// Similar test as "cacheir/set-has-string.js", except that we now perform // duplicate lookups to ensure GVN works properly. // Return a new set, possibly filling some dummy entries to enforce creating // multiple hash buckets. function createSet(values, n) { var xs = [...values]; for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) { xs.push({}); } return new Set(xs); } function runTest(fn) { fn(0); fn(100); } function testConstant_same_set(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var ys = ["c", "d"]; var zs = [...xs, ...ys]; var set = createSet(xs, n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var z = zs[i & 3]; if (set.has(z)) c++; if (set.has(z)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(testConstant_same_set); function testComputed_same_set(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var ys = ["c", "d"]; var zs = [...xs, ...ys]; var set = createSet(xs, n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var z = zs[i & 3]; z = String.fromCharCode(z.charCodeAt(0)); if (set.has(z)) c++; if (set.has(z)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(testComputed_same_set); function testRope_same_set(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var ys = ["c", "d"]; var zs = [...xs, ...ys]; var set = createSet(xs.map(x => x.repeat(100)), n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var z = zs[i & 3].repeat(100); if (set.has(z)) c++; if (set.has(z)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(testRope_same_set); // Duplicate the above tests, but this time use a different set. function testConstant_different_set(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var ys = ["c", "d"]; var zs = [...xs, ...ys]; var set1 = createSet(xs, n); var set2 = createSet(xs, n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var z = zs[i & 3]; if (set1.has(z)) c++; if (set2.has(z)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(testConstant_different_set); function testComputed_different_set(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var ys = ["c", "d"]; var zs = [...xs, ...ys]; var set1 = createSet(xs, n); var set2 = createSet(xs, n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var z = zs[i & 3]; z = String.fromCharCode(z.charCodeAt(0)); if (set1.has(z)) c++; if (set2.has(z)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(testComputed_different_set); function testRope_different_set(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var ys = ["c", "d"]; var zs = [...xs, ...ys]; var set1 = createSet(xs.map(x => x.repeat(100)), n); var set2 = createSet(xs.map(x => x.repeat(100)), n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var z = zs[i & 3].repeat(100); if (set1.has(z)) c++; if (set2.has(z)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(testRope_different_set); // Test the alias information is correct. function test_alias(n) { var xs = ["a", "b"]; var set = createSet([], n); var N = 100; var c = 0; for (var i = 0; i < N; ++i) { var x = xs[i & 1]; set.add(x); if (set.has(x)) c++; set.delete(x); if (set.has(x)) c++; } assertEq(c, N); } runTest(test_alias);