/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/JitFrames-inl.h" #include "mozilla/ScopeExit.h" #include #include "builtin/ModuleObject.h" #include "gc/GC.h" #include "jit/BaselineFrame.h" #include "jit/BaselineIC.h" #include "jit/BaselineJIT.h" #include "jit/Ion.h" #include "jit/IonScript.h" #include "jit/JitRuntime.h" #include "jit/JitSpewer.h" #include "jit/LIR.h" #include "jit/Recover.h" #include "jit/Safepoints.h" #include "jit/ScriptFromCalleeToken.h" #include "jit/Snapshots.h" #include "jit/VMFunctions.h" #include "js/Exception.h" #include "js/friend/DumpFunctions.h" // js::DumpObject, js::DumpValue #include "vm/Interpreter.h" #include "vm/JSContext.h" #include "vm/JSFunction.h" #include "vm/JSObject.h" #include "vm/JSScript.h" #include "wasm/WasmBuiltins.h" #include "wasm/WasmInstance.h" #include "debugger/DebugAPI-inl.h" #include "jit/JSJitFrameIter-inl.h" #include "vm/GeckoProfiler-inl.h" #include "vm/JSScript-inl.h" #include "vm/Probes-inl.h" namespace js { namespace jit { // Given a slot index, returns the offset, in bytes, of that slot from an // JitFrameLayout. Slot distances are uniform across architectures, however, // the distance does depend on the size of the frame header. static inline int32_t OffsetOfFrameSlot(int32_t slot) { return -slot; } static inline uint8_t* AddressOfFrameSlot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot) { return (uint8_t*)fp + OffsetOfFrameSlot(slot); } static inline uintptr_t ReadFrameSlot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot) { return *(uintptr_t*)AddressOfFrameSlot(fp, slot); } static inline void WriteFrameSlot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot, uintptr_t value) { *(uintptr_t*)AddressOfFrameSlot(fp, slot) = value; } static inline double ReadFrameDoubleSlot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot) { return *(double*)AddressOfFrameSlot(fp, slot); } static inline float ReadFrameFloat32Slot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot) { return *(float*)AddressOfFrameSlot(fp, slot); } static inline int32_t ReadFrameInt32Slot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot) { return *(int32_t*)AddressOfFrameSlot(fp, slot); } static inline bool ReadFrameBooleanSlot(JitFrameLayout* fp, int32_t slot) { return *(bool*)AddressOfFrameSlot(fp, slot); } static uint32_t NumArgAndLocalSlots(const InlineFrameIterator& frame) { JSScript* script = frame.script(); return CountArgSlots(script, frame.maybeCalleeTemplate()) + script->nfixed(); } static TrampolineNative TrampolineNativeForFrame( JSRuntime* rt, TrampolineNativeFrameLayout* layout) { JSFunction* nativeFun = CalleeTokenToFunction(layout->calleeToken()); MOZ_ASSERT(nativeFun->isBuiltinNative()); void** jitEntry = nativeFun->nativeJitEntry(); return rt->jitRuntime()->trampolineNativeForJitEntry(jitEntry); } static void UnwindTrampolineNativeFrame(JSRuntime* rt, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { auto* layout = (TrampolineNativeFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); TrampolineNative native = TrampolineNativeForFrame(rt, layout); switch (native) { case TrampolineNative::ArraySort: layout->getFrameData()->freeMallocData(); break; case TrampolineNative::Count: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid value"); } } static void CloseLiveIteratorIon(JSContext* cx, const InlineFrameIterator& frame, const TryNote* tn) { MOZ_ASSERT(tn->kind() == TryNoteKind::ForIn || tn->kind() == TryNoteKind::Destructuring); bool isDestructuring = tn->kind() == TryNoteKind::Destructuring; MOZ_ASSERT_IF(!isDestructuring, tn->stackDepth > 0); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(isDestructuring, tn->stackDepth > 1); // Save any pending exception, because some recover operations call into // AutoUnsafeCallWithABI functions, which don't allow pending exceptions. JS::AutoSaveExceptionState savedExc(cx); SnapshotIterator si = frame.snapshotIterator(); // Skip stack slots until we reach the iterator object on the stack. For // the destructuring case, we also need to get the "done" value. uint32_t stackSlot = tn->stackDepth; uint32_t adjust = isDestructuring ? 2 : 1; uint32_t skipSlots = NumArgAndLocalSlots(frame) + stackSlot - adjust; for (unsigned i = 0; i < skipSlots; i++) { si.skip(); } MaybeReadFallback recover(cx, cx->activation()->asJit(), &frame.frame(), MaybeReadFallback::Fallback_DoNothing); Value v = si.maybeRead(recover); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(v.isObject()); RootedObject iterObject(cx, &v.toObject()); if (isDestructuring) { RootedValue doneValue(cx, si.read()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!doneValue.isMagic()); bool done = ToBoolean(doneValue); // Do not call IteratorClose if the destructuring iterator is already // done. if (done) { return; } } // Restore any pending exception before the closing the iterator. savedExc.restore(); if (cx->isExceptionPending()) { if (tn->kind() == TryNoteKind::ForIn) { CloseIterator(iterObject); } else { IteratorCloseForException(cx, iterObject); } } else { UnwindIteratorForUncatchableException(iterObject); } } class IonTryNoteFilter { uint32_t depth_; public: explicit IonTryNoteFilter(const InlineFrameIterator& frame) { uint32_t base = NumArgAndLocalSlots(frame); SnapshotIterator si = frame.snapshotIterator(); MOZ_ASSERT(si.numAllocations() >= base); depth_ = si.numAllocations() - base; } bool operator()(const TryNote* note) { return note->stackDepth <= depth_; } }; class TryNoteIterIon : public TryNoteIter { public: TryNoteIterIon(JSContext* cx, const InlineFrameIterator& frame) : TryNoteIter(cx, frame.script(), frame.pc(), IonTryNoteFilter(frame)) {} }; static bool ShouldBailoutForDebugger(JSContext* cx, const InlineFrameIterator& frame, bool hitBailoutException) { if (hitBailoutException) { MOZ_ASSERT(!cx->isPropagatingForcedReturn()); return false; } // Bail out if we're propagating a forced return from an inlined frame, // even if the realm is no longer a debuggee. if (cx->isPropagatingForcedReturn() && frame.more()) { return true; } if (!cx->realm()->isDebuggee()) { return false; } // Bail out if there's a catchable exception and we are the debuggee of a // Debugger with a live onExceptionUnwind hook. if (cx->isExceptionPending() && DebugAPI::hasExceptionUnwindHook(cx->global())) { return true; } // Bail out if a Debugger has observed this frame (e.g., for onPop). JitActivation* act = cx->activation()->asJit(); RematerializedFrame* rematFrame = act->lookupRematerializedFrame(frame.frame().fp(), frame.frameNo()); return rematFrame && rematFrame->isDebuggee(); } static void OnLeaveIonFrame(JSContext* cx, const InlineFrameIterator& frame, ResumeFromException* rfe) { bool returnFromThisFrame = cx->isPropagatingForcedReturn() || cx->isClosingGenerator(); if (!returnFromThisFrame) { return; } JitActivation* act = cx->activation()->asJit(); RematerializedFrame* rematFrame = nullptr; { JS::AutoSaveExceptionState savedExc(cx); // We can run recover instructions without invalidating because we're // already leaving the frame. MaybeReadFallback::FallbackConsequence consequence = MaybeReadFallback::Fallback_DoNothing; rematFrame = act->getRematerializedFrame(cx, frame.frame(), frame.frameNo(), consequence); if (!rematFrame) { return; } } MOZ_ASSERT(!frame.more()); if (cx->isClosingGenerator()) { HandleClosingGeneratorReturn(cx, rematFrame, /*frameOk=*/true); } else { cx->clearPropagatingForcedReturn(); } Value& rval = rematFrame->returnValue(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!rval.isMagic()); // Set both framePointer and stackPointer to the address of the // JitFrameLayout. rfe->kind = ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnIon; rfe->framePointer = frame.frame().fp(); rfe->stackPointer = frame.frame().fp(); rfe->exception = rval; rfe->exceptionStack = NullValue(); act->removeIonFrameRecovery(frame.frame().jsFrame()); act->removeRematerializedFrame(frame.frame().fp()); } static void HandleExceptionIon(JSContext* cx, const InlineFrameIterator& frame, ResumeFromException* rfe, bool* hitBailoutException) { if (ShouldBailoutForDebugger(cx, frame, *hitBailoutException)) { // We do the following: // // 1. Bailout to baseline to reconstruct a baseline frame. // 2. Resume immediately into the exception tail afterwards, and // handle the exception again with the top frame now a baseline // frame. // // An empty exception info denotes that we're propagating an Ion // exception due to debug mode, which BailoutIonToBaseline needs to // know. This is because we might not be able to fully reconstruct up // to the stack depth at the snapshot, as we could've thrown in the // middle of a call. ExceptionBailoutInfo propagateInfo(cx); if (ExceptionHandlerBailout(cx, frame, rfe, propagateInfo)) { return; } *hitBailoutException = true; } RootedScript script(cx, frame.script()); for (TryNoteIterIon tni(cx, frame); !tni.done(); ++tni) { const TryNote* tn = *tni; switch (tn->kind()) { case TryNoteKind::ForIn: case TryNoteKind::Destructuring: CloseLiveIteratorIon(cx, frame, tn); break; case TryNoteKind::Catch: // If we're closing a generator, we have to skip catch blocks. if (cx->isClosingGenerator()) { break; } if (cx->isExceptionPending()) { // Ion can compile try-catch, but bailing out to catch // exceptions is slow. Reset the warm-up counter so that if we // catch many exceptions we won't Ion-compile the script. script->resetWarmUpCounterToDelayIonCompilation(); if (*hitBailoutException) { break; } // Bailout at the start of the catch block. jsbytecode* catchPC = script->offsetToPC(tn->start + tn->length); ExceptionBailoutInfo excInfo(cx, frame.frameNo(), catchPC, tn->stackDepth); if (ExceptionHandlerBailout(cx, frame, rfe, excInfo)) { // Record exception locations to allow scope unwinding in // |FinishBailoutToBaseline| MOZ_ASSERT(cx->isExceptionPending()); rfe->bailoutInfo->tryPC = UnwindEnvironmentToTryPc(frame.script(), tn); rfe->bailoutInfo->faultPC = frame.pc(); return; } *hitBailoutException = true; MOZ_ASSERT(cx->isExceptionPending()); } break; case TryNoteKind::Finally: { if (!cx->isExceptionPending()) { // We don't catch uncatchable exceptions. break; } script->resetWarmUpCounterToDelayIonCompilation(); if (*hitBailoutException) { break; } // Bailout at the start of the finally block. jsbytecode* finallyPC = script->offsetToPC(tn->start + tn->length); ExceptionBailoutInfo excInfo(cx, frame.frameNo(), finallyPC, tn->stackDepth); RootedValue exception(cx); RootedValue exceptionStack(cx); if (!cx->getPendingException(&exception) || !cx->getPendingExceptionStack(&exceptionStack)) { exception = UndefinedValue(); exceptionStack = NullValue(); } excInfo.setFinallyException(exception.get(), exceptionStack.get()); cx->clearPendingException(); if (ExceptionHandlerBailout(cx, frame, rfe, excInfo)) { // Record exception locations to allow scope unwinding in // |FinishBailoutToBaseline| rfe->bailoutInfo->tryPC = UnwindEnvironmentToTryPc(frame.script(), tn); rfe->bailoutInfo->faultPC = frame.pc(); return; } *hitBailoutException = true; MOZ_ASSERT(cx->isExceptionPending()); break; } case TryNoteKind::ForOf: case TryNoteKind::Loop: break; // TryNoteKind::ForOfIterclose is handled internally by the try note // iterator. default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected try note"); } } OnLeaveIonFrame(cx, frame, rfe); } static void OnLeaveBaselineFrame(JSContext* cx, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, jsbytecode* pc, ResumeFromException* rfe, bool frameOk) { BaselineFrame* baselineFrame = frame.baselineFrame(); bool returnFromThisFrame = jit::DebugEpilogue(cx, baselineFrame, pc, frameOk); if (returnFromThisFrame) { rfe->kind = ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnBaseline; rfe->framePointer = frame.fp(); rfe->stackPointer = reinterpret_cast(baselineFrame); } } static inline void BaselineFrameAndStackPointersFromTryNote( const TryNote* tn, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, uint8_t** framePointer, uint8_t** stackPointer) { JSScript* script = frame.baselineFrame()->script(); *framePointer = frame.fp(); *stackPointer = *framePointer - BaselineFrame::Size() - (script->nfixed() + tn->stackDepth) * sizeof(Value); } static void SettleOnTryNote(JSContext* cx, const TryNote* tn, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, EnvironmentIter& ei, ResumeFromException* rfe, jsbytecode** pc) { RootedScript script(cx, frame.baselineFrame()->script()); // Unwind environment chain (pop block objects). if (cx->isExceptionPending()) { UnwindEnvironment(cx, ei, UnwindEnvironmentToTryPc(script, tn)); } // Compute base pointer and stack pointer. BaselineFrameAndStackPointersFromTryNote(tn, frame, &rfe->framePointer, &rfe->stackPointer); // Compute the pc. *pc = script->offsetToPC(tn->start + tn->length); } class BaselineTryNoteFilter { const JSJitFrameIter& frame_; public: explicit BaselineTryNoteFilter(const JSJitFrameIter& frame) : frame_(frame) {} bool operator()(const TryNote* note) { BaselineFrame* frame = frame_.baselineFrame(); uint32_t numValueSlots = frame_.baselineFrameNumValueSlots(); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(numValueSlots >= frame->script()->nfixed()); uint32_t currDepth = numValueSlots - frame->script()->nfixed(); return note->stackDepth <= currDepth; } }; class TryNoteIterBaseline : public TryNoteIter { public: TryNoteIterBaseline(JSContext* cx, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, jsbytecode* pc) : TryNoteIter(cx, frame.script(), pc, BaselineTryNoteFilter(frame)) {} }; // Close all live iterators on a BaselineFrame due to exception unwinding. The // pc parameter is updated to where the envs have been unwound to. static void CloseLiveIteratorsBaselineForUncatchableException( JSContext* cx, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, jsbytecode* pc) { for (TryNoteIterBaseline tni(cx, frame, pc); !tni.done(); ++tni) { const TryNote* tn = *tni; switch (tn->kind()) { case TryNoteKind::ForIn: { uint8_t* framePointer; uint8_t* stackPointer; BaselineFrameAndStackPointersFromTryNote(tn, frame, &framePointer, &stackPointer); Value iterValue(*(Value*)stackPointer); RootedObject iterObject(cx, &iterValue.toObject()); UnwindIteratorForUncatchableException(iterObject); break; } default: break; } } } static bool ProcessTryNotesBaseline(JSContext* cx, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, EnvironmentIter& ei, ResumeFromException* rfe, jsbytecode** pc) { MOZ_ASSERT(frame.baselineFrame()->runningInInterpreter(), "Caller must ensure frame is an interpreter frame"); RootedScript script(cx, frame.baselineFrame()->script()); for (TryNoteIterBaseline tni(cx, frame, *pc); !tni.done(); ++tni) { const TryNote* tn = *tni; MOZ_ASSERT(cx->isExceptionPending()); switch (tn->kind()) { case TryNoteKind::Catch: { // If we're closing a generator, we have to skip catch blocks. if (cx->isClosingGenerator()) { break; } SettleOnTryNote(cx, tn, frame, ei, rfe, pc); // Ion can compile try-catch, but bailing out to catch // exceptions is slow. Reset the warm-up counter so that if we // catch many exceptions we won't Ion-compile the script. script->resetWarmUpCounterToDelayIonCompilation(); // Resume at the start of the catch block. frame.baselineFrame()->setInterpreterFields(*pc); rfe->kind = ExceptionResumeKind::Catch; if (IsBaselineInterpreterEnabled()) { const BaselineInterpreter& interp = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->baselineInterpreter(); rfe->target = interp.interpretOpAddr().value; } return true; } case TryNoteKind::Finally: { SettleOnTryNote(cx, tn, frame, ei, rfe, pc); frame.baselineFrame()->setInterpreterFields(*pc); rfe->kind = ExceptionResumeKind::Finally; if (IsBaselineInterpreterEnabled()) { const BaselineInterpreter& interp = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->baselineInterpreter(); rfe->target = interp.interpretOpAddr().value; } // Drop the exception instead of leaking cross compartment data. RootedValue exception(cx); RootedValue exceptionStack(cx); if (!cx->getPendingException(&exception) || !cx->getPendingExceptionStack(&exceptionStack)) { rfe->exception = UndefinedValue(); rfe->exceptionStack = NullValue(); } else { rfe->exception = exception; rfe->exceptionStack = exceptionStack; } cx->clearPendingException(); return true; } case TryNoteKind::ForIn: { uint8_t* framePointer; uint8_t* stackPointer; BaselineFrameAndStackPointersFromTryNote(tn, frame, &framePointer, &stackPointer); Value iterValue(*reinterpret_cast(stackPointer)); JSObject* iterObject = &iterValue.toObject(); CloseIterator(iterObject); break; } case TryNoteKind::Destructuring: { uint8_t* framePointer; uint8_t* stackPointer; BaselineFrameAndStackPointersFromTryNote(tn, frame, &framePointer, &stackPointer); // Note: if this ever changes, also update the // TryNoteKind::Destructuring code in WarpBuilder.cpp! RootedValue doneValue(cx, *(reinterpret_cast(stackPointer))); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(!doneValue.isMagic()); bool done = ToBoolean(doneValue); if (!done) { Value iterValue(*(reinterpret_cast(stackPointer) + 1)); RootedObject iterObject(cx, &iterValue.toObject()); if (!IteratorCloseForException(cx, iterObject)) { SettleOnTryNote(cx, tn, frame, ei, rfe, pc); return false; } } break; } case TryNoteKind::ForOf: case TryNoteKind::Loop: break; // TryNoteKind::ForOfIterClose is handled internally by the try note // iterator. default: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid try note"); } } return true; } static void HandleExceptionBaseline(JSContext* cx, JSJitFrameIter& frame, CommonFrameLayout* prevFrame, ResumeFromException* rfe) { MOZ_ASSERT(frame.isBaselineJS()); MOZ_ASSERT(prevFrame); jsbytecode* pc; frame.baselineScriptAndPc(nullptr, &pc); // Ensure the BaselineFrame is an interpreter frame. This is easy to do and // simplifies the code below and interaction with DebugModeOSR. // // Note that we never return to this frame via the previous frame's return // address. We could set the return address to nullptr to ensure it's never // used, but the profiler expects a non-null return value for its JitCode map // lookup so we have to use an address in the interpreter code instead. if (!frame.baselineFrame()->runningInInterpreter()) { const BaselineInterpreter& interp = cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->baselineInterpreter(); uint8_t* retAddr = interp.codeRaw(); BaselineFrame* baselineFrame = frame.baselineFrame(); // Suppress profiler sampling while we fix up the frame to ensure the // sampler thread doesn't see an inconsistent state. AutoSuppressProfilerSampling suppressProfilerSampling(cx); baselineFrame->switchFromJitToInterpreterForExceptionHandler(cx, pc); prevFrame->setReturnAddress(retAddr); // Ensure the current iterator's resumePCInCurrentFrame_ isn't used // anywhere. frame.setResumePCInCurrentFrame(nullptr); } bool frameOk = false; RootedScript script(cx, frame.baselineFrame()->script()); if (script->hasScriptCounts()) { PCCounts* counts = script->getThrowCounts(pc); // If we failed to allocate, then skip the increment and continue to // handle the exception. if (counts) { counts->numExec()++; } } bool hasTryNotes = !script->trynotes().empty(); again: if (cx->isExceptionPending()) { if (!cx->isClosingGenerator()) { if (!DebugAPI::onExceptionUnwind(cx, frame.baselineFrame())) { if (!cx->isExceptionPending()) { goto again; } } // Ensure that the debugger hasn't returned 'true' while clearing the // exception state. MOZ_ASSERT(cx->isExceptionPending()); } if (hasTryNotes) { EnvironmentIter ei(cx, frame.baselineFrame(), pc); if (!ProcessTryNotesBaseline(cx, frame, ei, rfe, &pc)) { goto again; } if (rfe->kind != ExceptionResumeKind::EntryFrame) { // No need to increment the PCCounts number of execution here, // as the interpreter increments any PCCounts if present. MOZ_ASSERT_IF(script->hasScriptCounts(), script->maybeGetPCCounts(pc)); return; } } frameOk = HandleClosingGeneratorReturn(cx, frame.baselineFrame(), frameOk); } else { if (hasTryNotes) { CloseLiveIteratorsBaselineForUncatchableException(cx, frame, pc); } // We may be propagating a forced return from a debugger hook function. if (MOZ_UNLIKELY(cx->isPropagatingForcedReturn())) { cx->clearPropagatingForcedReturn(); frameOk = true; } } OnLeaveBaselineFrame(cx, frame, pc, rfe, frameOk); } static JitFrameLayout* GetLastProfilingFrame(ResumeFromException* rfe) { switch (rfe->kind) { case ExceptionResumeKind::EntryFrame: case ExceptionResumeKind::Wasm: case ExceptionResumeKind::WasmCatch: return nullptr; // The following all return into Baseline or Ion frames. case ExceptionResumeKind::Catch: case ExceptionResumeKind::Finally: case ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnBaseline: case ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnIon: return reinterpret_cast(rfe->framePointer); // When resuming into a bailed-out ion frame, use the bailout info to // find the frame we are resuming into. case ExceptionResumeKind::Bailout: return reinterpret_cast(rfe->bailoutInfo->incomingStack); } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid ResumeFromException type!"); return nullptr; } void HandleExceptionWasm(JSContext* cx, wasm::WasmFrameIter* iter, ResumeFromException* rfe) { MOZ_ASSERT(cx->activation()->asJit()->hasWasmExitFP()); wasm::HandleThrow(cx, *iter, rfe); MOZ_ASSERT(iter->done()); } void HandleException(ResumeFromException* rfe) { JSContext* cx = TlsContext.get(); #ifdef DEBUG if (!IsPortableBaselineInterpreterEnabled()) { cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->clearDisallowArbitraryCode(); } // Reset the counter when we bailed after MDebugEnterGCUnsafeRegion, but // before the matching MDebugLeaveGCUnsafeRegion. // // NOTE: EnterJit ensures the counter is zero when we enter JIT code. cx->resetInUnsafeRegion(); #endif auto resetProfilerFrame = mozilla::MakeScopeExit([=] { if (!IsPortableBaselineInterpreterEnabled()) { if (!cx->runtime()->jitRuntime()->isProfilerInstrumentationEnabled( cx->runtime())) { return; } } MOZ_ASSERT(cx->jitActivation == cx->profilingActivation()); auto* lastProfilingFrame = GetLastProfilingFrame(rfe); cx->jitActivation->setLastProfilingFrame(lastProfilingFrame); }); rfe->kind = ExceptionResumeKind::EntryFrame; JitSpew(JitSpew_IonInvalidate, "handling exception"); JitActivation* activation = cx->activation()->asJit(); #ifdef CHECK_OSIPOINT_REGISTERS if (JitOptions.checkOsiPointRegisters) { activation->setCheckRegs(false); } #endif JitFrameIter iter(cx->activation()->asJit(), /* mustUnwindActivation = */ true); CommonFrameLayout* prevJitFrame = nullptr; while (!iter.done()) { if (iter.isWasm()) { prevJitFrame = nullptr; HandleExceptionWasm(cx, &iter.asWasm(), rfe); // If a wasm try-catch handler is found, we can immediately jump to it // and quit iterating through the stack. if (rfe->kind == ExceptionResumeKind::WasmCatch) { return; } if (!iter.done()) { ++iter; } continue; } JSJitFrameIter& frame = iter.asJSJit(); // JIT code can enter same-compartment realms, so reset cx->realm to // this frame's realm. if (frame.isScripted() || frame.isTrampolineNative()) { cx->setRealmForJitExceptionHandler(iter.realm()); } if (frame.isIonJS()) { // Search each inlined frame for live iterator objects, and close // them. InlineFrameIterator frames(cx, &frame); // Invalidation state will be the same for all inlined scripts in the // frame. IonScript* ionScript = nullptr; bool invalidated = frame.checkInvalidation(&ionScript); // If we hit OOM or overrecursion while bailing out, we don't // attempt to bail out a second time for this Ion frame. Just unwind // and continue at the next frame. bool hitBailoutException = false; for (;;) { HandleExceptionIon(cx, frames, rfe, &hitBailoutException); if (rfe->kind == ExceptionResumeKind::Bailout || rfe->kind == ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnIon) { if (invalidated) { ionScript->decrementInvalidationCount(cx->gcContext()); } return; } MOZ_ASSERT(rfe->kind == ExceptionResumeKind::EntryFrame); // When profiling, each frame popped needs a notification that // the function has exited, so invoke the probe that a function // is exiting. JSScript* script = frames.script(); probes::ExitScript(cx, script, script->function(), /* popProfilerFrame = */ false); if (!frames.more()) { break; } ++frames; } // Remove left-over state which might have been needed for bailout. activation->removeIonFrameRecovery(frame.jsFrame()); activation->removeRematerializedFrame(frame.fp()); // If invalidated, decrement the number of frames remaining on the // stack for the given IonScript. if (invalidated) { ionScript->decrementInvalidationCount(cx->gcContext()); } } else if (frame.isBaselineJS()) { HandleExceptionBaseline(cx, frame, prevJitFrame, rfe); if (rfe->kind != ExceptionResumeKind::EntryFrame && rfe->kind != ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnBaseline) { return; } // Unwind profiler pseudo-stack JSScript* script = frame.script(); probes::ExitScript(cx, script, script->function(), /* popProfilerFrame = */ false); if (rfe->kind == ExceptionResumeKind::ForcedReturnBaseline) { return; } } else if (frame.isTrampolineNative()) { UnwindTrampolineNativeFrame(cx->runtime(), frame); } prevJitFrame = frame.current(); ++iter; } // Wasm sets its own value of SP in HandleExceptionWasm. if (iter.isJSJit()) { MOZ_ASSERT(rfe->kind == ExceptionResumeKind::EntryFrame); rfe->framePointer = iter.asJSJit().current()->callerFramePtr(); rfe->stackPointer = iter.asJSJit().fp() + CommonFrameLayout::offsetOfReturnAddress(); } } // Turns