/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "builtin/temporal/PlainDate.h" #include "mozilla/Assertions.h" #include "mozilla/Casting.h" #include "mozilla/FloatingPoint.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "jsnum.h" #include "jspubtd.h" #include "jstypes.h" #include "NamespaceImports.h" #include "builtin/temporal/Calendar.h" #include "builtin/temporal/Duration.h" #include "builtin/temporal/PlainDateTime.h" #include "builtin/temporal/PlainMonthDay.h" #include "builtin/temporal/PlainTime.h" #include "builtin/temporal/PlainYearMonth.h" #include "builtin/temporal/Temporal.h" #include "builtin/temporal/TemporalFields.h" #include "builtin/temporal/TemporalParser.h" #include "builtin/temporal/TemporalRoundingMode.h" #include "builtin/temporal/TemporalTypes.h" #include "builtin/temporal/TemporalUnit.h" #include "builtin/temporal/TimeZone.h" #include "builtin/temporal/ToString.h" #include "builtin/temporal/Wrapped.h" #include "builtin/temporal/ZonedDateTime.h" #include "ds/IdValuePair.h" #include "gc/AllocKind.h" #include "gc/Barrier.h" #include "js/AllocPolicy.h" #include "js/CallArgs.h" #include "js/CallNonGenericMethod.h" #include "js/Class.h" #include "js/Date.h" #include "js/ErrorReport.h" #include "js/friend/ErrorMessages.h" #include "js/GCVector.h" #include "js/Id.h" #include "js/PropertyDescriptor.h" #include "js/PropertySpec.h" #include "js/RootingAPI.h" #include "js/TypeDecls.h" #include "js/Value.h" #include "vm/BytecodeUtil.h" #include "vm/GlobalObject.h" #include "vm/JSAtomState.h" #include "vm/JSContext.h" #include "vm/JSObject.h" #include "vm/PlainObject.h" #include "vm/PropertyInfo.h" #include "vm/Realm.h" #include "vm/Shape.h" #include "vm/StringType.h" #include "vm/JSObject-inl.h" #include "vm/NativeObject-inl.h" #include "vm/ObjectOperations-inl.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::temporal; static inline bool IsPlainDate(Handle v) { return v.isObject() && v.toObject().is(); } #ifdef DEBUG /** * IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) */ template static bool IsValidISODate(T year, T month, T day) { static_assert(std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v); // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(year)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(month)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(day)); // Step 2. if (month < 1 || month > 12) { return false; } // Step 3. int32_t daysInMonth = js::temporal::ISODaysInMonth(year, int32_t(month)); // Steps 4-5. return 1 <= day && day <= daysInMonth; } /** * IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) */ bool js::temporal::IsValidISODate(const PlainDate& date) { const auto& [year, month, day] = date; return ::IsValidISODate(year, month, day); } /** * IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) */ bool js::temporal::IsValidISODate(double year, double month, double day) { return ::IsValidISODate(year, month, day); } #endif static void ReportInvalidDateValue(JSContext* cx, const char* name, int32_t min, int32_t max, double num) { Int32ToCStringBuf minCbuf; const char* minStr = Int32ToCString(&minCbuf, min); Int32ToCStringBuf maxCbuf; const char* maxStr = Int32ToCString(&maxCbuf, max); ToCStringBuf numCbuf; const char* numStr = NumberToCString(&numCbuf, num); JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID_VALUE, name, minStr, maxStr, numStr); } template static inline bool ThrowIfInvalidDateValue(JSContext* cx, const char* name, int32_t min, int32_t max, T num) { if (min <= num && num <= max) { return true; } ReportInvalidDateValue(cx, name, min, max, num); return false; } /** * IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) */ template static bool ThrowIfInvalidISODate(JSContext* cx, T year, T month, T day) { static_assert(std::is_same_v || std::is_same_v); // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(year)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(month)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(day)); // Step 2. if (!ThrowIfInvalidDateValue(cx, "month", 1, 12, month)) { return false; } // Step 3. int32_t daysInMonth = js::temporal::ISODaysInMonth(year, int32_t(month)); // Steps 4-5. return ThrowIfInvalidDateValue(cx, "day", 1, daysInMonth, day); } /** * IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) */ bool js::temporal::ThrowIfInvalidISODate(JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date) { const auto& [year, month, day] = date; return ::ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, year, month, day); } /** * IsValidISODate ( year, month, day ) */ bool js::temporal::ThrowIfInvalidISODate(JSContext* cx, double year, double month, double day) { return ::ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, year, month, day); } /** * RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow ) * * With |overflow = "constrain"|. */ static PlainDate ConstrainISODate(const PlainDate& date) { const auto& [year, month, day] = date; // Step 1.a. int32_t m = std::clamp(month, 1, 12); // Step 1.b. int32_t daysInMonth = temporal::ISODaysInMonth(year, m); // Step 1.c. int32_t d = std::clamp(day, 1, daysInMonth); // Step 1.d. return {year, m, d}; } /** * RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow ) */ bool js::temporal::RegulateISODate(JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date, TemporalOverflow overflow, PlainDate* result) { // Step 1. if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) { *result = ::ConstrainISODate(date); return true; } // Step 2.a. MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject); // Step 2.b. if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, date)) { return false; } // Step 2.b. (Inlined call to CreateISODateRecord.) *result = date; return true; } /** * RegulateISODate ( year, month, day, overflow ) */ bool js::temporal::RegulateISODate(JSContext* cx, double year, double month, double day, TemporalOverflow overflow, RegulatedISODate* result) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(year)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(month)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(day)); // Step 1. if (overflow == TemporalOverflow::Constrain) { // Step 1.a. int32_t m = int32_t(std::clamp(month, 1.0, 12.0)); // Step 1.b. double daysInMonth = double(ISODaysInMonth(year, m)); // Step 1.c. int32_t d = int32_t(std::clamp(day, 1.0, daysInMonth)); // Step 1.d. *result = {year, m, d}; return true; } // Step 2.a. MOZ_ASSERT(overflow == TemporalOverflow::Reject); // Step 2.b. if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, year, month, day)) { return false; } // Step 2.b. (Inlined call to CreateISODateRecord.) *result = {year, int32_t(month), int32_t(day)}; return true; } /** * CreateTemporalDate ( isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, calendar [ , newTarget ] ) */ static PlainDateObject* CreateTemporalDate(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args, double isoYear, double isoMonth, double isoDay, Handle calendar) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(isoYear)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(isoMonth)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsInteger(isoDay)); // Step 1. if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay)) { return nullptr; } // Step 2. if (!ISODateTimeWithinLimits(isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay)) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID); return nullptr; } // Steps 3-4. Rooted proto(cx); if (!GetPrototypeFromBuiltinConstructor(cx, args, JSProto_PlainDate, &proto)) { return nullptr; } auto* object = NewObjectWithClassProto(cx, proto); if (!object) { return nullptr; } // Step 5. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::ISO_YEAR_SLOT, Int32Value(int32_t(isoYear))); // Step 6. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::ISO_MONTH_SLOT, Int32Value(int32_t(isoMonth))); // Step 7. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::ISO_DAY_SLOT, Int32Value(int32_t(isoDay))); // Step 8. