import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime" import { ICU4XDataProvider } from "./ICU4XDataProvider"; import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError"; import { ICU4XLineBreakIteratorLatin1 } from "./ICU4XLineBreakIteratorLatin1"; import { ICU4XLineBreakIteratorUtf16 } from "./ICU4XLineBreakIteratorUtf16"; import { ICU4XLineBreakIteratorUtf8 } from "./ICU4XLineBreakIteratorUtf8"; import { ICU4XLineBreakOptionsV1 } from "./ICU4XLineBreakOptionsV1"; /** * An ICU4X line-break segmenter, capable of finding breakpoints in strings. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `LineSegmenter`} for more information. */ export class ICU4XLineSegmenter { /** * Construct a {@link ICU4XLineSegmenter `ICU4XLineSegmenter`} with default options. It automatically loads the best available payload data for Burmese, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_auto`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_auto(provider: ICU4XDataProvider): ICU4XLineSegmenter | never; /** * Construct a {@link ICU4XLineSegmenter `ICU4XLineSegmenter`} with default options and LSTM payload data for Burmese, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_lstm`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_lstm(provider: ICU4XDataProvider): ICU4XLineSegmenter | never; /** * Construct a {@link ICU4XLineSegmenter `ICU4XLineSegmenter`} with default options and dictionary payload data for Burmese, Khmer, Lao, and Thai.. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_dictionary`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_dictionary(provider: ICU4XDataProvider): ICU4XLineSegmenter | never; /** * Construct a {@link ICU4XLineSegmenter `ICU4XLineSegmenter`} with custom options. It automatically loads the best available payload data for Burmese, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_auto_with_options`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_auto_with_options_v1(provider: ICU4XDataProvider, options: ICU4XLineBreakOptionsV1): ICU4XLineSegmenter | never; /** * Construct a {@link ICU4XLineSegmenter `ICU4XLineSegmenter`} with custom options and LSTM payload data for Burmese, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_lstm_with_options`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_lstm_with_options_v1(provider: ICU4XDataProvider, options: ICU4XLineBreakOptionsV1): ICU4XLineSegmenter | never; /** * Construct a {@link ICU4XLineSegmenter `ICU4XLineSegmenter`} with custom options and dictionary payload data for Burmese, Khmer, Lao, and Thai. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `new_dictionary_with_options`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_dictionary_with_options_v1(provider: ICU4XDataProvider, options: ICU4XLineBreakOptionsV1): ICU4XLineSegmenter | never; /** * Segments a (potentially ill-formed) UTF-8 string. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `segment_utf8`} for more information. */ segment_utf8(input: string): ICU4XLineBreakIteratorUtf8; /** * Segments a UTF-16 string. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `segment_utf16`} for more information. */ segment_utf16(input: Uint16Array): ICU4XLineBreakIteratorUtf16; /** * Segments a Latin-1 string. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `segment_latin1`} for more information. */ segment_latin1(input: Uint8Array): ICU4XLineBreakIteratorLatin1; }