/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // ES2017 draft rev 0e10c9f29fca1385980c08a7d5e7bb3eb775e2e4 // Map, steps 6-8 function MapConstructorInit(iterable) { var map = this; // Step 6.a. var adder = map.set; // Step 6.b. if (!IsCallable(adder)) { ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION, typeof adder); } // Steps 6.c-8. for (var nextItem of allowContentIter(iterable)) { // Step 8.d. if (!IsObject(nextItem)) { ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_INVALID_MAP_ITERABLE, "Map"); } // Steps 8.e-j. callContentFunction(adder, map, nextItem[0], nextItem[1]); } } // ES2018 draft rev f83aa38282c2a60c6916ebc410bfdf105a0f6a54 // Map.prototype.forEach ( callbackfn [ , thisArg ] ) function MapForEach(callbackfn, thisArg = undefined) { // Step 1. var M = this; // Steps 2-3. if (!IsObject(M) || (M = GuardToMapObject(M)) === null) { return callFunction( CallMapMethodIfWrapped, this, callbackfn, thisArg, "MapForEach" ); } // Step 4. if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) { ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION, DecompileArg(0, callbackfn)); } // Steps 5-8. var entries = callFunction(std_Map_entries, M); // Inlined: MapIteratorNext var mapIterationResultPair = globalMapIterationResultPair; while (true) { var done = GetNextMapEntryForIterator(entries, mapIterationResultPair); if (done) { break; } var key = mapIterationResultPair[0]; var value = mapIterationResultPair[1]; mapIterationResultPair[0] = null; mapIterationResultPair[1] = null; callContentFunction(callbackfn, thisArg, value, key, M); } } var globalMapIterationResultPair = CreateMapIterationResultPair(); function MapIteratorNext() { // Step 1. var O = this; // Steps 2-3. if (!IsObject(O) || (O = GuardToMapIterator(O)) === null) { return callFunction( CallMapIteratorMethodIfWrapped, this, "MapIteratorNext" ); } // Steps 4-5 (implemented in GetNextMapEntryForIterator). // Steps 8-9 (omitted). var mapIterationResultPair = globalMapIterationResultPair; var retVal = { value: undefined, done: true }; // Step 10.a, 11. var done = GetNextMapEntryForIterator(O, mapIterationResultPair); if (!done) { // Steps 10.b-c (omitted). // Step 6. var itemKind = UnsafeGetInt32FromReservedSlot(O, ITERATOR_SLOT_ITEM_KIND); var result; if (itemKind === ITEM_KIND_KEY) { // Step 10.d.i. result = mapIterationResultPair[0]; } else if (itemKind === ITEM_KIND_VALUE) { // Step 10.d.ii. result = mapIterationResultPair[1]; } else { // Step 10.d.iii. assert(itemKind === ITEM_KIND_KEY_AND_VALUE, itemKind); result = [mapIterationResultPair[0], mapIterationResultPair[1]]; } mapIterationResultPair[0] = null; mapIterationResultPair[1] = null; retVal.value = result; retVal.done = false; } // Steps 7, 12. return retVal; } // ES6 final draft // Uncloned functions with `$` prefix are allocated as extended function // to store the original name in `SetCanonicalName`. function $MapSpecies() { // Step 1. return this; } SetCanonicalName($MapSpecies, "get [Symbol.species]"); // Array Grouping proposal // // Map.groupBy ( items, callbackfn ) // // https://tc39.es/proposal-array-grouping/#sec-map.groupby function MapGroupBy(items, callbackfn) { // Step 1. (Call to GroupBy is inlined.) // GroupBy, step 1. if (IsNullOrUndefined(items)) { ThrowTypeError( JSMSG_UNEXPECTED_TYPE, DecompileArg(0, items), items === null ? "null" : "undefined" ); } // GroupBy, step 2. if (!IsCallable(callbackfn)) { ThrowTypeError(JSMSG_NOT_FUNCTION, DecompileArg(1, callbackfn)); } // Step 2. var C = GetBuiltinConstructor("Map"); var map = new C(); // GroupBy, step 3. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // GroupBy, step 4. var k = 0; // GroupBy, steps 4 and 6. for (var value of allowContentIter(items)) { // GroupBy, step 6.a. (Not applicable) assert(k < 2 ** 53 - 1, "out-of-memory happens before k exceeds 2^53 - 1"); // GroupBy, steps 6.b-d. (Implicit through for-of loop.) // GroupBy, step 6.e. var key = callContentFunction(callbackfn, undefined, value, k); // GroupBy, step 6.f. (Implicit through for-of loop.) // GroupBy, step 6.g. (Not applicable) // GroupBy, step 6.h. (Implicit through std_Map_get.) // GroupBy, step 6.i. (Inlined call to AddValueToKeyedGroup.) var elements = callFunction(std_Map_get, map, key); if (elements === undefined) { callFunction(std_Map_set, map, key, [value]); } else { DefineDataProperty(elements, elements.length, value); } // GroupBy, step 6.j. k += 1; } // Step 3. (Result map already populated in the previous loop.) // Step 4. return map; }