"use strict"; /* Copyright 2021 Mozilla Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ if (!wasmIsSupported()) { quit(); } function partialOobWriteMayWritePartialData() { let arm_native = getBuildConfiguration("arm") && !getBuildConfiguration("arm-simulator"); let arm64_native = getBuildConfiguration("arm64") && !getBuildConfiguration("arm64-simulator"); return arm_native || arm64_native; } let native_arm = getBuildConfiguration("arm") && !getBuildConfiguration("arm-simulator"); let native_arm64 = getBuildConfiguration("arm64") && !getBuildConfiguration("arm64-simulator"); function bytes(type, bytes) { var typedBuffer = new Uint8Array(bytes); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer(type, typedBuffer.buffer); } function value(type, value) { return new WebAssembly.Global({ value: type, mutable: false, }, value); } function i8x16(elements) { let typedBuffer = new Uint8Array(elements); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer("v128", typedBuffer.buffer); } function i16x8(elements) { let typedBuffer = new Uint16Array(elements); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer("v128", typedBuffer.buffer); } function i32x4(elements) { let typedBuffer = new Uint32Array(elements); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer("v128", typedBuffer.buffer); } function i64x2(elements) { let typedBuffer = new BigUint64Array(elements); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer("v128", typedBuffer.buffer); } function f32x4(elements) { let typedBuffer = new Float32Array(elements); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer("v128", typedBuffer.buffer); } function f64x2(elements) { let typedBuffer = new Float64Array(elements); return wasmGlobalFromArrayBuffer("v128", typedBuffer.buffer); } function either(...arr) { return new EitherVariants(arr); } class F32x4Pattern { constructor(x, y, z, w) { this.x = x; this.y = y; this.z = z; this.w = w; } } class F64x2Pattern { constructor(x, y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; } } class RefWithType { constructor(type) { this.type = type; } formatExpected() { return `RefWithType(${this.type})`; } test(refGlobal) { try { new WebAssembly.Global({value: this.type}, refGlobal.value); return true; } catch (err) { assertEq(err instanceof TypeError, true, `wrong type of error when creating global: ${err}`); assertEq(!!err.message.match(/can only pass/), true, `wrong type of error when creating global: ${err}`); return false; } } } // ref.extern values created by spec tests will be JS objects of the form // { [externsym]: }. Other externref values are possible to observe // if extern.convert_any is used. let externsym = Symbol("externref"); function externref(s) { return { [externsym]: s }; } function is_externref(x) { return (x !== null && externsym in x) ? 1 : 0; } function is_funcref(x) { return typeof x === "function" ? 1 : 0; } function eq_externref(x, y) { return x === y ? 1 : 0; } function eq_funcref(x, y) { return x === y ? 1 : 0; } class ExternRefResult { constructor(n) { this.n = n; } formatExpected() { return `ref.extern ${this.n}`; } test(global) { // the global's value can either be an externref or just a plain old JS number let result = global.value; if (typeof global.value === "object" && externsym in global.value) { result = global.value[externsym]; } return result === this.n; } } // ref.host values created by spectests will be whatever the JS API does to // convert the given value to anyref. It should implicitly be like any.convert_extern. function hostref(v) { if (!wasmGcEnabled()) { throw new Error("ref.host only works when wasm GC is enabled"); } const { internalizeNum } = new WebAssembly.Instance( new WebAssembly.Module(wasmTextToBinary(`(module (func (import "test" "coerce") (param i32) (result anyref)) (func (export "internalizeNum") (param i32) (result anyref) (call 0 (local.get 0)) ) )`)), { "test": { "coerce": x => x } }, ).exports; return internalizeNum(v); } class HostRefResult { constructor(n) { this.n = n; } formatExpected() { return `ref.host ${this.n}`; } test(externrefGlobal) { assertEq(externsym in externrefGlobal.value, true, `HostRefResult only works with externref inputs`); return externrefGlobal.value[externsym] === this.n; } } let spectest = { externref: externref, is_externref: is_externref, is_funcref: is_funcref, eq_externref: eq_externref, eq_funcref: eq_funcref, print: console.log.bind(console), print_i32: console.log.bind(console), print_i32_f32: console.log.bind(console), print_f64_f64: console.log.bind(console), print_f32: console.log.bind(console), print_f64: console.log.bind(console), global_i32: 666, global_i64: 666n, global_f32: 666, global_f64: 666, table: new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: 10, maximum: 20, element: "anyfunc", }), memory: new WebAssembly.Memory({ initial: 1, maximum: 2 }), }; let linkage = { spectest, }; function getInstance(instanceish) { if (typeof instanceish === "string") { assertEq( instanceish in linkage, true, `'${instanceish}'' must be registered`, ); return linkage[instanceish]; } return instanceish; } function instantiate(source) { let bytecode = wasmTextToBinary(source); let module = new WebAssembly.Module(bytecode); let instance = new