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::CALENDAR_SLOT, calendar.toValue()); // Step 9. return object; } /** * CreateTemporalDate ( isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, calendar [ , newTarget ] ) */ PlainDateObject* js::temporal::CreateTemporalDate( JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date, Handle calendar) { const auto& [isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay] = date; // Step 1. if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, date)) { return nullptr; } // Step 2. if (!ISODateTimeWithinLimits(date)) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID); return nullptr; } // Steps 3-4. auto* object = NewBuiltinClassInstance(cx); if (!object) { return nullptr; } // Step 5. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::ISO_YEAR_SLOT, Int32Value(isoYear)); // Step 6. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::ISO_MONTH_SLOT, Int32Value(isoMonth)); // Step 7. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::ISO_DAY_SLOT, Int32Value(isoDay)); // Step 8. object->setFixedSlot(PlainDateObject::CALENDAR_SLOT, calendar.toValue()); // Step 9. return object; } /** * CreateTemporalDate ( isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, calendar [ , newTarget ] ) */ bool js::temporal::CreateTemporalDate( JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date, Handle calendar, MutableHandle result) { // Step 1. if (!ThrowIfInvalidISODate(cx, date)) { return false; } // Step 2. if (!ISODateTimeWithinLimits(date)) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID); return false; } // Steps 3-9. result.set(PlainDateWithCalendar{date, calendar}); return true; } /** * ToTemporalDate ( item [ , options ] ) */ static Wrapped ToTemporalDate( JSContext* cx, Handle item, Handle maybeOptions) { // Step 1-2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3.a. if (item->canUnwrapAs()) { return item; } // Step 3.b. if (auto* zonedDateTime = item->maybeUnwrapIf()) { auto epochInstant = ToInstant(zonedDateTime); Rooted timeZone(cx, zonedDateTime->timeZone()); Rooted calendar(cx, zonedDateTime->calendar()); if (!timeZone.wrap(cx)) { return nullptr; } if (!calendar.wrap(cx)) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.b.i. if (maybeOptions) { TemporalOverflow ignored; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, maybeOptions, &ignored)) { return nullptr; } } // Steps 3.b.ii-iv. PlainDateTime dateTime; if (!GetPlainDateTimeFor(cx, timeZone, epochInstant, &dateTime)) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.b.v. return CreateTemporalDate(cx, dateTime.date, calendar); } // Step 3.c. if (auto* dateTime = item->maybeUnwrapIf()) { auto date = ToPlainDate(dateTime); Rooted calendar(cx, dateTime->calendar()); if (!calendar.wrap(cx)) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.c.i. if (maybeOptions) { TemporalOverflow ignored; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, maybeOptions, &ignored)) { return nullptr; } } // Step 3.c.ii. return CreateTemporalDate(cx, date, calendar); } // Step 3.d. Rooted calendarValue(cx); if (!GetTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(cx, item, &calendarValue)) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.e. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::DateFromFields, CalendarMethod::Fields, }, &calendar)) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.f. JS::RootedVector fieldNames(cx); if (!CalendarFields(cx, calendar, {CalendarField::Day, CalendarField::Month, CalendarField::MonthCode, CalendarField::Year}, &fieldNames)) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.g. Rooted fields(cx, PrepareTemporalFields(cx, item, fieldNames)); if (!fields) { return nullptr; } // Step 3.h. if (maybeOptions) { return temporal::CalendarDateFromFields(cx, calendar, fields, maybeOptions); } return temporal::CalendarDateFromFields(cx, calendar, fields); } /** * ToTemporalDate ( item [ , options ] ) */ static Wrapped ToTemporalDate( JSContext* cx, Handle item, Handle maybeOptions) { // Step 1. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 2. Rooted maybeResolvedOptions(cx); if (maybeOptions) { maybeResolvedOptions = SnapshotOwnProperties(cx, maybeOptions); if (!maybeResolvedOptions) { return nullptr; } } // Step 3. if (item.isObject()) { Rooted itemObj(cx, &item.toObject()); return ::ToTemporalDate(cx, itemObj, maybeResolvedOptions); } // Step 4. if (!item.isString()) { ReportValueError(cx, JSMSG_UNEXPECTED_TYPE, JSDVG_IGNORE_STACK, item, nullptr, "not a string"); return nullptr; } Rooted string(cx, item.toString()); // Step 5. PlainDate result; Rooted calendarString(cx); if (!ParseTemporalDateString(cx, string, &result, &calendarString)) { return nullptr; } // Step 6. MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(result)); // Steps 7-10. Rooted calendar(cx, CalendarValue(cx->names().iso8601)); if (calendarString) { if (!ToBuiltinCalendar(cx, calendarString, &calendar)) { return nullptr; } } // Step 11. if (maybeResolvedOptions) { TemporalOverflow ignored; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, maybeResolvedOptions, &ignored)) { return nullptr; } } // Step 12. return CreateTemporalDate(cx, result, calendar); } /** * ToTemporalDate ( item [ , options ] ) */ static Wrapped ToTemporalDate(JSContext* cx, Handle item) { return ::ToTemporalDate(cx, item, nullptr); } /** * ToTemporalDate ( item [ , options ] ) */ bool js::temporal::ToTemporalDate(JSContext* cx, Handle item, PlainDate* result) { auto obj = ::ToTemporalDate(cx, item, nullptr); if (!obj) { return false; } *result = ToPlainDate(&obj.unwrap()); return true; } /** * ToTemporalDate ( item [ , options ] ) */ bool js::temporal::ToTemporalDate(JSContext* cx, Handle item, MutableHandle result) { auto* obj = ::ToTemporalDate(cx, item, nullptr).unwrapOrNull(); if (!obj) { return false; } auto date = ToPlainDate(obj); Rooted calendar(cx, obj->calendar()); if (!calendar.wrap(cx)) { return false; } result.set(PlainDateWithCalendar{date, calendar}); return true; } /** * Mathematical Operations, "modulo" notation. */ static int32_t NonNegativeModulo(int64_t x, int32_t y) { MOZ_ASSERT(y > 0); int32_t result = mozilla::AssertedCast(x % y); return (result < 0) ? (result + y) : result; } struct BalancedYearMonth final { int64_t year = 0; int32_t month = 0; }; /** * BalanceISOYearMonth ( year, month ) */ static BalancedYearMonth BalanceISOYearMonth(int64_t year, int64_t month) { MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(year) < (int64_t(1) << 33), "year is the addition of plain-date year with duration years"); MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(month) < (int64_t(1) << 33), "month is the addition of plain-date month with duration months"); // Step 1. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Note: If either abs(year) or abs(month) is greater than 2^53 (the double // integral precision limit), the additions resp. subtractions below are // imprecise. This doesn't matter for us, because the single caller to this // function (AddISODate) will throw an error for large values anyway. // Step 2. int64_t balancedYear = year + temporal::FloorDiv(month - 1, 12); // Step 3. int32_t balancedMonth = NonNegativeModulo(month - 1, 12) + 1; MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= balancedMonth && balancedMonth <= 12); // Step 4. return {balancedYear, balancedMonth}; } static bool CanBalanceISOYear(int64_t year) { // TODO: Export these values somewhere. constexpr int32_t minYear = -271821; constexpr int32_t maxYear = 275760; // If the year is below resp. above the min-/max-year, no value of |day| will // make the resulting date valid. return minYear <= year && year <= maxYear; } static bool CanBalanceISODay(int64_t day) { // The maximum number of seconds from the epoch is 8.64 * 10^12. constexpr int64_t maxInstantSeconds = 8'640'000'000'000; // In days that makes 10^8. constexpr int64_t maxInstantDays = maxInstantSeconds / 60 / 60 / 24; // Multiply by two to take both directions into account and add twenty to // account for the day number of the minimum date "-271821-02-20". constexpr int64_t maximumDayDifference = 2 * maxInstantDays + 20; // When |day| is below |maximumDayDifference|, it can be represented as int32. static_assert(maximumDayDifference <= INT32_MAX); // When the day difference exceeds the maximum valid day difference, the // overall result won't be a valid date. Detect this early so we don't have to // struggle with floating point precision issues in BalanceISODate. // // This also means BalanceISODate, step 1 doesn't apply to our implementation. return std::abs(day) <= maximumDayDifference; } /** * BalanceISODate ( year, month, day ) */ PlainDate