``segmenter_grapheme::ffi`` =========================== .. cpp:class:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterBreakIteratorLatin1 See the `Rust documentation for GraphemeClusterBreakIterator `__ for more information. .. cpp:function:: int32_t next() Finds the next breakpoint. Returns -1 if at the end of the string or if the index is out of range of a 32-bit signed integer. See the `Rust documentation for next `__ for more information. .. cpp:class:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterBreakIteratorUtf16 See the `Rust documentation for GraphemeClusterBreakIterator `__ for more information. .. cpp:function:: int32_t next() Finds the next breakpoint. Returns -1 if at the end of the string or if the index is out of range of a 32-bit signed integer. See the `Rust documentation for next `__ for more information. .. cpp:class:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterBreakIteratorUtf8 See the `Rust documentation for GraphemeClusterBreakIterator `__ for more information. .. cpp:function:: int32_t next() Finds the next breakpoint. Returns -1 if at the end of the string or if the index is out of range of a 32-bit signed integer. See the `Rust documentation for next `__ for more information. .. cpp:class:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterSegmenter An ICU4X grapheme-cluster-break segmenter, capable of finding grapheme cluster breakpoints in strings. See the `Rust documentation for GraphemeClusterSegmenter `__ for more information. .. cpp:function:: static diplomat::result create(const ICU4XDataProvider& provider) Construct an :cpp:class:`ICU4XGraphemeClusterSegmenter`. See the `Rust documentation for new `__ for more information. .. cpp:function:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterBreakIteratorUtf8 segment_utf8(const std::string_view input) const Segments a (potentially ill-formed) UTF-8 string. See the `Rust documentation for segment_utf8 `__ for more information. Lifetimes: ``this``, ``input`` must live at least as long as the output. .. cpp:function:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterBreakIteratorUtf16 segment_utf16(const diplomat::span input) const Segments a UTF-16 string. See the `Rust documentation for segment_utf16 `__ for more information. Lifetimes: ``this``, ``input`` must live at least as long as the output. .. cpp:function:: ICU4XGraphemeClusterBreakIteratorLatin1 segment_latin1(const diplomat::span input) const Segments a Latin-1 string. See the `Rust documentation for segment_latin1 `__ for more information. Lifetimes: ``this``, ``input`` must live at least as long as the output.