// |jit-test| skip-if: !wasmFunctionReferencesEnabled() load(libdir + "wasm-binary.js"); const v2vSig = {args:[], ret:VoidCode}; const v2vSigSection = sigSection([v2vSig]); function checkInvalid(binary, errorMessage) { assertErrorMessage(() => new WebAssembly.Module(binary), WebAssembly.CompileError, errorMessage); } // The immediate of ref.null is a heap type, not a general reference type const invalidRefNullHeapBody = moduleWithSections([ v2vSigSection, declSection([0]), bodySection([ funcBody({locals:[], body:[ RefNullCode, OptRefCode, AnyFuncCode, DropCode, ]}) ]) ]); checkInvalid(invalidRefNullHeapBody, /invalid heap type/); const invalidRefNullHeapElem = moduleWithSections([ generalElemSection([ { flag: PassiveElemExpr, typeCode: AnyFuncCode, elems: [ [RefNullCode, OptRefCode, AnyFuncCode, EndCode] ] } ]) ]); checkInvalid(invalidRefNullHeapElem, /invalid heap type/); const invalidRefNullHeapGlobal = moduleWithSections([ globalSection([ { valType: AnyFuncCode, flag: 0, initExpr: [RefNullCode, OptRefCode, AnyFuncCode, EndCode] } ]) ]); checkInvalid(invalidRefNullHeapGlobal, /invalid heap type/);