js::temporal::BalanceISODateNew(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day) { MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 12); // Steps 1-3. double ms = double(MakeDate(year, month, day)); // TODO: Add ISODateToEpochDays & friends which handle larger inputs. // TODO: This approach isn't efficient, because MonthFromTime and DayFromTime // both recompute YearFromTime. // Step 4. return {int32_t(JS::YearFromTime(ms)), int32_t(JS::MonthFromTime(ms) + 1), int32_t(JS::DayFromTime(ms))}; } /** * BalanceISODate ( year, month, day ) */ bool js::temporal::BalanceISODate(JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date, int64_t days, PlainDate* result) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(date)); MOZ_ASSERT(ISODateTimeWithinLimits(date)); int64_t day = int64_t(date.day) + days; if (!CanBalanceISODay(day)) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID); return false; } *result = BalanceISODate(date.year, date.month, int32_t(day)); return true; } /** * BalanceISODate ( year, month, day ) */ PlainDate js::temporal::BalanceISODate(int32_t year, int32_t month, int32_t day) { // Check no inputs can lead to floating point precision issues below. This // also ensures all loops can finish in reasonable time, so we don't need to // worry about interrupts here. And it ensures there won't be overflows when // using int32_t values. MOZ_ASSERT(CanBalanceISOYear(year)); MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 12); MOZ_ASSERT(CanBalanceISODay(day)); // TODO: BalanceISODate now works using ISODateToEpochDays & friends. // TODO: Can't use JS::MakeDate, because it expects valid month/day values. // Step 1. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Steps 3-4. (Not applicable in our implementation.) constexpr int32_t daysInNonLeapYear = 365; // Skip steps 5-11 for the common case when abs(day) doesn't exceed 365. if (std::abs(day) > daysInNonLeapYear) { // Step 5. (Note) // Steps 6-7. int32_t testYear = month > 2 ? year : year - 1; // Step 8. while (day < -ISODaysInYear(testYear)) { // Step 8.a. day += ISODaysInYear(testYear); // Step 8.b. year -= 1; // Step 8.c. testYear -= 1; } // Step 9. (Note) // Step 10. testYear += 1; // Step 11. while (day > ISODaysInYear(testYear)) { // Step 11.a. day -= ISODaysInYear(testYear); // Step 11.b. year += 1; // Step 11.c. testYear += 1; } } // Step 12. (Note) // Step 13. while (day < 1) { // Steps 13.a-b. (Inlined call to BalanceISOYearMonth.) if (--month == 0) { month = 12; year -= 1; } // Step 13.d day += ISODaysInMonth(year, month); } // Step 14. (Note) // Step 15. while (day > ISODaysInMonth(year, month)) { // Step 15.a. day -= ISODaysInMonth(year, month); // Steps 15.b-d. (Inlined call to BalanceISOYearMonth.) if (++month == 13) { month = 1; year += 1; } } MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 12); MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= day && day <= 31); // Step 16. return {year, month, day}; } /** * AddISODate ( year, month, day, years, months, weeks, days, overflow ) */ bool js::temporal::AddISODate(JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date, const DateDuration& duration, TemporalOverflow overflow, PlainDate* result) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(date)); MOZ_ASSERT(ISODateTimeWithinLimits(date)); // TODO: Not quite sure if this holds for all callers. But if it does hold, // then we can directly reject any numbers which can't be represented with // int32_t. That in turn avoids the precision loss issue noted in // BalanceISODate. MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidDuration(duration)); // Steps 1-2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. auto yearMonth = BalanceISOYearMonth(date.year + duration.years, date.month + duration.months); MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= yearMonth.month && yearMonth.month <= 12); // FIXME: spec issue? // new Temporal.PlainDate(2021, 5, 31).subtract({months:1, days:1}).toString() // returns "2021-04-29", but "2021-04-30" seems more likely expected. // Note: "2021-04-29" agrees with java.time, though. // // Example where this creates inconsistent results: // // clang-format off // // js> Temporal.PlainDate.from("2021-05-31").since("2021-04-30", {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P1M1D" // js> Temporal.PlainDate.from("2021-05-31").subtract("P1M1D").toString() // "2021-04-29" // // clang-format on // // Later: This now returns "P1M" instead "P1M1D", so the results are at least // consistent. Let's add a test case for this behaviour. // // Revisit when has // been addressed. // |yearMonth.year| can only exceed the valid years range when called from // `Temporal.Calendar.prototype.dateAdd`. And because `dateAdd` uses the // result of AddISODate to create a new Temporal.PlainDate, we can directly // throw an error if the result isn't within the valid date-time limits. This // in turn allows to work on integer values and we don't have to worry about // imprecise double value computations. if (!CanBalanceISOYear(yearMonth.year)) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID); return false; } // Step 4. PlainDate regulated; if (!RegulateISODate(cx, {int32_t(yearMonth.year), yearMonth.month, date.day}, overflow, ®ulated)) { return false; } // NB: BalanceISODate will reject too large days, so we don't have to worry // about imprecise number arithmetic here. // Steps 5-6. int64_t d = regulated.day + (duration.days + duration.weeks * 7); // Just as with |yearMonth.year|, also directly throw an error if the |days| // value is too large. if (!CanBalanceISODay(d)) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_TEMPORAL_PLAIN_DATE_INVALID); return false; } // Step 7. auto balanced = BalanceISODate(regulated.year, regulated.month, int32_t(d)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(balanced)); *result = balanced; return true; } struct YearMonthDuration { int32_t years = 0; int32_t months = 0; }; /** * AddISODate ( year, month, day, years, months, weeks, days, overflow ) * * With |overflow = "constrain"|. */ static PlainDate AddISODate(const PlainDate& date, const YearMonthDuration& duration) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(date)); MOZ_ASSERT(ISODateTimeWithinLimits(date)); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(duration.years < 0, duration.months <= 0); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(duration.years > 0, duration.months >= 0); // TODO: Export these values somewhere. [[maybe_unused]] constexpr int32_t minYear = -271821; [[maybe_unused]] constexpr int32_t maxYear = 275760; MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(duration.years) <= (maxYear - minYear), "years doesn't exceed the maximum duration between valid years"); MOZ_ASSERT(std::abs(duration.months) <= 12, "months duration is at most one year"); // Steps 1-2. (Not applicable) // Step 3. (Inlined BalanceISOYearMonth) int32_t year = date.year + duration.years; int32_t month = date.month + duration.months; MOZ_ASSERT(-11 <= month && month <= 24); if (month > 12) { month -= 12; year += 1; } else if (month <= 0) { month += 12; year -= 1; } MOZ_ASSERT(1 <= month && month <= 12); MOZ_ASSERT(CanBalanceISOYear(year)); // Steps 4-7. return ::ConstrainISODate({year, month, date.day}); } static bool HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(const Duration& duration) { return duration.years != 0 || duration.months != 0 || duration.weeks != 0; } static bool HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(const DateDuration& duration) { return duration.years != 0 || duration.months != 0 || duration.weeks != 0; } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ static bool AddDate(JSContext* cx, const PlainDate& date, const NormalizedDuration& duration, TemporalOverflow overflow, PlainDate* result) { MOZ_ASSERT(!HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(duration.date)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidDuration(duration)); // Steps 1-4. (Not applicable) // Step 5. (Not applicable) const auto& timeDuration = duration.time; // Step 6. int64_t balancedDays = BalanceTimeDuration(timeDuration, TemporalUnit::Day).days; int64_t days = duration.date.days + balancedDays; // Step 7. return AddISODate(cx, date, {0, 0, 0, days}, overflow, result); } static bool AddDate(JSContext* cx, Handle> date, const NormalizedDuration& duration, TemporalOverflow