// |jit-test| --no-ion; --no-baseline; --no-blinterp; skip-if: !('gcstate' in this && hasFunction.oomAfterAllocations) gczeal(0); // Create a bunch of ObjectGroups with TypeNewScript attached. const count = 1000; let c = []; let a = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { c[i] = function() { this.a = 1; this.b = 0; this.c = 2; }; a[i] = new c[i]; } // Start an incremental GC and run until we're about to sweep objects. assertEq(gcstate(), "NotActive"); gczeal(21); startgc(1); // Run incremental slices with simulated OOM set up to provoke OOM when sweeping // types. assertEq(gcstate(), "Sweep"); gczeal(10); unsetgczeal(20); while (gcstate() == "Sweep") { oomAfterAllocations(2); gcslice(1); resetOOMFailure(); } // Ensure our type information stays alive. let x = c.length + a.length;