import { u8, u16, i32, u32 } from "./diplomat-runtime" import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime" import { ICU4XCalendar } from "./ICU4XCalendar"; import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError"; import { ICU4XIsoDate } from "./ICU4XIsoDate"; import { ICU4XIsoWeekday } from "./ICU4XIsoWeekday"; import { ICU4XWeekCalculator } from "./ICU4XWeekCalculator"; import { ICU4XWeekOf } from "./ICU4XWeekOf"; /** * An ICU4X Date object capable of containing a date and time for any calendar. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `Date`} for more information. */ export class ICU4XDate { /** * Creates a new {@link ICU4XDate `ICU4XDate`} representing the ISO date and time given but in a given calendar * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_from_iso`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_from_iso_in_calendar(year: i32, month: u8, day: u8, calendar: ICU4XCalendar): ICU4XDate | never; /** * Creates a new {@link ICU4XDate `ICU4XDate`} from the given codes, which are interpreted in the given calendar system * See the {@link Rust documentation for `try_new_from_codes`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_from_codes_in_calendar(era_code: string, year: i32, month_code: string, day: u8, calendar: ICU4XCalendar): ICU4XDate | never; /** * Convert this date to one in a different calendar * See the {@link Rust documentation for `to_calendar`} for more information. */ to_calendar(calendar: ICU4XCalendar): ICU4XDate; /** * Converts this date to ISO * See the {@link Rust documentation for `to_iso`} for more information. */ to_iso(): ICU4XIsoDate; /** * Returns the 1-indexed day in the month for this date * See the {@link Rust documentation for `day_of_month`} for more information. */ day_of_month(): u32; /** * Returns the day in the week for this day * See the {@link Rust documentation for `day_of_week`} for more information. */ day_of_week(): ICU4XIsoWeekday; /** * Returns the week number in this month, 1-indexed, based on what is considered the first day of the week (often a locale preference). * `first_weekday` can be obtained via `first_weekday()` on {@link ICU4XWeekCalculator `ICU4XWeekCalculator`} * See the {@link Rust documentation for `week_of_month`} for more information. */ week_of_month(first_weekday: ICU4XIsoWeekday): u32; /** * Returns the week number in this year, using week data * See the {@link Rust documentation for `week_of_year`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ week_of_year(calculator: ICU4XWeekCalculator): ICU4XWeekOf | never; /** * Returns 1-indexed number of the month of this date in its year * Note that for lunar calendars this may not lead to the same month having the same ordinal month across years; use month_code if you care about month identity. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `month`} for more information. */ ordinal_month(): u32; /** * Returns the month code for this date. Typically something like "M01", "M02", but can be more complicated for lunar calendars. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `month`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ month_code(): string | never; /** * Returns the year number in the current era for this date * See the {@link Rust documentation for `year`} for more information. */ year_in_era(): i32; /** * Returns the era for this date, * See the {@link Rust documentation for `year`} for more information. * Additional information: {@link 1} * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ era(): string | never; /** * Returns the number of months in the year represented by this date * See the {@link Rust documentation for `months_in_year`} for more information. */ months_in_year(): u8; /** * Returns the number of days in the month represented by this date * See the {@link Rust documentation for `days_in_month`} for more information. */ days_in_month(): u8; /** * Returns the number of days in the year represented by this date * See the {@link Rust documentation for `days_in_year`} for more information. */ days_in_year(): u16; /** * Returns the {@link ICU4XCalendar `ICU4XCalendar`} object backing this date * See the {@link Rust documentation for `calendar`} for more information. */ calendar(): ICU4XCalendar; }