// |jit-test| --wasm-exceptions; skip-if: !wasmExceptionsEnabled() // Simple test with return_call. var ins = wasmEvalText(`(module (tag $exn) (func $f0 (result i32) throw $exn ) (func $f1 (result i32) try return_call $f0 catch $exn i32.const 3 return end i32.const 4 ) (func (export "main") (result i32) call $f1 ) )`); assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.main(), WebAssembly.Exception, /.*/); // Test if return stub, created by introducing the slow path, // not interfering with exception propagation. var ins0 = wasmEvalText(`(module (tag $exn) (func $f0 (result i32) throw $exn ) (func (export "f") (result i32) call $f0 ) (export "t" (tag $exn)) )`); var ins = wasmEvalText(`(module (import "" "t" (tag $exn)) (import "" "f" (func $f0 (result i32))) (func $f1 (result i32) try return_call $f0 catch $exn i32.const 3 return end i32.const 4 ) (func (export "main") (result i32) call $f1 ) )`, {"":ins0.exports,}); assertErrorMessage(() => ins.exports.main(), WebAssembly.Exception, /.*/);