a JitFrameLayout into an UnwoundJit ExitFrameLayout. void EnsureUnwoundJitExitFrame(JitActivation* act, JitFrameLayout* frame) { ExitFrameLayout* exitFrame = reinterpret_cast(frame); if (act->jsExitFP() == (uint8_t*)frame) { // If we already called this function for the current frame, do // nothing. MOZ_ASSERT(exitFrame->isUnwoundJitExit()); return; } #ifdef DEBUG JSJitFrameIter iter(act); while (!iter.isScripted()) { ++iter; } MOZ_ASSERT(iter.current() == frame, "|frame| must be the top JS frame"); MOZ_ASSERT(!!act->jsExitFP()); MOZ_ASSERT((uint8_t*)exitFrame->footer() >= act->jsExitFP(), "Must have space for ExitFooterFrame before jsExitFP"); #endif act->setJSExitFP((uint8_t*)frame); exitFrame->footer()->setUnwoundJitExitFrame(); MOZ_ASSERT(exitFrame->isUnwoundJitExit()); } JSScript* MaybeForwardedScriptFromCalleeToken(CalleeToken token) { switch (GetCalleeTokenTag(token)) { case CalleeToken_Script: return MaybeForwarded(CalleeTokenToScript(token)); case CalleeToken_Function: case CalleeToken_FunctionConstructing: { JSFunction* fun = MaybeForwarded(CalleeTokenToFunction(token)); return MaybeForwarded(fun)->nonLazyScript(); } } MOZ_CRASH("invalid callee token tag"); } CalleeToken TraceCalleeToken(JSTracer* trc, CalleeToken token) { switch (CalleeTokenTag tag = GetCalleeTokenTag(token)) { case CalleeToken_Function: case CalleeToken_FunctionConstructing: { JSFunction* fun = CalleeTokenToFunction(token); TraceRoot(trc, &fun, "jit-callee"); return CalleeToToken(fun, tag == CalleeToken_FunctionConstructing); } case CalleeToken_Script: { JSScript* script = CalleeTokenToScript(token); TraceRoot(trc, &script, "jit-script"); return CalleeToToken(script); } default: MOZ_CRASH("unknown callee token type"); } } uintptr_t* JitFrameLayout::slotRef(SafepointSlotEntry where) { if (where.stack) { return (uintptr_t*)((uint8_t*)this - where.slot); } return (uintptr_t*)((uint8_t*)thisAndActualArgs() + where.slot); } #ifdef DEBUG void ExitFooterFrame::assertValidVMFunctionId() const { MOZ_ASSERT(data_ >= uintptr_t(ExitFrameType::VMFunction)); MOZ_ASSERT(data_ - uintptr_t(ExitFrameType::VMFunction) < NumVMFunctions()); } #endif #ifdef JS_NUNBOX32 static inline uintptr_t ReadAllocation(const JSJitFrameIter& frame, const LAllocation* a) { if (a->isGeneralReg()) { Register reg = a->toGeneralReg()->reg(); return frame.machineState().read(reg); } return *frame.jsFrame()->slotRef(SafepointSlotEntry(a)); } #endif static void TraceThisAndArguments(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame, JitFrameLayout* layout) { // Trace |this| and the actual and formal arguments of a JIT frame. // // Tracing of formal arguments of an Ion frame is taken care of by the frame's // safepoint/snapshot. We skip tracing formal arguments if the script doesn't // use |arguments| or rest, because the register allocator can spill values to // argument slots in this case. // // For other frames such as LazyLink frames or InterpreterStub frames, we // always trace all actual and formal arguments. if (!CalleeTokenIsFunction(layout->calleeToken())) { return; } JSFunction* fun = CalleeTokenToFunction(layout->calleeToken()); size_t numFormals = fun->nargs(); size_t numArgs = std::max(layout->numActualArgs(), numFormals); size_t firstArg = 0; if (frame.isIonScripted() && !fun->nonLazyScript()->mayReadFrameArgsDirectly()) { firstArg = numFormals; } Value* argv = layout->thisAndActualArgs(); // Trace |this|. TraceRoot(trc, argv, "jit-thisv"); // Trace arguments. Note + 1 for thisv. for (size_t i = firstArg; i < numArgs; i++) { TraceRoot(trc, &argv[i + 1], "jit-argv"); } // Always trace the new.target from the frame. It's not in the snapshots. // +1 to pass |this| if (CalleeTokenIsConstructing(layout->calleeToken())) { TraceRoot(trc, &argv[1 + numArgs], "jit-newTarget"); } } #ifdef JS_NUNBOX32 static inline void WriteAllocation(const JSJitFrameIter& frame, const LAllocation* a, uintptr_t value) { if (a->isGeneralReg()) { Register reg = a->toGeneralReg()->reg(); frame.machineState().write(reg, value); } else { *frame.jsFrame()->slotRef(SafepointSlotEntry(a)) = value; } } #endif static void TraceIonJSFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { JitFrameLayout* layout = (JitFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); layout->replaceCalleeToken(TraceCalleeToken(trc, layout->calleeToken())); IonScript* ionScript = nullptr; if (frame.checkInvalidation(&ionScript)) { // This frame has been invalidated, meaning that its IonScript is no // longer reachable through the callee token (JSFunction/JSScript->ion // is now nullptr or recompiled). Manually trace it here. ionScript->trace(trc); } else { ionScript = frame.ionScriptFromCalleeToken(); } TraceThisAndArguments(trc, frame, frame.jsFrame()); const SafepointIndex* si = ionScript->getSafepointIndex(frame.resumePCinCurrentFrame()); SafepointReader safepoint(ionScript, si); // Scan through slots which contain pointers (or on punboxing systems, // actual values). SafepointSlotEntry entry; while (safepoint.getGcSlot(&entry)) { uintptr_t* ref = layout->slotRef(entry); TraceGenericPointerRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(ref), "ion-gc-slot"); } uintptr_t* spill = frame.spillBase(); LiveGeneralRegisterSet gcRegs = safepoint.gcSpills(); LiveGeneralRegisterSet valueRegs = safepoint.valueSpills(); LiveGeneralRegisterSet wasmAnyRefRegs = safepoint.wasmAnyRefSpills(); for (GeneralRegisterBackwardIterator iter(safepoint.allGprSpills()); iter.more(); ++iter) { --spill; if (gcRegs.has(*iter)) { TraceGenericPointerRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(spill), "ion-gc-spill"); } else if (valueRegs.has(*iter)) { TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(spill), "ion-value-spill"); } else if (wasmAnyRefRegs.has(*iter)) { TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(spill), "ion-anyref-spill"); } } #ifdef JS_PUNBOX64 while (safepoint.getValueSlot(&entry)) { Value* v = (Value*)layout->slotRef(entry); TraceRoot(trc, v, "ion-gc-slot"); } #else LAllocation type, payload; while (safepoint.getNunboxSlot(&type, &payload)) { JSValueTag tag = JSValueTag(ReadAllocation(frame, &type)); uintptr_t rawPayload = ReadAllocation(frame, &payload); Value v = Value::fromTagAndPayload(tag, rawPayload); TraceRoot(trc, &v, "ion-torn-value"); if (v != Value::fromTagAndPayload(tag, rawPayload)) { // GC moved the value, replace the stored payload. rawPayload = v.toNunboxPayload(); WriteAllocation(frame, &payload, rawPayload); } } #endif // Skip over slots/elements to get to wasm anyrefs while (safepoint.getSlotsOrElementsSlot(&entry)) { } while (safepoint.getWasmAnyRefSlot(&entry)) { wasm::AnyRef* v = (wasm::AnyRef*)layout->slotRef(entry); TraceRoot(trc, v, "ion-wasm-anyref-slot"); } } static void TraceBailoutFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { JitFrameLayout* layout = (JitFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); layout->replaceCalleeToken(TraceCalleeToken(trc, layout->calleeToken())); // We have to trace the list of actual arguments, as only formal arguments // are represented in the Snapshot. TraceThisAndArguments(trc, frame, frame.jsFrame()); // Under a bailout, do not have a Safepoint to only iterate over GC-things. // Thus we use a SnapshotIterator to trace all the locations which would be // used to reconstruct the Baseline frame. // // Note that at the time where this function is called, we have not yet // started to reconstruct baseline frames. // The vector of recover instructions is already traced as part of the // JitActivation. SnapshotIterator snapIter(frame, frame.activation()->bailoutData()->machineState()); // For each instruction, we read the allocations without evaluating the // recover instruction, nor reconstructing the frame. We are only looking at // tracing readable allocations. while (true) { while (snapIter.moreAllocations()) { snapIter.traceAllocation(trc); } if (!snapIter.moreInstructions()) { break; } snapIter.nextInstruction(); } } static void UpdateIonJSFrameForMinorGC(JSRuntime* rt, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { // Minor GCs may move slots/elements allocated in the nursery. Update // any slots/elements pointers stored in this frame. JitFrameLayout* layout = (JitFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); IonScript* ionScript = nullptr; if (frame.checkInvalidation(&ionScript)) { // This frame has been invalidated, meaning that its IonScript is no // longer reachable through the callee token (JSFunction/JSScript->ion // is now nullptr or recompiled). } else { ionScript = frame.ionScriptFromCalleeToken(); } Nursery& nursery = rt->gc.nursery(); const SafepointIndex* si = ionScript->getSafepointIndex(frame.resumePCinCurrentFrame()); SafepointReader safepoint(ionScript, si); LiveGeneralRegisterSet slotsRegs = safepoint.slotsOrElementsSpills(); uintptr_t* spill = frame.spillBase(); for (GeneralRegisterBackwardIterator iter(safepoint.allGprSpills()); iter.more(); ++iter) { --spill; if (slotsRegs.has(*iter)) { nursery.forwardBufferPointer(spill); } } // Skip to the right place in the safepoint SafepointSlotEntry entry; while (safepoint.getGcSlot(&entry)) { } #ifdef JS_PUNBOX64 while (safepoint.getValueSlot(&entry)) { } #else LAllocation type, payload; while (safepoint.getNunboxSlot(&type, &payload)) { } #endif while (safepoint.getSlotsOrElementsSlot(&entry)) { nursery.forwardBufferPointer(layout->slotRef(entry)); } } static void TraceBaselineStubFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { // Trace the ICStub pointer stored in the stub frame. This is necessary // so that we don't destroy the stub code after unlinking the stub. MOZ_ASSERT(frame.type() == FrameType::BaselineStub); BaselineStubFrameLayout* layout = (BaselineStubFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); if (ICStub* stub = layout->maybeStubPtr()) { if (stub->isFallback()) { // Fallback stubs use runtime-wide trampoline code we don't need to trace. MOZ_ASSERT(stub->usesTrampolineCode()); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(stub->toCacheIRStub()->makesGCCalls()); stub->toCacheIRStub()->trace(trc); #ifndef ENABLE_PORTABLE_BASELINE_INTERP for (int i = 0; i < stub->jitCode()->localTracingSlots(); ++i) { TraceRoot(trc, layout->locallyTracedValuePtr(i), "baseline-local-tracing-slot"); } #endif } } } static void TraceWeakBaselineStubFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { MOZ_ASSERT(frame.type() == FrameType::BaselineStub); BaselineStubFrameLayout* layout = (BaselineStubFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); if (ICStub* stub = layout->maybeStubPtr()) { if (!stub->isFallback()) { MOZ_ASSERT(stub->toCacheIRStub()->makesGCCalls()); stub->toCacheIRStub()->traceWeak(trc); } } } static void TraceIonICCallFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { MOZ_ASSERT(frame.type() == FrameType::IonICCall); IonICCallFrameLayout* layout = (IonICCallFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); TraceRoot(trc, layout->stubCode(), "ion-ic-call-code"); for (int i = 0; i < (*layout->stubCode())->localTracingSlots(); ++i) { TraceRoot(trc, layout->locallyTracedValuePtr(i), "ion-ic-local-tracing-slot"); } } #if defined(JS_CODEGEN_ARM64) || defined(JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32) uint8_t* alignDoubleSpill(uint8_t* pointer) { uintptr_t address = reinterpret_cast(pointer); address &= ~(uintptr_t(ABIStackAlignment) - 1); return reinterpret_cast(address); } #endif #ifdef JS_CODEGEN_MIPS32 static void TraceJitExitFrameCopiedArguments(JSTracer* trc, const VMFunctionData* f, ExitFooterFrame* footer) { uint8_t* doubleArgs = footer->alignedForABI(); if (f->outParam == Type_Handle) { doubleArgs -= sizeof(Value); } doubleArgs -= f->doubleByRefArgs() * sizeof(double); for (uint32_t explicitArg = 0; explicitArg < f->explicitArgs; explicitArg++) { if (f->argProperties(explicitArg) == VMFunctionData::DoubleByRef) { // Arguments with double size can only have RootValue type. if (f->argRootType(explicitArg) == VMFunctionData::RootValue) { TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(doubleArgs), "ion-vm-args"); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(f->argRootType(explicitArg) == VMFunctionData::RootNone); } doubleArgs += sizeof(double); } } } #else static void TraceJitExitFrameCopiedArguments(JSTracer* trc, const VMFunctionData* f, ExitFooterFrame* footer) { // This is NO-OP on other platforms. } #endif static void TraceJitExitFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { ExitFooterFrame* footer = frame.exitFrame()->footer(); // This corresponds to the case where we have build a fake exit frame which // handles the case of a native function call. We need to trace the argument // vector of the function call, and also new.target if it was a constructing // call. if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { NativeExitFrameLayout* native = frame.exitFrame()->as(); size_t len = native->argc() + 2; Value* vp = native->vp(); TraceRootRange(trc, len, vp, "ion-native-args"); if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { TraceRoot(trc, vp + len, "ion-native-new-target"); } return; } if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { IonOOLNativeExitFrameLayout* oolnative = frame.exitFrame()->as(); TraceRoot(trc, oolnative->stubCode(), "ion-ool-native-code"); TraceRoot(trc, oolnative->vp(), "iol-ool-native-vp"); size_t len = oolnative->argc() + 1; TraceRootRange(trc, len, oolnative->thisp(), "ion-ool-native-thisargs"); return; } if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { IonOOLProxyExitFrameLayout* oolproxy = frame.exitFrame()->as(); TraceRoot(trc, oolproxy->stubCode(), "ion-ool-proxy-code"); TraceRoot(trc, oolproxy->vp(), "ion-ool-proxy-vp"); TraceRoot(trc, oolproxy->id(), "ion-ool-proxy-id"); TraceRoot(trc, oolproxy->proxy(), "ion-ool-proxy-proxy"); return; } if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { IonDOMExitFrameLayout* dom = frame.exitFrame()->as(); TraceRoot(trc, dom->thisObjAddress(), "ion-dom-args"); if (dom->isMethodFrame()) { IonDOMMethodExitFrameLayout* method = reinterpret_cast(dom); size_t len = method->argc() + 2; Value* vp = method->vp(); TraceRootRange(trc, len, vp, "ion-dom-args"); } else { TraceRoot(trc, dom->vp(), "ion-dom-args"); } return; } if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { auto* layout = frame.exitFrame()->as(); JitFrameLayout* jsLayout = layout->jsFrame(); jsLayout->replaceCalleeToken( TraceCalleeToken(trc, jsLayout->calleeToken())); TraceThisAndArguments(trc, frame, jsLayout); return; } if (frame.isExitFrameLayout()) { // Nothing needs to be traced here at the moment -- the arguments to the // callee are traced by the callee, and the inlined caller does not push // anything else. return; } if (frame.isBareExit() || frame.isUnwoundJitExit()) { // Nothing to trace. Fake exit frame pushed for VM functions with // nothing to trace on the stack or unwound JitFrameLayout. return; } MOZ_ASSERT(frame.exitFrame()->isWrapperExit()); const VMFunctionData& f = GetVMFunction(footer->functionId()); // Trace arguments of the VM wrapper. uint8_t* argBase = frame.exitFrame()->argBase(); for (uint32_t explicitArg = 0; explicitArg < f.explicitArgs; explicitArg++) { switch (f.argRootType(explicitArg)) { case VMFunctionData::RootNone: break; case VMFunctionData::RootObject: { // Sometimes we can bake in HandleObjects to nullptr. JSObject** pobj = reinterpret_cast(argBase); if (*pobj) { TraceRoot(trc, pobj, "ion-vm-args"); } break; } case VMFunctionData::RootString: TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(argBase), "ion-vm-args"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootValue: TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(argBase), "ion-vm-args"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootId: TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(argBase), "ion-vm-args"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootCell: TraceGenericPointerRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(argBase), "ion-vm-args"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootBigInt: TraceRoot(trc, reinterpret_cast(argBase), "ion-vm-args"); break; } switch (f.argProperties(explicitArg)) { case VMFunctionData::WordByValue: case VMFunctionData::WordByRef: argBase += sizeof(void*); break; case VMFunctionData::DoubleByValue: case VMFunctionData::DoubleByRef: argBase += 2 * sizeof(void*); break; } } if (f.outParam == Type_Handle) { switch (f.outParamRootType) { case VMFunctionData::RootNone: MOZ_CRASH("Handle outparam must have root type"); case VMFunctionData::RootObject: TraceRoot(trc, footer->outParam(), "ion-vm-out"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootString: TraceRoot(trc, footer->outParam(), "ion-vm-out"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootValue: TraceRoot(trc, footer->outParam(), "ion-vm-outvp"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootId: TraceRoot(trc, footer->outParam(), "ion-vm-outvp"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootCell: