# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. __all__ = [ "gencxx", "genipdl", "parse", "typecheck", "writeifmodified", "checkSyncMessage", "checkFixedSyncMessages", ] import os import sys from io import StringIO from ipdl.cgen import IPDLCodeGen from ipdl.lower import LowerToCxx, msgenums from ipdl.parser import Parser, ParseError from ipdl.type import TypeCheck from ipdl.checker import checkSyncMessage, checkFixedSyncMessages from ipdl.cxx.cgen import CxxCodeGen def parse(specstring, filename="/stdin", includedirs=[], errout=sys.stderr): """Return an IPDL AST if parsing was successful. Print errors to |errout| if it is not.""" # The file type and name are later enforced by the type checker. # This is just a hint to the parser. prefix, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) name = os.path.basename(prefix) if ext == ".ipdlh": type = "header" else: type = "protocol" try: return Parser(type, name).parse( specstring, os.path.abspath(filename), includedirs ) except ParseError as p: print(p, file=errout) return None def typecheck(ast, errout=sys.stderr): """Return True iff |ast| is well typed. Print errors to |errout| if it is not.""" return TypeCheck().check(ast, errout) def gencxx(ipdlfilename, ast, outheadersdir, outcppdir, segmentcapacitydict): headers, cpps = LowerToCxx().lower(ast, segmentcapacitydict) def resolveHeader(hdr): return [ hdr, os.path.join( outheadersdir, *([ns.name for ns in ast.namespaces] + [hdr.name]) ), ] def resolveCpp(cpp): return [cpp, os.path.join(outcppdir, cpp.name)] for ast, filename in [resolveHeader(hdr) for hdr in headers] + [ resolveCpp(cpp) for cpp in cpps ]: tempfile = StringIO() CxxCodeGen(tempfile).cgen(ast) writeifmodified(tempfile.getvalue(), filename) def genipdl(ast, outdir): return ast.accept(IPDLCodeGen()) def genmsgenum(ast): return msgenums(ast.protocol, pretty=True) def writeifmodified(contents, file): contents = contents.encode("utf-8") dir = os.path.dirname(file) os.makedirs(dir, exist_ok=True) oldcontents = None if os.path.exists(file): fd = open(file, "rb") oldcontents = fd.read() fd.close() if oldcontents != contents: fd = open(file, "wb") fd.write(contents) fd.close()