import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime" import { ICU4XDataProvider } from "./ICU4XDataProvider"; import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError"; /** * An object capable of mapping from an IANA time zone ID to a BCP-47 ID. * This can be used via `try_set_iana_time_zone_id()` on {@link crate::timezone::ffi::ICU4XCustomTimeZone `ICU4XCustomTimeZone`}. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `IanaToBcp47Mapper`} for more information. */ export class ICU4XIanaToBcp47Mapper { /** * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create(provider: ICU4XDataProvider): ICU4XIanaToBcp47Mapper | never; }