TraceGenericPointerRoot(trc, footer->outParam(), "ion-vm-out"); break; case VMFunctionData::RootBigInt: TraceRoot(trc, footer->outParam(), "ion-vm-out"); break; } } TraceJitExitFrameCopiedArguments(trc, &f, footer); } static void TraceBaselineInterpreterEntryFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { // Baseline Interpreter entry code generated under --emit-interpreter-entry. BaselineInterpreterEntryFrameLayout* layout = (BaselineInterpreterEntryFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); layout->replaceCalleeToken(TraceCalleeToken(trc, layout->calleeToken())); TraceThisAndArguments(trc, frame, layout); } static void TraceRectifierFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { // Trace thisv. // // Baseline JIT code generated as part of the ICCall_Fallback stub may use // it if we're calling a constructor that returns a primitive value. RectifierFrameLayout* layout = (RectifierFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); TraceRoot(trc, &layout->thisv(), "rectifier-thisv"); } static void TraceJSJitToWasmFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { // This is doing a subset of TraceIonJSFrame, since the callee doesn't // have a script. JitFrameLayout* layout = (JitFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); layout->replaceCalleeToken(TraceCalleeToken(trc, layout->calleeToken())); TraceThisAndArguments(trc, frame, layout); } static void TraceTrampolineNativeFrame(JSTracer* trc, const JSJitFrameIter& frame) { auto* layout = (TrampolineNativeFrameLayout*)frame.fp(); layout->replaceCalleeToken(TraceCalleeToken(trc, layout->calleeToken())); TraceThisAndArguments(trc, frame, layout); TrampolineNative native = TrampolineNativeForFrame(trc->runtime(), layout); switch (native) { case TrampolineNative::ArraySort: layout->getFrameData()->trace(trc); break; case TrampolineNative::Count: MOZ_CRASH("Invalid value"); } } static void TraceJitActivation(JSTracer* trc, JitActivation* activation) { #ifdef CHECK_OSIPOINT_REGISTERS if (JitOptions.checkOsiPointRegisters) { // GC can modify spilled registers, breaking our register checks. // To handle this, we disable these checks for the current VM call // when a GC happens. activation->setCheckRegs(false); } #endif activation->traceRematerializedFrames(trc); activation->traceIonRecovery(trc); // This is used for sanity checking continuity of the sequence of wasm stack // maps as we unwind. It has no functional purpose. uintptr_t highestByteVisitedInPrevWasmFrame = 0; for (JitFrameIter frames(activation); !frames.done(); ++frames) { if (frames.isJSJit()) { const JSJitFrameIter& jitFrame = frames.asJSJit(); switch (jitFrame.type()) { case FrameType::Exit: TraceJitExitFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::BaselineJS: jitFrame.baselineFrame()->trace(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::IonJS: TraceIonJSFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::BaselineStub: TraceBaselineStubFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::Bailout: TraceBailoutFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::BaselineInterpreterEntry: TraceBaselineInterpreterEntryFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::Rectifier: TraceRectifierFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::TrampolineNative: TraceTrampolineNativeFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::IonICCall: TraceIonICCallFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; case FrameType::WasmToJSJit: // Ignore: this is a special marker used to let the // JitFrameIter know the frame above is a wasm frame, handled // in the next iteration. break; case FrameType::JSJitToWasm: TraceJSJitToWasmFrame(trc, jitFrame); break; default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected frame type"); } highestByteVisitedInPrevWasmFrame = 0; /* "unknown" */ } else { MOZ_ASSERT(frames.isWasm()); uint8_t* nextPC = frames.resumePCinCurrentFrame(); MOZ_ASSERT(nextPC != 0); wasm::WasmFrameIter& wasmFrameIter = frames.asWasm(); wasm::Instance* instance = wasmFrameIter.instance(); wasm::TraceInstanceEdge(trc, instance, "WasmFrameIter instance"); highestByteVisitedInPrevWasmFrame = instance->traceFrame( trc, wasmFrameIter, nextPC, highestByteVisitedInPrevWasmFrame); } } } void TraceJitActivations(JSContext* cx, JSTracer* trc) { for (JitActivationIterator activations(cx); !activations.done(); ++activations) { TraceJitActivation(trc, activations->asJit()); } } void TraceWeakJitActivationsInSweepingZones(JSContext* cx, JSTracer* trc) { for (JitActivationIterator activation(cx); !activation.done(); ++activation) { if (activation->compartment()->zone()->isGCSweeping()) { for (JitFrameIter frame(activation->asJit()); !frame.done(); ++frame) { if (frame.isJSJit()) { const JSJitFrameIter& jitFrame = frame.asJSJit(); if (jitFrame.type() == FrameType::BaselineStub) { TraceWeakBaselineStubFrame(trc, jitFrame); } } } } } } void UpdateJitActivationsForMinorGC(JSRuntime* rt) { MOZ_ASSERT(JS::RuntimeHeapIsMinorCollecting()); JSContext* cx = rt->mainContextFromOwnThread(); for (JitActivationIterator activations(cx); !activations.done(); ++activations) { for (JitFrameIter iter(activations->asJit()); !iter.done(); ++iter) { if (iter.isJSJit()) { const JSJitFrameIter& jitFrame = iter.asJSJit(); if (jitFrame.type() == FrameType::IonJS) { UpdateIonJSFrameForMinorGC(rt, jitFrame); } } else if (iter.isWasm()) { const wasm::WasmFrameIter& frame = iter.asWasm(); frame.instance()->updateFrameForMovingGC( frame, frame.resumePCinCurrentFrame()); } } } } void UpdateJitActivationsForCompactingGC(JSRuntime* rt) { MOZ_ASSERT(JS::RuntimeHeapIsMajorCollecting()); JSContext* cx = rt->mainContextFromOwnThread(); for (JitActivationIterator activations(cx); !activations.done(); ++activations) { for (JitFrameIter iter(activations->asJit()); !iter.done(); ++iter) { if (iter.isWasm()) { const wasm::WasmFrameIter& frame = iter.asWasm(); frame.instance()->updateFrameForMovingGC( frame, frame.resumePCinCurrentFrame()); } } } } JSScript* GetTopJitJSScript(JSContext* cx) { JSJitFrameIter frame(cx->activation()->asJit()); MOZ_ASSERT(frame.type() == FrameType::Exit); ++frame; if (frame.isBaselineStub()) { ++frame; MOZ_ASSERT(frame.isBaselineJS()); } MOZ_ASSERT(frame.isScripted()); return frame.script(); } RInstructionResults::RInstructionResults(JitFrameLayout* fp) : results_(nullptr), fp_(fp), initialized_(false) {} RInstructionResults::RInstructionResults(RInstructionResults&& src) : results_(std::move(src.results_)), fp_(src.fp_), initialized_(src.initialized_) { src.initialized_ = false; } RInstructionResults& RInstructionResults::operator=(RInstructionResults&& rhs) { MOZ_ASSERT(&rhs != this, "self-moves are prohibited"); this->~RInstructionResults(); new (this) RInstructionResults(std::move(rhs)); return *this; } RInstructionResults::~RInstructionResults() { // results_ is freed by the UniquePtr. } bool RInstructionResults::init(JSContext* cx, uint32_t numResults) { if (numResults) { results_ = cx->make_unique(); if (!results_) { return false; } if (!results_->growBy(numResults)) { ReportOutOfMemory(cx); return false; } Value guard = MagicValue(JS_ION_BAILOUT); for (size_t i = 0; i < numResults; i++) { (*results_)[i].init(guard); } } initialized_ = true; return true; } bool RInstructionResults::isInitialized() const { return initialized_; } size_t RInstructionResults::length() const { return results_->length(); } JitFrameLayout* RInstructionResults::frame() const { MOZ_ASSERT(fp_); return fp_; } HeapPtr& RInstructionResults::operator[](size_t index) { return (*results_)[index]; } void RInstructionResults::trace(JSTracer* trc) { // Note: The vector necessary exists, otherwise this object would not have // been stored on the activation from where the trace function is called. TraceRange(trc, results_->length(), results_->begin(), "ion-recover-results"); } SnapshotIterator::SnapshotIterator(const JSJitFrameIter& iter, const MachineState* machineState) : snapshot_(iter.ionScript()->snapshots(), iter.snapshotOffset(), iter.ionScript()->snapshotsRVATableSize(), iter.ionScript()->snapshotsListSize()), recover_(snapshot_, iter.ionScript()->recovers(), iter.ionScript()->recoversSize()), fp_(iter.jsFrame()), machine_(machineState), ionScript_(iter.ionScript()), instructionResults_(nullptr) {} SnapshotIterator::SnapshotIterator() : snapshot_(nullptr, 0, 0, 0), recover_(snapshot_, nullptr, 0), fp_(nullptr), machine_(nullptr), ionScript_(nullptr), instructionResults_(nullptr) {} uintptr_t