overflow, PlainDate* result) { auto* unwrappedDate = date.unwrap(cx); if (!unwrappedDate) { return false; } return ::AddDate(cx, ToPlainDate(unwrappedDate), duration, overflow, result); } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ static Wrapped AddDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> date, const Duration& duration, Handle options) { // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT( CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(calendar, CalendarMethod::DateAdd)); // Step 2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. if (HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(duration)) { return temporal::CalendarDateAdd(cx, calendar, date, duration, options); } // Step 4. auto overflow = TemporalOverflow::Constrain; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, options, &overflow)) { return nullptr; } // Step 5. auto normalized = CreateNormalizedDurationRecord(duration); // Steps 6-7. PlainDate resultDate; if (!::AddDate(cx, date, normalized, overflow, &resultDate)) { return nullptr; } // Step 8. return CreateTemporalDate(cx, resultDate, calendar.receiver()); } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ Wrapped js::temporal::AddDate( JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> date, const DateDuration& duration) { // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT( CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(calendar, CalendarMethod::DateAdd)); // Step 2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. if (HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(duration)) { return CalendarDateAdd(cx, calendar, date, duration); } // Step 4. auto overflow = TemporalOverflow::Constrain; // Step 5. auto normalized = NormalizedDuration{duration}; // Steps 6-7. PlainDate resultDate; if (!::AddDate(cx, date, normalized, overflow, &resultDate)) { return nullptr; } // Step 8. return CreateTemporalDate(cx, resultDate, calendar.receiver()); } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ Wrapped js::temporal::AddDate( JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> date, const DateDuration& duration, Handle options) { return ::AddDate(cx, calendar, date, duration.toDuration(), options); } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ static Wrapped AddDate( JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> date, Handle> durationObj, Handle options) { auto* unwrappedDuration = durationObj.unwrap(cx); if (!unwrappedDuration) { return nullptr; } auto duration = ToDuration(unwrappedDuration); // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT( CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(calendar, CalendarMethod::DateAdd)); // Step 2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. if (HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(duration)) { return temporal::CalendarDateAdd(cx, calendar, date, durationObj, options); } // Step 4. auto overflow = TemporalOverflow::Constrain; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, options, &overflow)) { return nullptr; } // Step 5. auto normalized = CreateNormalizedDurationRecord(duration); // Steps 6-7. PlainDate resultDate; if (!::AddDate(cx, date, normalized, overflow, &resultDate)) { return nullptr; } // Step 8. return CreateTemporalDate(cx, resultDate, calendar.receiver()); } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ bool js::temporal::AddDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, const PlainDate& date, const DateDuration& duration, Handle options, PlainDate* result) { // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT( CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(calendar, CalendarMethod::DateAdd)); // Step 2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. if (HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(duration)) { return temporal::CalendarDateAdd(cx, calendar, date, duration, options, result); } // Step 4. auto overflow = TemporalOverflow::Constrain; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, options, &overflow)) { return false; } // Step 5. auto normalized = NormalizedDuration{duration}; // Steps 5-8. return ::AddDate(cx, date, normalized, overflow, result); } /** * AddDate ( calendarRec, plainDate, duration [ , options ] ) */ bool js::temporal::AddDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> date, const DateDuration& duration, PlainDate* result) { // Step 1. MOZ_ASSERT( CalendarMethodsRecordHasLookedUp(calendar, CalendarMethod::DateAdd)); // Step 2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. if (HasYearsMonthsOrWeeks(duration)) { return CalendarDateAdd(cx, calendar, date, duration, result); } // Step 4. auto overflow = TemporalOverflow::Constrain; // Step 5. auto normalized = NormalizedDuration{duration}; // Steps 6-8. return ::AddDate(cx, date, normalized, overflow, result); } /** * DifferenceDate ( calendarRec, one, two, options ) */ bool js::temporal::DifferenceDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> one, Handle> two, TemporalUnit largestUnit, Handle options, DateDuration* result) { auto* unwrappedOne = one.unwrap(cx); if (!unwrappedOne) { return false; } auto oneDate = ToPlainDate(unwrappedOne); auto* unwrappedTwo = two.unwrap(cx); if (!unwrappedTwo) { return false; } auto twoDate = ToPlainDate(unwrappedTwo); // Steps 1-2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 3. MOZ_ASSERT(options->staticPrototype() == nullptr); // Step 4. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 5. if (oneDate == twoDate) { *result = {}; return true; } // Step 6. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Day) { // Step 6.a. int32_t days = DaysUntil(oneDate, twoDate); // Step 6.b. *result = {0, 0, 0, days}; return true; } // Step 7. return CalendarDateUntil(cx, calendar, one, two, largestUnit, options, result); } /** * DifferenceDate ( calendarRec, one, two, options ) */ bool js::temporal::DifferenceDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, Handle> one, Handle> two, TemporalUnit largestUnit, DateDuration* result) { auto* unwrappedOne = one.unwrap(cx); if (!unwrappedOne) { return false; } auto oneDate = ToPlainDate(unwrappedOne); auto* unwrappedTwo = two.unwrap(cx); if (!unwrappedTwo) { return false; } auto twoDate = ToPlainDate(unwrappedTwo); // Steps 1-4. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 5. if (oneDate == twoDate) { *result = {}; return true; } // Step 6. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Day) { // Step 6.a. int32_t days = DaysUntil(oneDate, twoDate); // Step 6.b. *result = {0, 0, 0, days}; return true; } // Step 7. return CalendarDateUntil(cx, calendar, one, two, largestUnit, result); } /** * DifferenceDate ( calendarRec, one, two, options ) */ bool js::temporal::DifferenceDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, const PlainDate& one, const PlainDate& two, TemporalUnit largestUnit, Handle options, DateDuration* result) { // Steps 1-4. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 5. if (one == two) { *result = {}; return true; } // Step 6. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Day) { // Step 6.a. int32_t days = DaysUntil(one, two); // Step 6.b. *result = {0, 0, 0, days}; return true; } // Step 7. return CalendarDateUntil(cx, calendar, one, two, largestUnit, options, result); } /** * DifferenceDate ( calendarRec, one, two, options ) */ bool js::temporal::DifferenceDate(JSContext* cx, Handle calendar, const PlainDate& one, const PlainDate& two, TemporalUnit largestUnit, DateDuration* result) { // Steps 1-4. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // Step 5. if (one == two) { *result = {}; return true; } // Step 6. