/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; module.exports = { plugins: ["spidermonkey-js"], overrides: [ { files: ["*.js"], excludedFiles: ".eslintrc.js", processor: "spidermonkey-js/processor", env: { // Disable all built-in environments. node: false, browser: false, builtin: false, // We need to explicitly disable the default environments added from // "tools/lint/eslint/eslint-plugin-mozilla/lib/configs/recommended.js". es2021: false, "mozilla/privileged": false, "mozilla/specific": false, // Enable SpiderMonkey's self-hosted environment. "spidermonkey-js/environment": true, }, parserOptions: { ecmaVersion: "latest", sourceType: "script", // Self-hosted code defaults to strict mode. ecmaFeatures: { impliedStrict: true, }, // Strict mode has to be enabled separately for the Babel parser. babelOptions: { parserOpts: { strictMode: true, }, }, }, rules: { // We should fix those at some point, but we use this to detect NaNs. "no-self-compare": "off", "no-lonely-if": "off", // Disabled until we can use let/const to fix those erorrs, and undefined // names cause an exception and abort during runtime initialization. "no-redeclare": "off", // Disallow use of |void 0|. Instead use |undefined|. "no-void": ["error", { allowAsStatement: true }], // Disallow loose equality because of objects with the [[IsHTMLDDA]] // internal slot, aka |document.all|, aka "objects emulating undefined". eqeqeq: "error", // All self-hosted code is implicitly strict mode, so there's no need to // add a strict-mode directive. strict: ["error", "never"], // Disallow syntax not supported in self-hosted code. "no-restricted-syntax": [ "error", { selector: "ClassDeclaration", message: "Class declarations are not allowed", }, { selector: "ClassExpression", message: "Class expressions are not allowed", }, { selector: "Literal[regex]", message: "Regular expression literals are not allowed", }, { selector: "CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee", message: "Direct method calls are not allowed, use callFunction() or callContentFunction()", }, { selector: "NewExpression > MemberExpression.callee", message: "Direct method calls are not allowed, use constructContentFunction()", }, { selector: "YieldExpression[delegate=true]", message: "yield* is not allowed because it can run user-modifiable iteration code", }, { selector: "ForOfStatement > :not(CallExpression).right", message: "for-of loops must use allowContentIter(), allowContentIterWith(), or allowContentIterWithNext()", }, { selector: "ForOfStatement > CallExpression.right > :not(Identifier[name='allowContentIter'], Identifier[name='allowContentIterWith'], Identifier[name='allowContentIterWithNext']).callee", message: "for-of loops must use allowContentIter(), allowContentIterWith(), or allowContentIterWithNext", }, { selector: "CallExpression[callee.name='TO_PROPERTY_KEY'] > :not(Identifier).arguments:first-child", message: "TO_PROPERTY_KEY macro must be called with a simple identifier", }, { selector: "Identifier[name='arguments']", message: "'arguments' is disallowed, use ArgumentsLength(), GetArgument(n), or rest-parameters", }, { selector: "VariableDeclaration[kind='let']", message: "'let' declarations are disallowed to avoid TDZ checks, use 'var' instead", }, { selector: "VariableDeclaration[kind='const']", message: "'const' declarations are disallowed to avoid TDZ checks, use 'var' instead", }, ], }, globals: { // The bytecode compiler special-cases these identifiers. ArgumentsLength: "readonly", allowContentIter: "readonly", allowContentIterWith: "readonly", allowContentIterWithNext: "readonly", callContentFunction: "readonly", callFunction: "readonly", constructContentFunction: "readonly", DefineDataProperty: "readonly", forceInterpreter: "readonly", GetArgument: "readonly", GetBuiltinConstructor: "readonly", GetBuiltinPrototype: "readonly", GetBuiltinSymbol: "readonly", getPropertySuper: "readonly", hasOwn: "readonly", IsNullOrUndefined: "readonly", IteratorClose: "readonly", resumeGenerator: "readonly", SetCanonicalName: "readonly", SetIsInlinableLargeFunction: "readonly", ToNumeric: "readonly", ToString: "readonly", // We've disabled all built-in environments, which also removed // `undefined` from the list of globals. Put it back because it's // actually allowed in self-hosted code. undefined: "readonly", // Disable globals from stage 2/3 proposals for which we have work in // progress patches. Eventually these will be part of a future ES // release, in which case we can remove these extra entries. AsyncIterator: "off", Iterator: "off", Record: "off", Temporal: "off", Tuple: "off", }, }, ], };