// Frame.this and evalInFrame with missing this, strict and non-strict. var g = newGlobal({newCompartment: true}); var dbg = new Debugger(g); var evalThis, frameThis; dbg.onEnterFrame = function (frame) { if (frame.type === "eval") return; assertEq(frame.type, "call"); evalThis = frame.eval("this"); frameThis = frame.this; }; // Strict, this is primitive. g.eval("var foo = function() { 'use strict'; }; foo.call(33);"); assertEq(evalThis.return, 33); assertEq(frameThis, 33); // Non-strict, this has to be boxed. g.eval("var bar = function() { }; bar.call(22);"); assertEq(typeof evalThis.return, "object"); assertEq(evalThis.return.unsafeDereference().valueOf(), 22); assertEq(frameThis.unsafeDereference().valueOf(), 22);