/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // When running full suite, previous audio decoding tests might have left some // running and this might interfere with our testing add_setup(async function ensureNoExistingProcess() { await killUtilityProcesses(); }); add_task(async () => { const utilityPid = await startUtilityProcess(); const gMgr = Cc["@mozilla.org/memory-reporter-manager;1"].getService( Ci.nsIMemoryReporterManager ); Assert.notStrictEqual( utilityPid, undefined, `Utility process is running as ${utilityPid}` ); var utilityReports = []; const performCollection = new Promise(resolve => { // Record the reports from the live memory reporters then process them. let handleReport = function ( aProcess, aUnsafePath, aKind, aUnits, aAmount, aDescription ) { const expectedProcess = `Utility (pid ${utilityPid}, sandboxingKind ${kGenericUtilitySandbox})`; if (aProcess !== expectedProcess) { return; } let report = { process: aProcess, path: aUnsafePath, kind: aKind, units: aUnits, amount: aAmount, description: aDescription, }; utilityReports.push(report); }; info("Memory report: Perform the call"); gMgr.getReports(handleReport, null, resolve, null, false); }); await performCollection; info( `Collected ${utilityReports.length} reports from utility process ${utilityPid}` ); ok(!!utilityReports.length, "Collected some reports"); Assert.strictEqual( utilityReports.filter(r => r.path === "vsize" && r.amount > 0).length, 1, "Collected vsize report" ); Assert.strictEqual( utilityReports.filter(r => r.path === "resident" && r.amount > 0).length, 1, "Collected resident report" ); ok( !!utilityReports.filter( r => r.path.search(/^explicit\/.*/) >= 0 && r.amount > 0 ).length, "Collected some explicit/ report" ); await cleanUtilityProcessShutdown(); });