SnapshotIterator::fromStack(int32_t offset) const { return ReadFrameSlot(fp_, offset); } static Value FromObjectPayload(uintptr_t payload) { MOZ_ASSERT(payload != 0); return ObjectValue(*reinterpret_cast(payload)); } static Value FromStringPayload(uintptr_t payload) { return StringValue(reinterpret_cast(payload)); } static Value FromSymbolPayload(uintptr_t payload) { return SymbolValue(reinterpret_cast(payload)); } static Value FromBigIntPayload(uintptr_t payload) { return BigIntValue(reinterpret_cast(payload)); } static Value FromTypedPayload(JSValueType type, uintptr_t payload) { switch (type) { case JSVAL_TYPE_INT32: return Int32Value(payload); case JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return BooleanValue(!!payload); case JSVAL_TYPE_STRING: return FromStringPayload(payload); case JSVAL_TYPE_SYMBOL: return FromSymbolPayload(payload); case JSVAL_TYPE_BIGINT: return FromBigIntPayload(payload); case JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT: return FromObjectPayload(payload); default: MOZ_CRASH("unexpected type - needs payload"); } } bool SnapshotIterator::allocationReadable(const RValueAllocation& alloc, ReadMethod rm) { // If we have to recover stores, and if we are not interested in the // default value of the instruction, then we have to check if the recover // instruction results are available. if (alloc.needSideEffect() && rm != ReadMethod::AlwaysDefault) { if (!hasInstructionResults()) { return false; } } switch (alloc.mode()) { case RValueAllocation::DOUBLE_REG: return hasRegister(alloc.fpuReg()); case RValueAllocation::TYPED_REG: return hasRegister(alloc.reg2()); #if defined(JS_NUNBOX32) case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG_REG: return hasRegister(alloc.reg()) && hasRegister(alloc.reg2()); case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG_STACK: return hasRegister(alloc.reg()) && hasStack(alloc.stackOffset2()); case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK_REG: return hasStack(alloc.stackOffset()) && hasRegister(alloc.reg2()); case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK_STACK: return hasStack(alloc.stackOffset()) && hasStack(alloc.stackOffset2()); #elif defined(JS_PUNBOX64) case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG: return hasRegister(alloc.reg()); case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK: return hasStack(alloc.stackOffset()); #endif case RValueAllocation::RECOVER_INSTRUCTION: return hasInstructionResult(alloc.index()); case RValueAllocation::RI_WITH_DEFAULT_CST: return rm == ReadMethod::AlwaysDefault || hasInstructionResult(alloc.index()); default: return true; } } Value SnapshotIterator::allocationValue(const RValueAllocation& alloc, ReadMethod rm) { switch (alloc.mode()) { case RValueAllocation::CONSTANT: return ionScript_->getConstant(alloc.index()); case RValueAllocation::CST_UNDEFINED: return UndefinedValue(); case RValueAllocation::CST_NULL: return NullValue(); case RValueAllocation::DOUBLE_REG: return DoubleValue(fromRegister(alloc.fpuReg())); case RValueAllocation::ANY_FLOAT_REG: return Float32Value(fromRegister(alloc.fpuReg())); case RValueAllocation::ANY_FLOAT_STACK: return Float32Value(ReadFrameFloat32Slot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset())); case RValueAllocation::TYPED_REG: return FromTypedPayload(alloc.knownType(), fromRegister(alloc.reg2())); case RValueAllocation::TYPED_STACK: { switch (alloc.knownType()) { case JSVAL_TYPE_DOUBLE: return DoubleValue(ReadFrameDoubleSlot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset2())); case JSVAL_TYPE_INT32: return Int32Value(ReadFrameInt32Slot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset2())); case JSVAL_TYPE_BOOLEAN: return BooleanValue(ReadFrameBooleanSlot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset2())); case JSVAL_TYPE_STRING: return FromStringPayload(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset2())); case JSVAL_TYPE_SYMBOL: return FromSymbolPayload(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset2())); case JSVAL_TYPE_BIGINT: return FromBigIntPayload(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset2())); case JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT: return FromObjectPayload(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset2())); default: MOZ_CRASH("Unexpected type"); } } #if defined(JS_NUNBOX32) case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG_REG: { return Value::fromTagAndPayload(JSValueTag(fromRegister(alloc.reg())), fromRegister(alloc.reg2())); } case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG_STACK: { return Value::fromTagAndPayload(JSValueTag(fromRegister(alloc.reg())), fromStack(alloc.stackOffset2())); } case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK_REG: { return Value::fromTagAndPayload( JSValueTag(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset())), fromRegister(alloc.reg2())); } case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK_STACK: { return Value::fromTagAndPayload( JSValueTag(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset())), fromStack(alloc.stackOffset2())); } #elif defined(JS_PUNBOX64) case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG: { return Value::fromRawBits(fromRegister(alloc.reg())); } case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK: { return Value::fromRawBits(fromStack(alloc.stackOffset())); } #endif case RValueAllocation::RECOVER_INSTRUCTION: return fromInstructionResult(alloc.index()); case RValueAllocation::RI_WITH_DEFAULT_CST: if (rm == ReadMethod::Normal && hasInstructionResult(alloc.index())) { return fromInstructionResult(alloc.index()); } MOZ_ASSERT(rm == ReadMethod::AlwaysDefault); return ionScript_->getConstant(alloc.index2()); default: MOZ_CRASH("huh?"); } } Value SnapshotIterator::maybeRead(const RValueAllocation& a, MaybeReadFallback& fallback) { if (allocationReadable(a)) { return allocationValue(a); } if (fallback.canRecoverResults()) { // Code paths which are calling maybeRead are not always capable of // returning an error code, as these code paths used to be infallible. AutoEnterOOMUnsafeRegion oomUnsafe; if (!initInstructionResults(fallback)) { oomUnsafe.crash("js::jit::SnapshotIterator::maybeRead"); } if (allocationReadable(a)) { return allocationValue(a); } MOZ_ASSERT_UNREACHABLE("All allocations should be readable."); } return UndefinedValue(); } bool SnapshotIterator::tryRead(Value* result) { RValueAllocation a = readAllocation(); if (allocationReadable(a)) { *result = allocationValue(a); return true; } return false; } void SnapshotIterator::writeAllocationValuePayload( const RValueAllocation& alloc, const Value& v) { MOZ_ASSERT(v.isGCThing()); switch (alloc.mode()) { case RValueAllocation::CONSTANT: ionScript_->getConstant(alloc.index()) = v; break; case RValueAllocation::CST_UNDEFINED: case RValueAllocation::CST_NULL: case RValueAllocation::DOUBLE_REG: case RValueAllocation::ANY_FLOAT_REG: case RValueAllocation::ANY_FLOAT_STACK: MOZ_CRASH("Not a GC thing: Unexpected write"); break; case RValueAllocation::TYPED_REG: machine_->write(alloc.reg2(), uintptr_t(v.toGCThing())); break; case RValueAllocation::TYPED_STACK: switch (alloc.knownType()) { default: MOZ_CRASH("Not a GC thing: Unexpected write"); break; case JSVAL_TYPE_STRING: case JSVAL_TYPE_SYMBOL: case JSVAL_TYPE_BIGINT: case JSVAL_TYPE_OBJECT: WriteFrameSlot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset2(), uintptr_t(v.toGCThing())); break; } break; #if defined(JS_NUNBOX32) case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG_REG: case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK_REG: machine_->write(alloc.reg2(), uintptr_t(v.toGCThing())); break; case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG_STACK: case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK_STACK: WriteFrameSlot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset2(), uintptr_t(v.toGCThing())); break; #elif defined(JS_PUNBOX64) case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_REG: machine_->write(alloc.reg(), v.asRawBits()); break; case RValueAllocation::UNTYPED_STACK: WriteFrameSlot(fp_, alloc.stackOffset(), v.asRawBits()); break; #endif case RValueAllocation::RECOVER_INSTRUCTION: MOZ_CRASH("Recover instructions are handled by the JitActivation."); break; case RValueAllocation::RI_WITH_DEFAULT_CST: // Assume that we are always going to be writing on the default value // while tracing. ionScript_->getConstant(alloc.index2()) = v; break; default: