// |jit-test| exitstatus: 6; skip-if: !wasmDebuggingEnabled() // Don't include wasm.js in timeout tests: when wasm isn't supported, it will // quit(0) which will cause the test to fail. // Note: this test triggers an interrupt and then iloops in Wasm code. If the // interrupt fires before the Wasm code is compiled, the test relies on the // JS interrupt check in onEnterFrame to catch it. Warp/Ion code however can // elide the combined interrupt/overrecursion check in simple leaf functions. // Long story short, set the Warp threshold to a non-zero value to prevent // intermittent timeouts with --ion-eager. setJitCompilerOption("ion.warmup.trigger", 30); var g = newGlobal({newCompartment: true}); g.parent = this; g.eval("Debugger(parent).onEnterFrame = function() {};"); timeout(0.01); var code = wasmTextToBinary(`(module (func $f2 loop $top br $top end ) (func (export "f1") call $f2 ) )`); new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(code)).exports.f1();