function testDelazify(i) { var g = newGlobal({ newCompartment: true }); var dbg = new Debugger(g); dbg.onDebuggerStatement = (frame) => { var allScripts = dbg.findScripts(); var j = 0; for (let script of allScripts) { if (i == -1 || i == j) { // Delazify. try { script.lineCount; } catch (e) { } } j++; } }; var cache = cacheEntry(` function f( a = ( b = ( c = function g() { }, ) => { }, d = ( e = ( f = ( ) => { }, ) => { }, ) => { }, ) => { }, ) { } debugger; `); evaluate(cache, { global: g, saveIncrementalBytecode: true }); evaluate(cache, { global: g, loadBytecode: true }); } // Delazify all. testDelazify(-1); // Delazify specific function and its ancestor. for (var i = 0; i < 30; i++) { testDelazify(i); }