WebAssembly.Instance(module, linkage); return instance.exports; } function register(instanceish, name) { linkage[name] = getInstance(instanceish); } function invoke(instanceish, field, params) { let func = getInstance(instanceish)[field]; assertEq(func instanceof Function, true, "expected a function"); return wasmLosslessInvoke(func, ...params); } function get(instanceish, field) { let global = getInstance(instanceish)[field]; assertEq( global instanceof WebAssembly.Global, true, "expected a WebAssembly.Global", ); return global; } function assert_trap(thunk, message) { try { thunk(); throw new Error("expected trap"); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof WebAssembly.RuntimeError) { return; } throw err; } } let StackOverflow; try { (function f() { 1 + f(); })(); } catch (e) { StackOverflow = e.constructor; } function assert_exhaustion(thunk, message) { try { thunk(); assertEq("normal return", "exhaustion"); } catch (err) { assertEq( err instanceof StackOverflow, true, "expected exhaustion", ); } } function assert_invalid(thunk, message) { try { thunk(); assertEq("valid module", "invalid module"); } catch (err) { assertEq( err instanceof WebAssembly.LinkError || err instanceof WebAssembly.CompileError, true, "expected an invalid module", ); } } function assert_unlinkable(thunk, message) { try { thunk(); assertEq(true, false, "expected an unlinkable module"); } catch (err) { assertEq( err instanceof WebAssembly.LinkError || err instanceof WebAssembly.CompileError, true, "expected an unlinkable module", ); } } function assert_malformed(thunk, message) { try { thunk(); assertEq("valid module", "malformed module"); } catch (err) { assertEq( err instanceof TypeError || err instanceof SyntaxError || err instanceof WebAssembly.CompileError || err instanceof WebAssembly.LinkError, true, `expected a malformed module`, ); } } function assert_exception(thunk) { let thrown = false; try { thunk(); } catch (err) { thrown = true; } assertEq(thrown, true, "expected an exception to be thrown"); } function assert_return(thunk, expected) { let results = thunk(); if (results === undefined) { results = []; } else if (!Array.isArray(results)) { results = [results]; } if (!Array.isArray(expected)) { expected = [expected]; } if (!compareResults(results, expected)) { let got = results.map((x) => formatResult(x)).join(", "); let wanted = expected.map((x) => formatExpected(x)).join(", "); assertEq( `[${got}]`, `[${wanted}]`, ); assertEq(true, false, `${got} !== ${wanted}`); } } function formatResult(result) { if (typeof (result) === "object") { return wasmGlobalToString(result); } else { return `${result}`; } } function formatExpected(expected) { if ( expected === `f32_canonical_nan` || expected === `f32_arithmetic_nan` || expected === `f64_canonical_nan` || expected === `f64_arithmetic_nan` ) { return expected; } else if (expected instanceof F32x4Pattern) { return `f32x4(${formatExpected(expected.x)}, ${ formatExpected(expected.y) }, ${formatExpected(expected.z)}, ${formatExpected(expected.w)})`; } else if (expected instanceof F64x2Pattern) { return `f64x2(${formatExpected(expected.x)}, ${ formatExpected(expected.y) })`; } else if (expected instanceof EitherVariants) { return expected.formatExpected(); } else if (expected instanceof RefWithType) { return expected.formatExpected(); } else if (expected instanceof ExternRefResult) { return expected.formatExpected(); } else if (expected instanceof HostRefResult) { return expected.formatExpected(); } else if (typeof (expected) === "object") { return wasmGlobalToString(expected); } else { throw new Error("unknown expected result"); } } class EitherVariants { constructor(arr) { this.arr = arr; } matches(v) { return this.arr.some((e) => compareResult(v, e)); } formatExpected() { return `either(${this.arr.map(formatExpected).join(", ")})`; } } function compareResults(results, expected) { if (results.length !== expected.length) { return false; } for (let i in results) { if (expected[i] instanceof EitherVariants) { return expected[i].matches(results[i]); } if (!compareResult(results[i], expected[i])) { return false; } } return true; } function compareResult(result, expected) { if ( expected === `canonical_nan` || expected === `arithmetic_nan` ) { return wasmGlobalIsNaN(result, expected); } else if (expected === null) { return result.value === null; } else if (expected instanceof F32x4Pattern) { return compareResult( wasmGlobalExtractLane(result, "f32x4", 0), expected.x, ) && compareResult(wasmGlobalExtractLane(result, "f32x4", 1), expected.y) && compareResult(wasmGlobalExtractLane(result, "f32x4", 2), expected.z) && compareResult(wasmGlobalExtractLane(result, "f32x4", 3), expected.w); } else if (expected instanceof F64x2Pattern) { return compareResult( wasmGlobalExtractLane(result, "f64x2", 0), expected.x, ) && compareResult(wasmGlobalExtractLane(result, "f64x2", 1), expected.y); } else if (expected instanceof RefWithType) { return expected.test(result); } else if (expected instanceof ExternRefResult) { return expected.test(result); } else if (expected instanceof HostRefResult) { return expected.test(result); } else if (typeof (expected) === "object") { return wasmGlobalsEqual(result, expected); } else { throw new Error("unknown expected result"); } }