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Day) { // Step 6.a. int32_t days = DaysUntil(one, two); // Step 6.b. *result = {0, 0, 0, days}; return true; } // Step 7. return CalendarDateUntil(cx, calendar, one, two, largestUnit, result); } /** * CompareISODate ( y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2 ) */ int32_t js::temporal::CompareISODate(const PlainDate& one, const PlainDate& two) { // Steps 1-2. if (one.year != two.year) { return one.year < two.year ? -1 : 1; } // Steps 3-4. if (one.month != two.month) { return one.month < two.month ? -1 : 1; } // Steps 5-6. if (one.day != two.day) { return one.day < two.day ? -1 : 1; } // Step 7. return 0; } /** * CreateDateDurationRecord ( years, months, weeks, days ) */ static DateDuration CreateDateDurationRecord(int32_t years, int32_t months, int32_t weeks, int32_t days) { MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidDuration( Duration{double(years), double(months), double(weeks), double(days)})); return {years, months, weeks, days}; } /** * DifferenceISODate ( y1, m1, d1, y2, m2, d2, largestUnit ) */ DateDuration js::temporal::DifferenceISODate(const PlainDate& start, const PlainDate& end, TemporalUnit largestUnit) { // Steps 1-2. MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(start)); MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidISODate(end)); // Both inputs are also within the date-time limits. MOZ_ASSERT(ISODateTimeWithinLimits(start)); MOZ_ASSERT(ISODateTimeWithinLimits(end)); // Because both inputs are valid dates, we don't need to worry about integer // overflow in any of the computations below. MOZ_ASSERT(TemporalUnit::Year <= largestUnit && largestUnit <= TemporalUnit::Day); // Step 3. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Year || largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Month) { // Step 3.a. int32_t sign = -CompareISODate(start, end); // Step 3.b. if (sign == 0) { return CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, 0, 0); } // FIXME: spec issue - results can be ambiguous, is this intentional? // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-temporal/issues/2535 // // clang-format off // js> var end = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 2, 28) // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 28) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P1M" // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 29) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P1M" // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 30) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P1M" // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 31) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P1M" // // Compare to java.time.temporal // // jshell> import java.time.LocalDate // jshell> var end = LocalDate.of(1970, 2, 28) // end ==> 1970-02-28 // jshell> var start = LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 28) // start ==> 1970-01-28 // jshell> start.until(end) // $27 ==> P1M // jshell> var start = LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 29) // start ==> 1970-01-29 // jshell> start.until(end) // $29 ==> P30D // jshell> var start = LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 30) // start ==> 1970-01-30 // jshell> start.until(end) // $31 ==> P29D // jshell> var start = LocalDate.of(1970, 1, 31) // start ==> 1970-01-31 // jshell> start.until(end) // $33 ==> P28D // // Also compare to: // // js> var end = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 2, 27) // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 27) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P1M" // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 28) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P30D" // js> var start = new Temporal.PlainDate(1970, 1, 29) // js> start.calendar.dateUntil(start, end, {largestUnit:"months"}).toString() // "P29D" // // clang-format on // Steps 3.c-d. (Not applicable in our implementation.) // FIXME: spec issue - consistently use either |end.[[Year]]| or |y2|. // Step 3.e. int32_t years = end.year - start.year; // TODO: We could inline this, because the AddISODate call is just a more // complicated way to perform: // mid = ConstrainISODate(end.year, start.month, start.day) // // The remaining computations can probably simplified similarily. // Step 3.f. auto mid = ::AddISODate(start, {years, 0}); // Step 3.g. int32_t midSign = -CompareISODate(mid, end); // Step 3.h. if (midSign == 0) { // Step 3.h.i. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Year) { return CreateDateDurationRecord(years, 0, 0, 0); } // Step 3.h.ii. return CreateDateDurationRecord(0, years * 12, 0, 0); } // Step 3.i. int32_t months = end.month - start.month; // Step 3.j. if (midSign != sign) { // Step 3.j.i. years -= sign; // Step 3.j.ii. months += sign * 12; } // Step 3.k. mid = ::AddISODate(start, {years, months}); // Step 3.l. midSign = -CompareISODate(mid, end); // Step 3.m. if (midSign == 0) { // Step 3.m.i. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Year) { return CreateDateDurationRecord(years, months, 0, 0); } // Step 3.m.ii. return CreateDateDurationRecord(0, months + years * 12, 0, 0); } // Step 3.n. if (midSign != sign) { // Step 3.n.i. months -= sign; // Step 3.n.ii. mid = ::AddISODate(start, {years, months}); } // Steps 3.o-q. int32_t days; if (mid.month == end.month) { MOZ_ASSERT(mid.year == end.year); days = end.day - mid.day; } else if (sign < 0) { days = -mid.day - (ISODaysInMonth(end.year, end.month) - end.day); } else { days = end.day + (ISODaysInMonth(mid.year, mid.month) - mid.day); } // Step 3.r. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Month) { // Step 3.r.i. months += years * 12; // Step 3.r.ii. years = 0; } // Step 3.s. return CreateDateDurationRecord(years, months, 0, days); } // Step 4.a. MOZ_ASSERT(largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Week || largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Day); // Step 4.b. int32_t epochDaysStart = MakeDay(start); // Step 4.c. int32_t epochDaysEnd = MakeDay(end); // Step 4.d. int32_t days = epochDaysEnd - epochDaysStart; // Step 4.e. int32_t weeks = 0; // Step 4.f. if (largestUnit == TemporalUnit::Week) { // Step 4.f.i weeks = days / 7; // Step 4.f.ii. days = days % 7; } // Step 4.g. return CreateDateDurationRecord(0, 0, weeks, days); } /** * DifferenceTemporalPlainDate ( operation, temporalDate, other, options ) */ static bool DifferenceTemporalPlainDate(JSContext* cx, TemporalDifference operation, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendarValue(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 1. (Not applicable in our implementation) // Step 2. auto wrappedOther = ::ToTemporalDate(cx, args.get(0)); if (!wrappedOther) { return false; } auto* unwrappedOther = &wrappedOther.unwrap(); auto otherDate = ToPlainDate(unwrappedOther); Rooted> other(cx, wrappedOther); Rooted otherCalendar(cx, unwrappedOther->calendar()); if (!otherCalendar.wrap(cx)) { return false; } // Step 3. if (!CalendarEqualsOrThrow(cx, calendarValue, otherCalendar)) { return false; } // Steps 4-5. DifferenceSettings settings; Rooted resolvedOptions(cx); if (args.hasDefined(1)) { Rooted options( cx, RequireObjectArg(cx, "options", ToName(operation), args[1])); if (!options) { return false; } // Step 4. resolvedOptions = SnapshotOwnProperties(cx, options); if (!resolvedOptions) { return false; } // Step 5. if (!GetDifferenceSettings(cx, operation, resolvedOptions, TemporalUnitGroup::Date, TemporalUnit::Day, TemporalUnit::Day, &settings)) { return false; } } else { // Steps 4-5. settings = { TemporalUnit::Day, TemporalUnit::Day, TemporalRoundingMode::Trunc, Increment{1}, }; } // Step 6. if (ToPlainDate(temporalDate) == otherDate) { auto* obj = CreateTemporalDuration(cx, {}); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } // Step 7. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::DateAdd, CalendarMethod::DateUntil, }, &calendar)) { return false; } // Steps 8-9. DateDuration difference; if (resolvedOptions) { // Steps 8-9. if (!DifferenceDate(cx, calendar, temporalDate, other, settings.largestUnit, resolvedOptions, &difference)) { return false; } } else { // Steps 8-9. if (!DifferenceDate(cx, calendar, temporalDate, other, settings.largestUnit, &difference)) { return false; } } // Step 10. bool roundingGranularityIsNoop = settings.smallestUnit == TemporalUnit::Day && settings.roundingIncrement == Increment{1}; // Step 11. if (!roundingGranularityIsNoop) { // Steps 11.a-b. NormalizedDuration roundResult; if (!temporal::RoundDuration(cx, {difference, {}}, settings.roundingIncrement, settings.smallestUnit, settings.roundingMode, temporalDate, calendar, &roundResult)) { return false; } // Step 11.c. DateDuration balanceResult; if (!temporal::BalanceDateDurationRelative( cx, roundResult.date, settings.largestUnit, settings.smallestUnit, temporalDate, calendar, &balanceResult)) { return false; } difference = balanceResult; } // Step 12. auto duration = difference.toDuration(); if (operation == TemporalDifference::Since) { duration = duration.negate(); } MOZ_ASSERT(IsValidDuration(duration)); auto* obj = CreateTemporalDuration(cx, duration); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate ( isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay [ , calendarLike ] ) */ static bool PlainDateConstructor(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); // Step 1. if (!ThrowIfNotConstructing(cx, args, "Temporal.PlainDate")) { return false; } // Step 2. double isoYear; if (!ToIntegerWithTruncation(cx, args.get(0), "year", &isoYear)) { return false; } // Step 3. double isoMonth; if (!ToIntegerWithTruncation(cx, args.get(1), "month", &isoMonth)) { return false; } // Step 4. double isoDay; if (!ToIntegerWithTruncation(cx, args.get(2), "day", &isoDay)) { return false; } // Step 5. