// Test that Ion frames are invalidated by turning on Debugger. Invalidation // is unobservable, but we know that Ion scripts cannot handle Debugger // handlers, so we test for the handlers being called. load(libdir + "jitopts.js"); if (!jitTogglesMatch(Opts_Ion2NoOffthreadCompilation)) quit(); withJitOptions(Opts_Ion2NoOffthreadCompilation, function () { var g = newGlobal({newCompartment: true}); var dbg = new Debugger; var onPopExecuted = false; var breakpointHit = false; g.toggle = function toggle(d) { if (d) { dbg.addDebuggee(g); var frame1 = dbg.getNewestFrame(); assertEq(frame1.implementation, "ion"); frame1.onPop = function () { onPopExecuted = true; }; var frame2 = frame1.older; assertEq(frame2.implementation, "ion"); // Offset of |print(42 + 42)| var offset = frame2.script.getLineOffsets(3)[0]; frame2.script.setBreakpoint(offset, { hit: function (fr) { assertEq(fr.implementation != "ion", true); breakpointHit = true; }}); } }; g.eval("" + function f(d) { g(d); print(42 + 42); }); g.eval("" + function g(d) { toggle(d); }); g.eval("(" + function test() { for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) f(false); f(true); } + ")();"); assertEq(onPopExecuted, true); assertEq(breakpointHit, true); });