/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #if defined(ENABLE_TESTS) # include "mozilla/ipc/UtilityProcessManager.h" # include "mozilla/ipc/UtilityProcessTest.h" # include "mozilla/dom/ChromeUtilsBinding.h" # include "mozilla/dom/Promise.h" # include "mozilla/ProcInfo.h" # include "mozilla/IntentionalCrash.h" # ifdef XP_WIN # include # include # include # include "mozilla/WinHandleWatcher.h" # include "nsISupports.h" # include "nsWindowsHelpers.h" # endif namespace mozilla::ipc { static UtilityActorName UtilityActorNameFromString( const nsACString& aStringName) { using namespace mozilla::dom; auto idlName = StringToEnum(aStringName); if (idlName.isSome()) { return idlName.value(); } MOZ_CRASH("Unknown utility actor name"); } // Find the utility process with the given actor or any utility process if // aActorName is Nothing(). static SandboxingKind FindUtilityProcessWithActor( const Maybe& aActorName) { RefPtr utilityProc = UtilityProcessManager::GetSingleton(); MOZ_ASSERT(utilityProc, "No UtilityprocessManager?"); for (size_t i = 0; i < SandboxingKind::COUNT; ++i) { auto sbKind = static_cast(i); if (!utilityProc->Process(sbKind)) { continue; } if (aActorName.isNothing()) { return sbKind; } for (auto actor : utilityProc->GetActors(sbKind)) { if (actor == aActorName.ref()) { return sbKind; } } } return SandboxingKind::COUNT; } # ifdef XP_WIN namespace { // Promise implementation for `UntilChildProcessDead`. // // Resolves the provided JS promise when the provided Windows HANDLE becomes // signaled. class WinHandlePromiseImpl final { public: NS_INLINE_DECL_REFCOUNTING(WinHandlePromiseImpl) using HandlePtr = mozilla::UniqueFileHandle; // Takes ownership of aHandle. static void Create(mozilla::UniqueFileHandle handle, RefPtr promise) { MOZ_ASSERT(handle); MOZ_ASSERT(promise); RefPtr obj{new WinHandlePromiseImpl(std::move(handle), std::move(promise))}; // WARNING: This creates an owning-reference cycle: (self -> HandleWatcher // -> Runnable -> self). `obj` will therefore only be destroyed when and // if the HANDLE is signaled. obj->watcher.Watch(obj->handle.get(), GetCurrentSerialEventTarget(), NewRunnableMethod("WinHandlePromiseImpl::Resolve", obj, &WinHandlePromiseImpl::Resolve)); } private: WinHandlePromiseImpl(mozilla::UniqueFileHandle handle, RefPtr promise) : handle(std::move(handle)), promise(std::move(promise)) {} ~WinHandlePromiseImpl() { watcher.Stop(); } void Resolve() { promise->MaybeResolveWithUndefined(); } mozilla::UniqueFileHandle handle; HandleWatcher watcher; RefPtr promise; }; } // namespace # endif NS_IMETHODIMP UtilityProcessTest::StartProcess(const nsTArray& aActorsToRegister, JSContext* aCx, mozilla::dom::Promise** aOutPromise) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aOutPromise); *aOutPromise = nullptr; nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(aCx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ErrorResult erv; RefPtr promise = dom::Promise::Create(global, erv); if (NS_WARN_IF(erv.Failed())) { return erv.StealNSResult(); } RefPtr utilityProc = UtilityProcessManager::GetSingleton(); MOZ_ASSERT(utilityProc, "No UtilityprocessManager?"); auto actors = aActorsToRegister.Clone(); utilityProc->LaunchProcess(SandboxingKind::GENERIC_UTILITY) ->Then( GetCurrentSerialEventTarget(), __func__, [promise, utilityProc, actors = std::move(actors)] { RefPtr utilityParent = utilityProc->GetProcessParent(SandboxingKind::GENERIC_UTILITY); Maybe utilityPid = utilityProc->ProcessPid(SandboxingKind::GENERIC_UTILITY); for (size_t i = 0; i < actors.Length(); ++i) { auto uan = UtilityActorNameFromString(actors[i]); utilityProc->RegisterActor(utilityParent, uan); } if (utilityPid.isSome()) { promise->MaybeResolve(*utilityPid); } else { promise->MaybeReject(NS_ERROR_NOT_AVAILABLE); } }, [promise](nsresult aError) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "UtilityProcessTest; failure to get Utility process"); promise->MaybeReject(aError); }); promise.forget(aOutPromise); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP UtilityProcessTest::NoteIntentionalCrash(uint32_t aPid) { mozilla::NoteIntentionalCrash("utility", aPid); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP UtilityProcessTest::UntilChildProcessDead( uint32_t pid, JSContext* cx, ::mozilla::dom::Promise** aOutPromise) { NS_ENSURE_ARG(aOutPromise); *aOutPromise = nullptr; # ifdef XP_WIN if (pid == 0) { return NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG; } nsIGlobalObject* global = xpc::CurrentNativeGlobal(cx); if (NS_WARN_IF(!global)) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } ErrorResult erv; RefPtr promise = dom::Promise::Create(global, erv); if (NS_WARN_IF(erv.Failed())) { return erv.StealNSResult(); } // Get a fresh handle to the child process with the specified PID. mozilla::UniqueFileHandle handle; { bool failed = false; GeckoChildProcessHost::GetAll([&](GeckoChildProcessHost* aProc) { if (handle || failed) { return; } if (aProc->GetChildProcessId() != pid) { return; } HANDLE handle_ = nullptr; if (!::DuplicateHandle( ::GetCurrentProcess(), aProc->GetChildProcessHandle(), ::GetCurrentProcess(), &handle_, SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, 0)) { failed = true; } else { handle.reset(handle_); } }); if (failed || !handle) { return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } } // Create and attach the resolver for the promise, giving the handle over to // it. WinHandlePromiseImpl::Create(std::move(handle), promise); promise.forget(aOutPromise); return NS_OK; # else // !defined(XP_WIN) return NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; # endif } NS_IMETHODIMP UtilityProcessTest::StopProcess(const char* aActorName) { using namespace mozilla::dom; SandboxingKind sbKind; if (aActorName) { const nsDependentCString actorStringName(aActorName); UtilityActorName actorName = UtilityActorNameFromString(actorStringName); sbKind = FindUtilityProcessWithActor(Some(actorName)); } else { sbKind = FindUtilityProcessWithActor(Nothing()); } if (sbKind == SandboxingKind::COUNT) { MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE( "Attempted to stop process for actor when no " "such process exists"); return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } RefPtr utilityProc = UtilityProcessManager::GetSingleton(); MOZ_ASSERT(utilityProc, "No UtilityprocessManager?"); utilityProc->CleanShutdown(sbKind); Maybe utilityPid = utilityProc->ProcessPid(sbKind); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(utilityPid.isNothing(), "Should not have a utility process PID anymore"); return NS_OK; } NS_IMETHODIMP UtilityProcessTest::TestTelemetryProbes() { RefPtr utilityProc = UtilityProcessManager::GetSingleton(); MOZ_ASSERT(utilityProc, "No UtilityprocessManager?"); for (RefPtr& parent : utilityProc->GetAllProcessesProcessParent()) { Unused << parent->SendTestTelemetryProbes(); } return NS_OK; } NS_IMPL_ISUPPORTS(UtilityProcessTest, nsIUtilityProcessTest) } // namespace mozilla::ipc #endif // defined(ENABLE_TESTS)