// |jit-test| skip-if: !wasmGcEnabled() // Globals have identity now { const { g, same } = wasmEvalText(`(module (type (struct)) (global (export "g") eqref (struct.new 0)) (func $same (export "same") (param eqref) (result i32) (ref.eq (local.get 0) (global.get 0)) ) (func $sanity (if (call $same (global.get 0)) (then return)) unreachable ) (start $sanity) )`).exports; assertEq(same(g.value), 1, "global had different identity when exported"); } // Subtypes with func refs { wasmEvalText(`(module (type $s1 (struct)) (type $t1 (sub (func (param (ref $s1))))) (type $t2 (sub $t1 (func (param (ref null $s1))))) (func $a (type $t1)) (func $b (type $t2)) (global (ref $t1) ref.func $a) (global (ref null $t1) ref.func $a) (global (ref func) ref.func $a) (global (ref null func) ref.func $a) (global (ref $t2) ref.func $b) (global (ref null $t2) ref.func $b) (global (ref $t1) ref.func $b) (global (ref null $t1) ref.func $b) (global (ref func) ref.func $b) (global (ref null func) ref.func $b) )`); assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (type $s1 (struct)) (type $t1 (func (param (ref $s1)))) (type $t2 (func (param (ref null $s1)))) ;; not a subtype of t1 (func $a (type $t2)) (global (ref $t1) ref.func $a) )`), WebAssembly.CompileError, /type mismatch/); } // Subtypes with struct refs { wasmEvalText(`(module (type $t1 (sub (struct))) (type $t2 (sub $t1 (struct (field i32)))) (global (ref $t1) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref null $t1) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref struct) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref null struct) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref eq) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref null eq) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref any) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref null any) struct.new_default $t1) (global (ref $t2) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref null $t2) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref $t1) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref null $t1) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref struct) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref null struct) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref eq) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref null eq) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref any) struct.new_default $t2) (global (ref null any) struct.new_default $t2) )`); assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (type $t1 (struct)) (type $t2 (struct (field i32))) ;; not a subtype of t1 (global (ref $t1) struct.new_default $t2) )`), WebAssembly.CompileError, /type mismatch/); } // Subtypes with array refs { wasmEvalText(`(module (type $s (struct)) (type $t1 (sub (array (ref null $s)))) (type $t2 (sub $t1 (array (ref $s)))) (global (ref $t1) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref null $t1) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref array) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref null array) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref eq) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref null eq) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref any) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref null any) array.new_fixed $t1 0) (global (ref $t2) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref null $t2) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref $t1) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref null $t1) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref array) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref null array) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref eq) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref null eq) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref any) array.new_fixed $t2 0) (global (ref null any) array.new_fixed $t2 0) )`); assertErrorMessage(() => wasmEvalText(`(module (type $s (struct)) (type $t1 (array (ref null $s))) (type $t2 (array (ref $s))) ;; not a subtype of t1 (global (ref $t1) array.new_fixed $t2 0) )`), WebAssembly.CompileError, /type mismatch/); } // Subtypes should be respected on imports and exports { const { struct, mut_struct, eq, mut_eq, any, mut_any } = wasmEvalText(`(module (type (struct)) (global (export "struct") structref (struct.new 0)) (global (export "mut_struct") (mut structref) (struct.new 0)) (global (export "eq") eqref (struct.new 0)) (global (export "mut_eq") (mut eqref) (struct.new 0)) (global (export "any") anyref (struct.new 0)) (global (export "mut_any") (mut anyref) (struct.new 0)) )`).exports; function importGlobalIntoType(g, t) { wasmEvalText(`(module (global (import "test" "g") ${t}) )`, { "test": { "g": g } }); } importGlobalIntoType(struct, `structref`); importGlobalIntoType(struct, `eqref`); importGlobalIntoType(struct, `anyref`); importGlobalIntoType(mut_struct, `(mut structref)`); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(mut_struct, `(mut eqref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(mut_struct, `(mut anyref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(eq, `structref`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); importGlobalIntoType(eq, `eqref`); importGlobalIntoType(eq, `anyref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(mut_eq, `(mut structref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); importGlobalIntoType(mut_eq, `(mut eqref)`); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(mut_eq, `(mut anyref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(any, `structref`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(any, `eqref`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); importGlobalIntoType(any, `anyref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(mut_any, `(mut structref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); assertErrorMessage(() => importGlobalIntoType(mut_any, `(mut eqref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global type mismatch/); importGlobalIntoType(mut_any, `(mut anyref)`); } // Importing globals with ref types { const { struct, array, func } = wasmEvalText(`(module (type (struct)) (type (array i32)) (func $f) (global (export "struct") structref (struct.new 0)) (global (export "array") arrayref (array.new_fixed 1 0)) (global (export "func") funcref (ref.func $f)) )`).exports; function importValueIntoType(v, t) { wasmEvalText(`(module (global (import "test" "v") ${t}) )`, { "test": { "v": v } }); } assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(struct.value, `(mut structref)`), WebAssembly.LinkError, /global mutability mismatch/); importValueIntoType(null, `structref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(null, `(ref struct)`), TypeError, /cannot pass null/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(0, `structref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(struct.value, `structref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(array.value, `structref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(null, `i31ref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(null, `(ref i31)`), TypeError, /cannot pass null/); importValueIntoType(0, `i31ref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(0.1, `i31ref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType("test", `i31ref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(struct.value, `i31ref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(null, `eqref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(null, `(ref eq)`), TypeError, /cannot pass null/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(undefined, `(ref eq)`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(0, `eqref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(0.1, `eqref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType((x)=>x, `eqref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType("test", `eqref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(struct.value, `eqref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(func.value, `eqref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(null, `anyref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(null, `(ref any)`), TypeError, /cannot pass null/); importValueIntoType(undefined, `(ref any)`); importValueIntoType(0, `anyref`); importValueIntoType(0.1, `anyref`); importValueIntoType((x)=>x, `anyref`) importValueIntoType("test", `anyref`); importValueIntoType(struct.value, `anyref`); importValueIntoType(func.value, `anyref`); importValueIntoType(null, `externref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(null, `(ref extern)`), TypeError, /cannot pass null/); importValueIntoType(undefined, `(ref extern)`); importValueIntoType(0, `externref`); importValueIntoType(0.1, `externref`); importValueIntoType((x)=>x, `externref`) importValueIntoType("test", `externref`); importValueIntoType(struct.value, `externref`); importValueIntoType(func.value, `externref`); importValueIntoType(null, `funcref`); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(null, `(ref func)`), TypeError, /cannot pass null/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType(0, `funcref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); assertErrorMessage(() => importValueIntoType((x)=>x, `funcref`), TypeError, /can only pass/); importValueIntoType(func.value, `funcref`) importValueIntoType(func.value, `(ref func)`) }