// |jit-test| skip-if: !wasmGcEnabled() // Output type is non-nullable if the input type is non-nullable wasmValidateText(`(module (func (param externref) (result anyref) local.get 0 any.convert_extern ) (func (param anyref) (result externref) local.get 0 extern.convert_any ) (func (param (ref extern)) (result (ref any)) local.get 0 any.convert_extern ) (func (param (ref any)) (result (ref extern)) local.get 0 extern.convert_any ) (func (result (ref any)) unreachable any.convert_extern ) (func (result (ref extern)) unreachable extern.convert_any ) )`); // Output type is nullable if the input type is nullable wasmFailValidateText(`(module (func (param externref) (result (ref any)) local.get 0 any.convert_extern ) )`, /expected/); wasmFailValidateText(`(module (func (param anyref) (result (ref extern)) local.get 0 extern.convert_any ) )`, /expected/); // Can round trip an externref through anyref and get the same thing back let {roundtripThroughAny} = wasmEvalText(`(module (func (export "roundtripThroughAny") (param externref) (result externref) local.get 0 any.convert_extern extern.convert_any ) )`).exports; for (let value of WasmExternrefValues) { assertEq(value, roundtripThroughAny(value)); } // Can round trip GC objects through externref and get the same thing back let {testStruct, testArray} = wasmEvalText(`(module (type $struct (struct)) (type $array (array i32)) (func (export "testStruct") (result i32) (local (ref $struct)) (local.set 0 struct.new $struct) local.get 0 (ref.eq (ref.cast (ref null $struct) (any.convert_extern (extern.convert_any local.get 0 ) ) ) ) ) (func (export "testArray") (result i32) (local (ref $array)) (local.set 0 (array.new $array i32.const 0 i32.const 0)) local.get 0 (ref.eq (ref.cast (ref null $array) (any.convert_extern (extern.convert_any local.get 0 ) ) ) ) ) )`).exports; assertEq(testStruct(), 1); assertEq(testArray(), 1);