# This file contains all APIs that are exposed in Rust but not over FFI, and not allowlisted in IGNORED_PATHS in tools/ffi_coverage/allowlist.rs. # It is generated by `cargo make diplomat-coverage`. # # If adding an API that expands this file, please consider: # # - Whether you can expose that API over FFI in the same PR (and if you do so, be sure to add a `rust_link` annotation) # - Whether the API already has its functionality exposed over FFI (if so, add a potentially-`hidden` `rust_link` annotation to the corresponding FFI API) # - Whether that API is rust-specific functionality that need not be exposed (if so, add it to the allowlist with a note, or add a `hidden` `rust_link` annotation to a related API if possible) # - Whether that API should be punted for later in FFI (if so, please check in with @Manishearth, @robertbastian, or @sffc) # - Whether the API is experimental (if so, add it to the allowlist as experimental) # # It is acceptable to temporarily have APIs in this file that you plan to add in a soon-upcoming PR. # # Please check in with @Manishearth, @robertbastian, or @sffc if you have questions icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiAuxiliaryProperties#Struct icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiAuxiliaryProperties::from_data#FnInStruct icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiAuxiliaryPropertiesBorrowed#Struct icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiAuxiliaryPropertiesBorrowed::get32_mirroring_props#FnInStruct icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiAuxiliaryPropertiesBorrowed::get32_pairing_props#FnInStruct icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiMirroringProperties#Struct icu::properties::bidi_data::BidiPairingProperties#Enum icu::properties::bidi_data::bidi_auxiliary_properties#Fn icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameLinearMapper#Struct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameLinearMapperBorrowed#Struct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameLinearMapperBorrowed::get#FnInStruct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameLinearTiny4Mapper#Struct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameLinearTiny4MapperBorrowed#Struct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameLinearTiny4MapperBorrowed::get#FnInStruct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameSparseMapper#Struct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameSparseMapperBorrowed#Struct icu::properties::names::PropertyEnumToValueNameSparseMapperBorrowed::get#FnInStruct