInfo( Ci.nsIReferrerInfo.NO_REFERRER_WHEN_DOWNGRADE, true, null ); requests.push({ request: gCurrentLoader.loadImageXPCOM( uri, null, referrerInfo, null, null, outer, null, 0, null ), locked: false, }); listener.synchronous = false; } function firstLoadDone() { checkSecondLoad(uri); do_test_finished(); } // Return a closure that allows us to check the stream listener's status when the // image finishes loading. function getChannelLoadImageStopCallback(streamlistener, next) { return function channelLoadStop() { next(); do_test_finished(); }; } // Load the request a second time. This should come from the image cache, and // therefore would be at most risk of being served synchronously. function checkSecondChannelLoad() { do_test_pending(); var channel = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true }); var channellistener = new ChannelListener(); channel.asyncOpen(channellistener); var listener = new ImageListener( null, getChannelLoadImageStopCallback(channellistener, all_done_callback) ); var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener); var outlistener = {}; requests.push({ request: gCurrentLoader.loadImageWithChannelXPCOM( channel, outer, null, outlistener ), locked: false, }); channellistener.outputListener = outlistener.value; listener.synchronous = false; } function run_loadImageWithChannel_tests() { // To ensure we're testing what we expect to, create a new loader and cache. gCurrentLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/loader;1"].createInstance( Ci.imgILoader ); do_test_pending(); var channel = NetUtil.newChannel({ uri, loadUsingSystemPrincipal: true }); var channellistener = new ChannelListener(); channel.asyncOpen(channellistener); var listener = new ImageListener( null, getChannelLoadImageStopCallback(channellistener, checkSecondChannelLoad) ); var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener); var outlistener = {}; requests.push({ request: gCurrentLoader.loadImageWithChannelXPCOM( channel, outer, null, outlistener ), locked: false, }); channellistener.outputListener = outlistener.value; listener.synchronous = false; } function all_done_callback() { server.stop(function () { do_test_finished(); }); } function startImageCallback(otherCb) { return function (listener, request) { // Make sure we can load the same image immediately out of the cache. do_test_pending(); var listener2 = new ImageListener(null, function () { do_test_finished(); }); var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener2); var referrerInfo = new ReferrerInfo( Ci.nsIReferrerInfo.NO_REFERRER_WHEN_DOWNGRADE, true, null ); requests.push({ request: gCurrentLoader.loadImageXPCOM( uri, null, referrerInfo, null, null, outer, null, 0, null ), locked: false, }); listener2.synchronous = false; // Now that we've started another load, chain to the callback. otherCb(listener, request); }; } var gCurrentLoader; function cleanup() { for (let { request, locked } of requests) { if (locked) { try { request.unlockImage(); } catch (e) {} } request.cancelAndForgetObserver(0); } } function run_test() { registerCleanupFunction(cleanup); gCurrentLoader = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/loader;1"].createInstance( Ci.imgILoader ); do_test_pending(); var listener = new ImageListener( startImageCallback(checkClone), firstLoadDone ); var outer = Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"] .getService(Ci.imgITools) .createScriptedObserver(listener); var referrerInfo = new ReferrerInfo( Ci.nsIReferrerInfo.NO_REFERRER_WHEN_DOWNGRADE, true, null ); var req = gCurrentLoader.loadImageXPCOM( uri, null, referrerInfo, null, null, outer, null, 0, null ); // Ensure that we don't cause any mayhem when we lock an image. req.lockImage(); requests.push({ request: req, locked: true }); listener.synchronous = false; }