# generate-spectests A tool to generate a combined testsuite for the wasm spec and all proposals. This tool tries to be as robust as possible to deal with upstream breakage, while still generating a minimal testsuite for proposals that don't change many tests. ## Usage NOTE: Running this on its own will generate spec tests but not actually copy them to the jit-test folder or apply patches. If you want to run the whole process for real, use the makefile in the parent folder. ```bash # Configure the tests you want vim config.toml # Generate the tests # This will create a `repos/` and `tests/` in your working directory cargo run ``` ## config.toml ```toml # (optional) Text to add to a 'directives.txt' file put in 'js/${repo}/harness' harness_directive = "" # (optional) Text to add to a 'directives.txt' file put in 'js/${repo}' directive = "" # (optional) Tests to include even if they haven't changed with respect to their parent repository included_tests = ["test.wast"] # (optional) Tests to exclude excluded_tests = ["test.wast"] [[repos]] # Name of the repository name = "sign-extension-ops" # Url of the repository url = "https://github.com/WebAssembly/sign-extension-ops" # (optional) Name of the repository that is the upstream for this repository. # This repository will attempt to merge with this upstream when generating # tests. The parent repository must be specified before this repository in the # 'config.toml'. If you change this, you must delete the 'repos' directory # before generating tests again. parent = "spec" # (optional) Whether to skip merging with upstream, if it exists. skip_merge = "false" # (optional) The commit to checkout when generating tests. If not specified, # defaults to the latest 'origin/master'. commit = "df34ea92" # (optional) Text to add to a 'directives.txt' file put in 'js/{$repo}' directive = "" # (optional) Tests to include even if they haven't changed with respect to their parent repository included_tests = ["test.wast"] # (optional) Tests to exclude excluded_tests = ["test.wast"] ```