import { FFIError } from "./diplomat-runtime" import { ICU4XError } from "./ICU4XError"; import { ICU4XOrdering } from "./ICU4XOrdering"; /** * An ICU4X Locale, capable of representing strings like `"en-US"`. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `Locale`} for more information. */ export class ICU4XLocale { /** * Construct an {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} from an locale identifier. * This will run the complete locale parsing algorithm. If code size and performance are critical and the locale is of a known shape (such as `aa-BB`) use `create_und`, `set_language`, `set_script`, and `set_region`. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `try_from_bytes`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static create_from_string(name: string): ICU4XLocale | never; /** * Construct a default undefined {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} "und". * See the {@link Rust documentation for `UND`} for more information. */ static create_und(): ICU4XLocale; /** * Clones the {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`}. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `Locale`} for more information. */ clone(): ICU4XLocale; /** * Write a string representation of the `LanguageIdentifier` part of {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} to `write`. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `id`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ basename(): string | never; /** * Write a string representation of the unicode extension to `write` * See the {@link Rust documentation for `extensions`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ get_unicode_extension(bytes: string): string | never; /** * Write a string representation of {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} language to `write` * See the {@link Rust documentation for `id`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ language(): string | never; /** * Set the language part of the {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`}. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `try_from_bytes`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ set_language(bytes: string): void | never; /** * Write a string representation of {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} region to `write` * See the {@link Rust documentation for `id`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ region(): string | never; /** * Set the region part of the {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`}. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `try_from_bytes`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ set_region(bytes: string): void | never; /** * Write a string representation of {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} script to `write` * See the {@link Rust documentation for `id`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ script(): string | never; /** * Set the script part of the {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`}. Pass an empty string to remove the script. * See the {@link Rust documentation for `try_from_bytes`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ set_script(bytes: string): void | never; /** * Best effort locale canonicalizer that doesn't need any data * Use ICU4XLocaleCanonicalizer for better control and functionality * See the {@link Rust documentation for `canonicalize`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ static canonicalize(bytes: string): string | never; /** * Write a string representation of {@link ICU4XLocale `ICU4XLocale`} to `write` * See the {@link Rust documentation for `write_to`} for more information. * @throws {@link FFIError}<{@link ICU4XError}> */ to_string(): string | never; /** * See the {@link Rust documentation for `normalizing_eq`} for more information. */ normalizing_eq(other: string): boolean; /** * See the {@link Rust documentation for `strict_cmp`} for more information. */ strict_cmp(other: string): ICU4XOrdering; /** * Deprecated * Use `create_from_string("en"). */ static create_en(): ICU4XLocale; /** * Deprecated * Use `create_from_string("bn"). */ static create_bn(): ICU4XLocale; }