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!ToTemporalCalendarWithISODefault(cx, args.get(3), &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 6. auto* temporalDate = CreateTemporalDate(cx, args, isoYear, isoMonth, isoDay, calendar); if (!temporalDate) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*temporalDate); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.from ( item [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_from(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); // Step 1. Rooted options(cx); if (args.hasDefined(1)) { options = RequireObjectArg(cx, "options", "from", args[1]); if (!options) { return false; } } // Step 2. if (args.get(0).isObject()) { JSObject* item = &args[0].toObject(); if (auto* temporalDate = item->maybeUnwrapIf()) { auto date = ToPlainDate(temporalDate); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); if (!calendar.wrap(cx)) { return false; } if (options) { // Step 2.a. TemporalOverflow ignored; if (!ToTemporalOverflow(cx, options, &ignored)) { return false; } } // Step 2.b. auto* result = CreateTemporalDate(cx, date, calendar); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } } // Step 3. auto result = ToTemporalDate(cx, args.get(0), options); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.compare ( one, two ) */ static bool PlainDate_compare(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); // Step 1. PlainDate one; if (!ToTemporalDate(cx, args.get(0), &one)) { return false; } // Step 2. PlainDate two; if (!ToTemporalDate(cx, args.get(1), &two)) { return false; } // Step 3. args.rval().setInt32(CompareISODate(one, two)); return true; } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.calendarId */ static bool PlainDate_calendarId(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 3. auto* calendarId = ToTemporalCalendarIdentifier(cx, calendar); if (!calendarId) { return false; } args.rval().setString(calendarId); return true; } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.calendarId */ static bool PlainDate_calendarId(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.year */ static bool PlainDate_year(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarYear(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.year */ static bool PlainDate_year(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.month */ static bool PlainDate_month(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarMonth(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.month */ static bool PlainDate_month(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.monthCode */ static bool PlainDate_monthCode(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarMonthCode(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.monthCode */ static bool PlainDate_monthCode(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.day */ static bool PlainDate_day(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarDay(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.day */ static bool PlainDate_day(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.dayOfWeek */ static bool PlainDate_dayOfWeek(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarDayOfWeek(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.dayOfWeek */ static bool PlainDate_dayOfWeek(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.dayOfYear */ static bool PlainDate_dayOfYear(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarDayOfYear(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.dayOfYear */ static bool PlainDate_dayOfYear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.weekOfYear */ static bool PlainDate_weekOfYear(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarWeekOfYear(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.weekOfYear */ static bool PlainDate_weekOfYear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.yearOfWeek */ static bool PlainDate_yearOfWeek(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarYearOfWeek(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.yearOfWeek */ static bool PlainDate_yearOfWeek(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInWeek */ static bool PlainDate_daysInWeek(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarDaysInWeek(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInWeek */ static bool PlainDate_daysInWeek(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInMonth */ static bool PlainDate_daysInMonth(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarDaysInMonth(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInMonth */ static bool PlainDate_daysInMonth(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInYear */ static bool PlainDate_daysInYear(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarDaysInYear(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.daysInYear */ static bool PlainDate_daysInYear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.monthsInYear */ static bool PlainDate_monthsInYear(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarMonthsInYear(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.monthsInYear */ static bool PlainDate_monthsInYear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.inLeapYear */ static bool PlainDate_inLeapYear(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 4. return CalendarInLeapYear(cx, calendar, temporalDate, args.rval()); } /** * get Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.inLeapYear */ static bool PlainDate_inLeapYear(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainYearMonth ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_toPlainYearMonth(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendarValue(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 3. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::Fields, CalendarMethod::YearMonthFromFields, }, &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 4. JS::RootedVector fieldNames(cx); if (!CalendarFields(cx, calendar, {CalendarField::MonthCode, CalendarField::Year}, &fieldNames)) { return false; } // Step 5. Rooted fields( cx, PrepareTemporalFields(cx, temporalDate, fieldNames)); if (!fields) { return false; } // Step 6. auto obj = CalendarYearMonthFromFields(cx, calendar, fields); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainYearMonth ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_toPlainYearMonth(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainMonthDay ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_toPlainMonthDay(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendarValue(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Example for the optimisation described in TemporalFields.cpp // Optimization for built-in objects. do { // Step 4. static constexpr std::initializer_list fieldNames = { CalendarField::Day, CalendarField::MonthCode}; // Step 5. if (calendarValue.isObject()) { Rooted calendarObj(cx, calendarValue.toObject()); if (!calendarObj->is()) { break; } auto builtinCalendar = calendarObj.as(); // Step 5. if (!IsBuiltinAccess(cx, builtinCalendar, fieldNames)) { break; } } if (!IsBuiltinAccess(cx, temporalDate, fieldNames)) { break; } // Step 6. auto date = ToPlainDate(temporalDate); auto result = PlainDate{1972 /* referenceISOYear */, date.month, date.day}; auto* obj = CreateTemporalMonthDay(cx, result, calendarValue); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } while (false); // Step 3. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::Fields, CalendarMethod::MonthDayFromFields, }, &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 4. JS::RootedVector fieldNames(cx); if (!CalendarFields(cx, calendar, {CalendarField::Day, CalendarField::MonthCode}, &fieldNames)) { return false; } // Step 5. Rooted fields( cx, PrepareTemporalFields(cx, temporalDate, fieldNames)); if (!fields) { return false; } // Steps 6-7. auto obj = CalendarMonthDayFromFields(cx, calendar, fields); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainMonthDay ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_toPlainMonthDay(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainDateTime ( [ temporalTime ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_toPlainDateTime(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Default initialize the time component to all zero. PlainDateTime dateTime = {ToPlainDate(temporalDate), {}}; // Step 3. (Inlined ToTemporalTimeOrMidnight) if (args.hasDefined(0)) { if (!ToTemporalTime(cx, args[0], &dateTime.time)) { return false; } } // Step 4. auto* obj = CreateTemporalDateTime(cx, dateTime, calendar); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toPlainDateTime ( [ temporalTime ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_toPlainDateTime(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.getISOFields ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_getISOFields(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); auto date = ToPlainDate(temporalDate); auto calendar = temporalDate->calendar(); // Step 3. Rooted fields(cx, IdValueVector(cx)); // Step 4. if (!fields.emplaceBack(NameToId(cx->names().calendar), calendar.toValue())) { return false; } // Step 5. if (!fields.emplaceBack(NameToId(cx->names().isoDay), Int32Value(date.day))) { return false; } // Step 6. if (!fields.emplaceBack(NameToId(cx->names().isoMonth), Int32Value(date.month))) { return false; } // Step 7. if (!fields.emplaceBack(NameToId(cx->names().isoYear), Int32Value(date.year))) { return false; } // Step 8. auto* obj = NewPlainObjectWithUniqueNames(cx, fields); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.getISOFields ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_getISOFields(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.getCalendar ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_getCalendar(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 3. auto* obj = ToTemporalCalendarObject(cx, calendar); if (!obj) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*obj); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.getCalendar ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_getCalendar(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.add ( temporalDurationLike [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_add(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendarValue(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 3. Rooted> duration( cx, ToTemporalDuration(cx, args.get(0))); if (!duration) { return false; } // Step 4. Rooted options(cx); if (args.hasDefined(1)) { options = RequireObjectArg(cx, "options", "add", args[1]); } else { options = NewPlainObjectWithProto(cx, nullptr); } if (!options) { return false; } // Step 5. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::DateAdd, }, &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 6. auto result = AddDate(cx, calendar, temporalDate, duration, options); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.add ( temporalDurationLike [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_add(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.subtract ( temporalDurationLike [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_subtract(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); Rooted calendarValue(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 3. Duration duration; if (!ToTemporalDuration(cx, args.get(0), &duration)) { return false; } // Step 4. Rooted options(cx); if (args.hasDefined(1)) { options = RequireObjectArg(cx, "options", "subtract", args[1]); } else { options = NewPlainObjectWithProto(cx, nullptr); } if (!options) { return false; } // Step 5. auto negatedDuration = duration.negate(); // Step 6. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::DateAdd, }, &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 7. auto result = ::AddDate(cx, calendar, temporalDate, negatedDuration, options); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.subtract ( temporalDurationLike [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_subtract(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.with ( temporalDateLike [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_with(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); // Step 3. Rooted temporalDateLike( cx, RequireObjectArg(cx, "temporalDateLike", "with", args.get(0))); if (!temporalDateLike) { return false; } if (!ThrowIfTemporalLikeObject(cx, temporalDateLike)) { return false; } // Step 4. Rooted resolvedOptions(cx); if (args.hasDefined(1)) { Rooted options(cx, RequireObjectArg(cx, "options", "with", args[1])); if (!options) { return false; } resolvedOptions = SnapshotOwnProperties(cx, options); } else { resolvedOptions = NewPlainObjectWithProto(cx, nullptr); } if (!resolvedOptions) { return false; } // Step 5. Rooted calendarValue(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); Rooted calendar(cx); if (!CreateCalendarMethodsRecord(cx, calendarValue, { CalendarMethod::DateFromFields, CalendarMethod::Fields, CalendarMethod::MergeFields, }, &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 6. JS::RootedVector fieldNames(cx); if (!CalendarFields(cx, calendar, {CalendarField::Day, CalendarField::Month, CalendarField::MonthCode, CalendarField::Year}, &fieldNames)) { return false; } // Step 7. Rooted fields( cx, PrepareTemporalFields(cx, temporalDate, fieldNames)); if (!fields) { return false; } // Step 8. Rooted partialDate( cx, PreparePartialTemporalFields(cx, temporalDateLike, fieldNames)); if (!partialDate) { return false; } // Step 9. Rooted mergedFields( cx, CalendarMergeFields(cx, calendar, fields, partialDate)); if (!mergedFields) { return false; } // Step 10. fields = PrepareTemporalFields(cx, mergedFields, fieldNames); if (!fields) { return false; } // Step 11. auto result = temporal::CalendarDateFromFields(cx, calendar, fields, resolvedOptions); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.with ( temporalDateLike [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_with(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.withCalendar ( calendar ) */ static bool PlainDate_withCalendar(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); auto date = ToPlainDate(temporalDate); // Step 3. Rooted calendar(cx); if (!ToTemporalCalendar(cx, args.get(0), &calendar)) { return false; } // Step 4. auto* result = CreateTemporalDate(cx, date, calendar); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.withCalendar ( calendar ) */ static bool PlainDate_withCalendar(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.until ( other [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_until(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. return DifferenceTemporalPlainDate(cx, TemporalDifference::Until, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.until ( other [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_until(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.since ( other [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_since(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { // Step 3. return DifferenceTemporalPlainDate(cx, TemporalDifference::Since, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.since ( other [ , options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_since(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.equals ( other ) */ static bool PlainDate_equals(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); auto date = ToPlainDate(temporalDate); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Step 3. Rooted other(cx); if (!ToTemporalDate(cx, args.get(0), &other)) { return false; } // Steps 4-7. bool equals = date == other.date(); if (equals && !CalendarEquals(cx, calendar, other.calendar(), &equals)) { return false; } args.rval().setBoolean(equals); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.equals ( other ) */ static bool PlainDate_equals(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toZonedDateTime ( item ) * * The |item| argument represents either a time zone or an options object. The * following cases are supported: * - |item| is a `Temporal.TimeZone` object. * - |item| is a user-defined time zone object. * - |item| is an options object with `timeZone` and `plainTime` properties. * - |item| is a time zone identifier string. * * User-defined time zone objects are distinguished from options objects by the * `timeZone` property, i.e. if a `timeZone` property is present, the object is * treated as an options object, otherwise an object is treated as a * user-defined time zone. */ static bool PlainDate_toZonedDateTime(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { auto* temporalDate = &args.thisv().toObject().as(); auto date = ToPlainDate(temporalDate); Rooted calendar(cx, temporalDate->calendar()); // Steps 3-4 Rooted timeZone(cx); PlainTime time = {}; if (args.get(0).isObject()) { Rooted item(cx, &args[0].toObject()); // Steps 3.a-b. if (item->canUnwrapAs()) { // Step 3.a.i. timeZone.set(TimeZoneValue(item)); // Step 3.a.ii. (Not applicable in our implementation.) } else { // Step 3.b.i. Rooted timeZoneLike(cx); if (!GetProperty(cx, item, item, cx->names().timeZone, &timeZoneLike)) { return false; } // Steps 3.b.ii-iii. if (timeZoneLike.isUndefined()) { // Step 3.b.ii.1. if (!ToTemporalTimeZone(cx, args[0], &timeZone)) { return false; } // Step 3.b.ii.2. (Not applicable in our implementation.) } else { // Step 3.b.iii.1. if (!ToTemporalTimeZone(cx, timeZoneLike, &timeZone)) { return false; } // Step 3.b.iii.2. Rooted temporalTime(cx); if (!GetProperty(cx, item, item, cx->names().plainTime, &temporalTime)) { return false; } // Step 5. (Inlined ToTemporalTimeOrMidnight) if (!temporalTime.isUndefined()) { if (!ToTemporalTime(cx, temporalTime, &time)) { return false; } } } } } else { // Step 4.a. if (!ToTemporalTimeZone(cx, args.get(0), &timeZone)) { return false; } // Step 4.b. (Not applicable in our implementation.) } // Step 5. (Moved next to step 3.b.iii.2.) // Step 6. Rooted temporalDateTime(cx); if (!CreateTemporalDateTime(cx, {date, time}, calendar, &temporalDateTime)) { return false; } // Steps 7-8. Instant instant; if (!GetInstantFor(cx, timeZone, temporalDateTime, TemporalDisambiguation::Compatible, &instant)) { return false; } // Step 9. auto* result = CreateTemporalZonedDateTime(cx, instant, timeZone, calendar); if (!result) { return false; } args.rval().setObject(*result); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toZonedDateTime ( item ) */ static bool PlainDate_toZonedDateTime(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toString ( [ options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_toString(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); auto showCalendar = CalendarOption::Auto; if (args.hasDefined(0)) { // Step 3. Rooted options( cx, RequireObjectArg(cx, "options", "toString", args[0])); if (!options) { return false; } // Step 4. if (!ToCalendarNameOption(cx, options, &showCalendar)) { return false; } } // Step 5. JSString* str = TemporalDateToString(cx, temporalDate, showCalendar); if (!str) { return false; } args.rval().setString(str); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toString ( [ options ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_toString(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ locales [ , options ] ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_toLocaleString(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); // Step 3. JSString* str = TemporalDateToString(cx, temporalDate, CalendarOption::Auto); if (!str) { return false; } args.rval().setString(str); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toLocaleString ( [ locales [ , options ] ] ) */ static bool PlainDate_toLocaleString(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toJSON ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_toJSON(JSContext* cx, const CallArgs& args) { Rooted temporalDate( cx, &args.thisv().toObject().as()); // Step 3. JSString* str = TemporalDateToString(cx, temporalDate, CalendarOption::Auto); if (!str) { return false; } args.rval().setString(str); return true; } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.toJSON ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_toJSON(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { // Steps 1-2. CallArgs args = CallArgsFromVp(argc, vp); return CallNonGenericMethod(cx, args); } /** * Temporal.PlainDate.prototype.valueOf ( ) */ static bool PlainDate_valueOf(JSContext* cx, unsigned argc, Value* vp) { JS_ReportErrorNumberASCII(cx, GetErrorMessage, nullptr, JSMSG_CANT_CONVERT_TO, "PlainDate", "primitive type"); return false; } const JSClass PlainDateObject::class_ = { "Temporal.PlainDate", JSCLASS_HAS_RESERVED_SLOTS(PlainDateObject::SLOT_COUNT) | JSCLASS_HAS_CACHED_PROTO(JSProto_PlainDate), JS_NULL_CLASS_OPS, &PlainDateObject::classSpec_, }; const JSClass& PlainDateObject::protoClass_ = PlainObject::class_; static const JSFunctionSpec PlainDate_methods[] = { JS_FN("from", PlainDate_from, 1, 0), JS_FN("compare", PlainDate_compare, 2, 0), JS_FS_END, }; static const JSFunctionSpec PlainDate_prototype_methods[] = { JS_FN("toPlainMonthDay", PlainDate_toPlainMonthDay, 0, 0), JS_FN("toPlainYearMonth", PlainDate_toPlainYearMonth, 0, 0), JS_FN("toPlainDateTime", PlainDate_toPlainDateTime, 0, 0), JS_FN("getISOFields", PlainDate_getISOFields, 0, 0), JS_FN("getCalendar", PlainDate_getCalendar, 0, 0), JS_FN("add", PlainDate_add, 1, 0), JS_FN("subtract", PlainDate_subtract, 1, 0), JS_FN("with", PlainDate_with, 1, 0), JS_FN("withCalendar", PlainDate_withCalendar, 1, 0), JS_FN("until", PlainDate_until, 1, 0), JS_FN("since", PlainDate_since, 1, 0), JS_FN("equals", PlainDate_equals, 1, 0), JS_FN("toZonedDateTime", PlainDate_toZonedDateTime, 1, 0), JS_FN("toString", PlainDate_toString, 0, 0), JS_FN("toLocaleString", PlainDate_toLocaleString, 0, 0), JS_FN("toJSON", PlainDate_toJSON, 0, 0), JS_FN("valueOf", PlainDate_valueOf, 0, 0), JS_FS_END, }; static const JSPropertySpec PlainDate_prototype_properties[] = { JS_PSG("calendarId", PlainDate_calendarId, 0), JS_PSG("year", PlainDate_year, 0), JS_PSG("month", PlainDate_month, 0), JS_PSG("monthCode", PlainDate_monthCode, 0), JS_PSG("day", PlainDate_day, 0), JS_PSG("dayOfWeek", PlainDate_dayOfWeek, 0), JS_PSG("dayOfYear", PlainDate_dayOfYear, 0), JS_PSG("weekOfYear", PlainDate_weekOfYear, 0), JS_PSG("yearOfWeek", PlainDate_yearOfWeek, 0), JS_PSG("daysInWeek", PlainDate_daysInWeek, 0), JS_PSG("daysInMonth", PlainDate_daysInMonth, 0), JS_PSG("daysInYear", PlainDate_daysInYear, 0), JS_PSG("monthsInYear", PlainDate_monthsInYear, 0), JS_PSG("inLeapYear", PlainDate_inLeapYear, 0), JS_STRING_SYM_PS(toStringTag, "Temporal.PlainDate", JSPROP_READONLY), JS_PS_END, }; const ClassSpec PlainDateObject::classSpec_ = { GenericCreateConstructor, GenericCreatePrototype, PlainDate_methods, nullptr, PlainDate_prototype_methods, PlainDate_prototype_properties, nullptr, ClassSpec::DontDefineConstructor, }; struct PlainDateNameAndNative final { PropertyName* name; JSNative native; }; static PlainDateNameAndNative GetPlainDateNameAndNative( JSContext* cx, CalendarField fieldName) { switch (fieldName) { case CalendarField::Year: return {cx->names().year, PlainDate_year}; case CalendarField::Month: return {cx->names().month, PlainDate_month}; case CalendarField::MonthCode: return {cx->names().monthCode, PlainDate_monthCode}; case CalendarField::Day: return {cx->names().day, PlainDate_day}; } MOZ_CRASH("invalid temporal field name"); } bool js::temporal::IsBuiltinAccess( JSContext* cx, Handle date, std::initializer_list fieldNames) { // Don't optimize when the object has any own properties which may shadow the // built-in methods. if (date->shape()->propMapLength() > 0) { return false; } JSObject* proto = cx->global()->maybeGetPrototype(JSProto_PlainDate); // Don't attempt to optimize when the class isn't yet initialized. if (!proto) { return false; } // Don't optimize when the prototype isn't the built-in prototype. if (date->staticPrototype() != proto) { return false; } auto* nproto = &proto->as(); for (auto fieldName : fieldNames) { auto [name, native] = GetPlainDateNameAndNative(cx, fieldName); auto prop = nproto->lookupPure(name); // Return if the property isn't a data property. if (!prop || !prop->isDataProperty()) { return false; } // Return if the property isn't the initial method. if (!IsNativeFunction(nproto->getSlot(prop->slot()), native)) { return false; } } // Success! The access can be optimized. return true; }