// A diagram depicting the control flow graph of the function g below can be // found in "js/src/wasm/WasmIonCompile.cpp". If you make any changes to this // test file be sure to adjust the SMDOC documentation there as well. let g = wasmEvalText( `(module (tag $exn (param f64)) (func $f) (func (export "g") (param $arg i32) (result f64) (local.get $arg) try (param i32) (result f64) (if (result f64) (then (f64.const 3)) (else (throw $exn (f64.const 6)))) (call $f) (f64.sub (f64.const 2)) ;; If $arg is 0 we end here, subtracting 3. ;; If $arg is not 0 then the else-block throws $exn, caught below. catch $exn (f64.add (f64.const 4)) ;; Adds 4 to the value in the $exn (6). catch_all ;; This shouldn't occur. (f64.const 5) end ))` ).exports.g; assertEq(g(0), 10); assertEq(g(1), 1);