/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "mozilla/mscom/AgileReference.h" #include #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/mscom/Utils.h" #if defined(__MINGW32__) // Declarations from Windows SDK specific to Windows 8.1 enum AgileReferenceOptions { AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT = 0, AGILEREFERENCE_DELAYEDMARSHAL = 1, }; HRESULT WINAPI RoGetAgileReference(AgileReferenceOptions options, REFIID riid, IUnknown* pUnk, IAgileReference** ppAgileReference); // Unfortunately, at time of writing, MinGW doesn't know how to statically link // to RoGetAgileReference. On these builds only, we substitute a runtime-linked // function pointer. # include "mozilla/DynamicallyLinkedFunctionPtr.h" static const mozilla::StaticDynamicallyLinkedFunctionPtr< decltype(&::RoGetAgileReference)> pRoGetAgileReference(L"ole32.dll", "RoGetAgileReference"); # define RoGetAgileReference pRoGetAgileReference #endif // defined(__MINGW32__) namespace mozilla::mscom::detail { HRESULT AgileReference_CreateImpl(RefPtr& aRefPtr, REFIID riid, IUnknown* aObject) { MOZ_ASSERT(aObject); MOZ_ASSERT(IsCOMInitializedOnCurrentThread()); return ::RoGetAgileReference(AGILEREFERENCE_DEFAULT, riid, aObject, getter_AddRefs(aRefPtr)); } HRESULT AgileReference_ResolveImpl(RefPtr const& aRefPtr, REFIID riid, void** aOutInterface) { MOZ_ASSERT(aRefPtr); MOZ_ASSERT(aOutInterface); MOZ_ASSERT(IsCOMInitializedOnCurrentThread()); if (!aRefPtr || !aOutInterface) { return E_INVALIDARG; } *aOutInterface = nullptr; return aRefPtr->Resolve(riid, aOutInterface); } } // namespace mozilla::mscom::detail