// |jit-test| skip-if: !wasmTailCallsEnabled() // This alternately grows and then shrinks the stack frame across tail call boundaries. // Here we go cross-module as well. There is enough ballast that the stack frame will // alternately have to grow and shrink across some of the calls. // // We generate one module+instance per function so that every call is cross-instance. // Each module has an "up" function (calling the next higher index) and a "down" function // (calling the next lower index). The last "up" function decrements the global counter // and optionally returns a result $down0 just calls $up0. // // TODO: Test that the proper instance is being restored? Or have we done that elsewhere? function ntimes(n, v) { if (typeof v == "function") return iota(n).map(v).join(' '); return iota(n).map(_ => v).join(' '); } function get_local(n) { return `(local.get ${n})` } function compute(ballast) { return iota(ballast).reduce((p,_,n) => `(i32.or ${p} (local.get ${n}))`, `(i32.const ${1 << ballast})`) } function code(n, ballast) { switch (n) { case 0: return ` (func $up0 (export "f") (result i32) (return_call_indirect (type $ty1) (i32.const ${1 << n}) (i32.const 1))) (func $down0 (result i32) (return_call $up0))`; case ballast: return ` (func $up${ballast} (param ${ntimes(ballast, 'i32')}) (result i32) (if (result i32) (i32.eqz (global.get $glob)) (then (return ${compute(ballast)})) (else (block (result i32) (global.set $glob (i32.sub (global.get $glob) (i32.const 1))) (return_call_indirect (type $ty${ballast-1}) ${ntimes(ballast-1,get_local)} (i32.const ${ballast+1}))))))`; default: return ` (func $up${n} (param ${ntimes(n, 'i32')}) (result i32) (return_call_indirect (type $ty${n+1}) (i32.const ${1 << n}) ${ntimes(n, get_local)} (i32.const ${n+1}))) (func $down${n} (param ${ntimes(n, 'i32')}) (result i32) (return_call_indirect (type $ty${n-1}) ${ntimes(n-1, get_local)} (i32.const ${2*ballast-n+1})))`; } } function types(n, ballast) { var tys = ''; if (n > 0) tys += ` (type $ty${n-1} (func (param ${ntimes(n-1, 'i32')}) (result i32)))`; if (n < ballast) tys += ` (type $ty${n+1} (func (param ${ntimes(n+1, 'i32')}) (result i32)))` return tys; } function inits(n, ballast) { var inits = ` (elem (i32.const ${n}) $up${n})` if (n < ballast) inits += ` (elem (i32.const ${2*ballast-n}) $down${n})`; return inits } for (let ballast = 1; ballast < TailCallBallast; ballast++) { let counter = new WebAssembly.Global({ mutable: true, value: "i32" }, TailCallIterations/10); let table = new WebAssembly.Table({ initial: ballast * 2 + 1, maximum: ballast * 2 + 1, element: "anyfunc" }); let tys = ntimes(ballast + 1, n => types(n)); let vals = iota(ballast + 1).map(v => 1 << v); let sumv = vals.reduce((p, c) => p | c); let ins = []; let imp = { "": { table, counter } }; for (let i = 0; i <= ballast; i++) { let txt = ` (module ${types(i, ballast)} (import "" "table" (table $t ${ballast * 2 - 1} funcref)) (import "" "counter" (global $glob (mut i32))) ${inits(i, ballast)} ${code(i, ballast)})`; ins[i] = wasmEvalText(txt, imp); } assertEq(ins[0].exports.f(), sumv) }