// env.type is 'object' in global environments and with-blocks, and 'declarative' otherwise. var g = newGlobal({newCompartment: true}); var dbg = Debugger(g); function test(code, expected) { var actual = ''; g.h = function () { actual += dbg.getNewestFrame().environment.type; } g.eval(code); assertEq(actual, expected); } test("h();", 'declarative'); test("(function (s) { eval(s); })('var v = h();')", 'declarative'); test("(function (s) { h(); })();", 'declarative'); test("{let x = 1, y = 2; h();}", 'declarative'); test("with({x: 1, y: 2}) h();", 'with'); test("(function (s) { with ({x: 1, y: 2}) h(); })();", 'with'); test("{ let x = 1; h(); }", 'declarative'); test("for (let x = 0; x < 1; x++) h();", 'declarative'); test("for (let x in h()) ;", 'declarative'); test("for (let x in {a:1}) h();", 'declarative'); test("try { throw new Error; } catch (x) { h(x) }", 'declarative'); test("'use strict'; eval('var z = 1; h();');", 'declarative'); dbg.onDebuggerStatement = function (frame) { assertEq(frame.eval("h(), 2 + 2;").return, 4); } test("debugger;", 'declarative'); test("(function f() { debugger; })();", 'declarative');