/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "gc/GCParallelTask.h" #include "mozilla/Maybe.h" #include "mozilla/TimeStamp.h" #include "gc/GCContext.h" #include "gc/GCInternals.h" #include "gc/ParallelWork.h" #include "vm/HelperThreadState.h" #include "vm/Runtime.h" #include "vm/Time.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::gc; using mozilla::Maybe; using mozilla::TimeDuration; using mozilla::TimeStamp; js::GCParallelTask::~GCParallelTask() { // The LinkedListElement destructor will remove us from any list we are part // of without synchronization, so ensure that doesn't happen. MOZ_DIAGNOSTIC_ASSERT(!isInList()); // Only most-derived classes' destructors may do the join: base class // destructors run after those for derived classes' members, so a join in a // base class can't ensure that the task is done using the members. All we // can do now is check that someone has previously stopped the task. assertIdle(); } static bool ShouldMeasureTaskStartDelay() { // We use many tasks during GC so randomly sample a small fraction for the // purposes of recording telemetry. return (rand() % 100) == 0; } void js::GCParallelTask::startWithLockHeld(AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { MOZ_ASSERT(CanUseExtraThreads()); MOZ_ASSERT(HelperThreadState().isInitialized(lock)); assertIdle(); maybeQueueTime_ = TimeStamp(); if (ShouldMeasureTaskStartDelay()) { maybeQueueTime_ = TimeStamp::Now(); } gc->dispatchOrQueueParallelTask(this, lock); } void js::GCParallelTask::start() { if (!CanUseExtraThreads()) { runFromMainThread(); return; } AutoLockHelperThreadState lock; startWithLockHeld(lock); } void js::GCParallelTask::startOrRunIfIdle(AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { if (wasStarted(lock)) { return; } // Join the previous invocation of the task. This will return immediately // if the thread has never been started. joinWithLockHeld(lock); if (!CanUseExtraThreads()) { runFromMainThread(lock); return; } startWithLockHeld(lock); } void js::GCParallelTask::cancelAndWait() { MOZ_ASSERT(!isCancelled()); cancel_ = true; join(); cancel_ = false; } void js::GCParallelTask::join(Maybe<TimeStamp> deadline) { AutoLockHelperThreadState lock; joinWithLockHeld(lock, deadline); } void js::GCParallelTask::joinWithLockHeld(AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock, Maybe<TimeStamp> deadline) { // Task has not been started; there's nothing to do. if (isIdle(lock)) { return; } if (lock.hasQueuedTasks()) { // Unlock to allow task dispatch without lock held, otherwise we could wait // forever. AutoUnlockHelperThreadState unlock(lock); } if (isNotYetRunning(lock) && deadline.isNothing()) { // If the task was dispatched but has not yet started then cancel the task // and run it from the main thread. This stops us from blocking here when // the helper threads are busy with other tasks. MOZ_ASSERT(isInList()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(isDispatched(lock), gc->dispatchedParallelTasks != 0); remove(); runFromMainThread(lock); } else { // Otherwise wait for the task to complete. joinNonIdleTask(deadline, lock); } if (isIdle(lock)) { recordDuration(); } } void GCParallelTask::recordDuration() { if (phaseKind != gcstats::PhaseKind::NONE) { gc->stats().recordParallelPhase(phaseKind, duration_); } } void js::GCParallelTask::joinNonIdleTask(Maybe<TimeStamp> deadline, AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { MOZ_ASSERT(!isIdle(lock)); while (!isFinished(lock)) { TimeDuration timeout = TimeDuration::Forever(); if (deadline) { TimeStamp now = TimeStamp::Now(); if (*deadline <= now) { break; } timeout = *deadline - now; } HelperThreadState().wait(lock, timeout); } if (isFinished(lock)) { setIdle(lock); } } void js::GCParallelTask::runFromMainThread(AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { MOZ_ASSERT(js::CurrentThreadCanAccessRuntime(gc->rt)); runTask(gc->rt->gcContext(), lock); setIdle(lock); } void js::GCParallelTask::runFromMainThread() { AutoLockHelperThreadState lock; runFromMainThread(lock); } class MOZ_RAII AutoGCContext { JS::GCContext context; public: explicit AutoGCContext(JSRuntime* runtime) : context(runtime) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(TlsGCContext.init(), "Failed to initialize TLS for GC context"); MOZ_ASSERT(!TlsGCContext.get()); TlsGCContext.set(&context); } ~AutoGCContext() { MOZ_ASSERT(TlsGCContext.get() == &context); TlsGCContext.set(nullptr); } JS::GCContext* get() { return &context; } }; void js::GCParallelTask::runHelperThreadTask(AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { AutoGCContext gcContext(gc->rt); runTask(gcContext.get(), lock); MOZ_ASSERT(isFinished(lock)); } void GCParallelTask::runTask(JS::GCContext* gcx, AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { // Run the task from either the main thread or a helper thread. bool wasDispatched = isDispatched(lock); setRunning(lock); AutoSetThreadGCUse setUse(gcx, use); // The hazard analysis can't tell what the call to func_ will do but it's not // allowed to GC. JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; TimeStamp timeStart = TimeStamp::Now(); run(lock); duration_ = TimeSince(timeStart); if (maybeQueueTime_) { TimeDuration delay = timeStart - maybeQueueTime_; gc->rt->metrics().GC_TASK_START_DELAY_US(delay); } setFinished(lock); gc->onParallelTaskEnd(wasDispatched, lock); } void GCRuntime::dispatchOrQueueParallelTask( GCParallelTask* task, const AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { task->setQueued(lock); queuedParallelTasks.ref().insertBack(task, lock); maybeDispatchParallelTasks(lock); } void GCRuntime::maybeDispatchParallelTasks( const AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { MOZ_ASSERT(maxParallelThreads != 0); MOZ_ASSERT(dispatchedParallelTasks <= maxParallelThreads); while (dispatchedParallelTasks < maxParallelThreads && !queuedParallelTasks.ref().isEmpty(lock)) { GCParallelTask* task = queuedParallelTasks.ref().popFirst(lock); task->setDispatched(lock); HelperThreadState().submitTask(task, lock); dispatchedParallelTasks++; } } void GCRuntime::onParallelTaskEnd(bool wasDispatched, const AutoLockHelperThreadState& lock) { if (wasDispatched) { MOZ_ASSERT(dispatchedParallelTasks != 0); dispatchedParallelTasks--; } maybeDispatchParallelTasks(lock); } bool js::GCParallelTask::isIdle() const { AutoLockHelperThreadState lock; return isIdle(lock); } bool js::GCParallelTask::wasStarted() const { AutoLockHelperThreadState lock; return wasStarted(lock); } /* static */ size_t js::gc::GCRuntime::parallelWorkerCount() const { return std::min(helperThreadCount.ref(), MaxParallelWorkers); }