load(libdir + 'evalInFrame.js'); class B { #priv() { return 12; } #privF = () => { return 12; } callPriv() { return this.#priv(); } callPrivF() { return this.#privF(); } #val = 'constructed'; set #x(x) { this.#val = x + ' haha'; } get #x() { return this.#val; } ef(str) { return evalInFrame(0, str); } layerEf(str) { // Nested functions here result in computeEffectiveScope traversing // more than one environment, necessitating more hops. function tester(o) { let a = 10; function interior(o) { let b = a; return evalInFrame(0, str.replace("this", "o")); }; return interior(o); } return tester(this); } moreLayerEf(str) { // Nested functions here result in computeEffectiveScope traversing // more than one environment, necessitating more hops. function tester(o) { let a = 0; function interior(o) { let b = a; return (() => { let k = o; let replace = str.replace("this", "k"); print(replace); return evalInFrame(b, replace); })(); }; return interior(o); } return tester(this); } callFunc(f) { return f(); } static #smethod() { return 14; } static #unusedmethod() { return 19; } static get #unusedgetter() { return 10; } static setter = undefined; static set #unusedsetter(x) { this.setter = x } static f() { return this.#smethod(); } static seval(str) { return eval(str); } static sef(str) { return evalInFrame(0, str); } static sLayerEf(str) { // Nested functions here result in computeEffectiveScope traversing // more than one environment, necessitating more hops. function tester(o) { let a = 10; function interior(o) { if (a == 10) { let b = 10 - a; return evalInFrame(b, str.replace("this", "o")); } }; return interior(o); } return tester(this); } } var b = new B(); assertEq(b.ef("this.callPriv()"), 12); assertEq(b.ef("this.callPrivF()"), 12); // Private fields don't need brand checking and should succeed. assertEq(b.ef("this.#val"), 'constructed') // PrivF is a field, not a method, and so isn't brand checked like a method. assertEq(b.ef(`this.callFunc(() => { return this.#privF() })`), 12); assertEq(b.ef(`this.#privF()`), 12); // Accesors are stored like fields, and so successfully execute, as they don't // need brand checking. assertEq(b.ef(`this.#x = 'Bye'; this.#x`), 'Bye haha'); assertEq(b.ef(`var x = () => { this.#x = 'Hi'; return this.#x}; x()`), 'Hi haha'); // // Private methods require very special brand checking. assertEq(b.ef(`this.#priv()`), 12); assertEq(b.ef(`let hello; let f = () => { hello = this.#priv(); assertEq(hello, 12); }; f(); hello`), 12); assertEq(b.layerEf(`this.#priv()`), 12); assertEq(b.moreLayerEf(`this.#priv()`), 12); if ('dis' in this) { // Ensure disassembly of GetAliasedDebugVar wroks. assertEq(b.ef(`dis(); this.#priv()`), 12); } assertEq(b.ef(`var x = () => { return this.#priv(); }; x()`), 12); assertEq(b.ef(`function x(o) { function y(o) { return o.#priv(); }; return y(o); } x(this)`), 12); assertEq(B.f(), 14); assertEq(B.sef(`this.#smethod()`), 14); assertEq(B.sLayerEf(`this.#smethod()`), 14); assertEq(B.sef("this.#unusedmethod()"), 19); assertEq(B.sef("this.#unusedgetter"), 10); B.sef("this.#unusedsetter = 13"); assertEq(B.setter, 13); // Test case variant from Arai. class C { #priv() { return 12; } efInFunction(str) { return (() => { let self = this; return evalInFrame(0, str); })(); } } c = new C; assertEq(c.efInFunction(`self.#priv()`), 12); // JIT testing assertEq(b.ef(` let result; let f = () => { result = this.#priv(); assertEq(result, 12); }; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { f(); } result `), 12); assertEq(b.ef("function f(o) { return o.callPriv() }; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { f(this); } f(this)"), 12); assertEq(b.ef("function f(o) { return o.callPrivF() }; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { f(this); } f(this)"), 12); assertEq(b.ef(`function x(o) { function y(o) { return o.#priv(); }; return y(o); } x(this)`), 12); assertEq(B.sef(`function f(o) { return o.#smethod() }; for (let i = 0; i < 1000; i ++) { f(this); }; f(this)`), 14); assertEq(b.ef(` var x = () => { return (() => { return (() => { let a; return (() => { let b = a; return this.#priv(); })(); })(); })(); }; x() `), 12);