MOZ_CRASH("huh?"); } } void SnapshotIterator::traceAllocation(JSTracer* trc) { RValueAllocation alloc = readAllocation(); if (!allocationReadable(alloc, ReadMethod::AlwaysDefault)) { return; } Value v = allocationValue(alloc, ReadMethod::AlwaysDefault); if (!v.isGCThing()) { return; } Value copy = v; TraceRoot(trc, &v, "ion-typed-reg"); if (v != copy) { MOZ_ASSERT(SameType(v, copy)); writeAllocationValuePayload(alloc, v); } } const RResumePoint* SnapshotIterator::resumePoint() const { return instruction()->toResumePoint(); } uint32_t SnapshotIterator::numAllocations() const { return instruction()->numOperands(); } uint32_t SnapshotIterator::pcOffset() const { return resumePoint()->pcOffset(); } ResumeMode SnapshotIterator::resumeMode() const { return resumePoint()->mode(); } void SnapshotIterator::skipInstruction() { MOZ_ASSERT(snapshot_.numAllocationsRead() == 0); size_t numOperands = instruction()->numOperands(); for (size_t i = 0; i < numOperands; i++) { skip(); } nextInstruction(); } bool SnapshotIterator::initInstructionResults(MaybeReadFallback& fallback) { MOZ_ASSERT(fallback.canRecoverResults()); JSContext* cx = fallback.maybeCx; // If there is only one resume point in the list of instructions, then there // is no instruction to recover, and thus no need to register any results. if (recover_.numInstructions() == 1) { return true; } JitFrameLayout* fp = fallback.frame->jsFrame(); RInstructionResults* results = fallback.activation->maybeIonFrameRecovery(fp); if (!results) { AutoRealm ar(cx, fallback.frame->script()); // We are going to run recover instructions. To avoid problems where recover // instructions are not idempotent (for example, if we allocate an object, // object identity may be observable), we should not execute code in the // Ion stack frame afterwards. To avoid doing so, we invalidate the script. // This is not necessary for bailouts or other cases where we are leaving // the frame anyway. We only need it for niche cases like debugger // introspection or Function.arguments. if (fallback.consequence == MaybeReadFallback::Fallback_Invalidate) { ionScript_->invalidate(cx, fallback.frame->script(), /* resetUses = */ false, "Observe recovered instruction."); } // Register the list of result on the activation. We need to do that // before we initialize the list such as if any recover instruction // cause a GC, we can ensure that the results are properly traced by the // activation. RInstructionResults tmp(fallback.frame->jsFrame()); if (!fallback.activation->registerIonFrameRecovery(std::move(tmp))) { return false; } results = fallback.activation->maybeIonFrameRecovery(fp); // Start a new snapshot at the beginning of the JSJitFrameIter. This // SnapshotIterator is used for evaluating the content of all recover // instructions. The result is then saved on the JitActivation. MachineState machine = fallback.frame->machineState(); SnapshotIterator s(*fallback.frame, &machine); if (!s.computeInstructionResults(cx, results)) { // If the evaluation failed because of OOMs, then we discard the // current set of result that we collected so far. fallback.activation->removeIonFrameRecovery(fp); return false; } } MOZ_ASSERT(results->isInitialized()); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(results->length() == recover_.numInstructions() - 1); instructionResults_ = results; return true; } bool SnapshotIterator::computeInstructionResults( JSContext* cx, RInstructionResults* results) const { MOZ_ASSERT(!results->isInitialized()); MOZ_ASSERT(recover_.numInstructionsRead() == 1); // The last instruction will always be a resume point. size_t numResults = recover_.numInstructions() - 1; if (!results->isInitialized()) { if (!results->init(cx, numResults)) { return false; } // No need to iterate over the only resume point. if (!numResults) { MOZ_ASSERT(results->isInitialized()); return true; } // Avoid invoking the object metadata callback, which could try to walk the // stack while bailing out. gc::AutoSuppressGC suppressGC(cx); js::AutoSuppressAllocationMetadataBuilder suppressMetadata(cx); // Fill with the results of recover instructions. SnapshotIterator s(*this); s.instructionResults_ = results; while (s.moreInstructions()) { // Skip resume point and only interpret recover instructions. if (s.instruction()->isResumePoint()) { s.skipInstruction(); continue; } if (!s.instruction()->recover(cx, s)) { return false; } s.nextInstruction(); } } MOZ_ASSERT(results->isInitialized()); return true; } void SnapshotIterator::storeInstructionResult(const Value& v) { uint32_t currIns = recover_.numInstructionsRead() - 1; MOZ_ASSERT((*instructionResults_)[currIns].isMagic(JS_ION_BAILOUT)); (*instructionResults_)[currIns] = v; } Value SnapshotIterator::fromInstructionResult(uint32_t index) const { MOZ_ASSERT(!(*instructionResults_)[index].isMagic(JS_ION_BAILOUT)); return (*instructionResults_)[index]; } void SnapshotIterator::settleOnFrame() { // Check that the current instruction can still be use. MOZ_ASSERT(snapshot_.numAllocationsRead() == 0); while (!instruction()->isResumePoint()) { skipInstruction(); } } void SnapshotIterator::nextFrame() { nextInstruction(); settleOnFrame(); } Value SnapshotIterator::maybeReadAllocByIndex(size_t index) { while (index--) { MOZ_ASSERT(moreAllocations()); skip(); } Value s; { // This MaybeReadFallback method cannot GC. JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; MaybeReadFallback fallback; s = maybeRead(fallback); } while (moreAllocations()) { skip(); } return s; } InlineFrameIterator::InlineFrameIterator(JSContext* cx, const JSJitFrameIter* iter) : calleeTemplate_(cx), script_(cx), pc_(nullptr), numActualArgs_(0) { resetOn(iter); } InlineFrameIterator::InlineFrameIterator(JSContext* cx, const InlineFrameIterator* iter) : frame_(iter ? iter->frame_ : nullptr), framesRead_(0), frameCount_(iter ? iter->frameCount_ : UINT32_MAX), calleeTemplate_(cx), script_(cx), pc_(nullptr), numActualArgs_(0) { if (frame_) { machine_ = iter->machine_; start_ = SnapshotIterator(*frame_, &machine_); // findNextFrame will iterate to the next frame and init. everything. // Therefore to settle on the same frame, we report one frame less readed. framesRead_ = iter->framesRead_ - 1; findNextFrame(); } } void InlineFrameIterator::resetOn(const JSJitFrameIter* iter) { frame_ = iter; framesRead_ = 0; frameCount_ = UINT32_MAX; if (iter) { machine_ = iter->machineState(); start_ = SnapshotIterator(*iter, &machine_); findNextFrame(); } } void InlineFrameIterator::findNextFrame() { MOZ_ASSERT(more()); si_ = start_; // Read the initial frame out of the C stack. calleeTemplate_ = frame_->maybeCallee(); calleeRVA_ = RValueAllocation(); script_ = frame_->script(); MOZ_ASSERT(script_->hasBaselineScript()); // Settle on the outermost frame without evaluating any instructions before // looking for a pc. si_.settleOnFrame(); pc_ = script_->offsetToPC(si_.pcOffset()); numActualArgs_ = 0xbadbad; // This unfortunately is O(n*m), because we must skip over outer frames // before reading inner ones. // The first time (frameCount_ == UINT32_MAX) we do not know the number of // frames that we are going to inspect. So we are iterating until there is // no more frames, to settle on the inner most frame and to count the number // of frames. size_t remaining = (frameCount_ != UINT32_MAX) ? frameNo() - 1 : SIZE_MAX; size_t i = 1; for (; i <= remaining && si_.moreFrames(); i++) { ResumeMode mode = si_.resumeMode(); MOZ_ASSERT(IsIonInlinableOp(JSOp(*pc_))); // Recover the number of actual arguments from the script. if (IsInvokeOp(JSOp(*pc_))) { MOZ_ASSERT(mode == ResumeMode::InlinedStandardCall || mode == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall); numActualArgs_ = GET_ARGC(pc_); if (mode == ResumeMode::InlinedFunCall && numActualArgs_ > 0) { numActualArgs_--; } } else if (IsGetPropPC(pc_) || IsGetElemPC(pc_)) { MOZ_ASSERT(mode == ResumeMode::InlinedAccessor); numActualArgs_ = 0; } else { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(IsSetPropPC(pc_)); MOZ_ASSERT(mode == ResumeMode::InlinedAccessor); numActualArgs_ = 1; } // Skip over non-argument slots, as well as |this|. bool skipNewTarget = IsConstructPC(pc_); unsigned skipCount = (si_.numAllocations() - 1) - numActualArgs_ - 1 - skipNewTarget; for (unsigned j = 0; j < skipCount; j++) { si_.skip(); } // This value should correspond to the function which is being inlined. // The value must be readable to iterate over the inline frame. Most of // the time, these functions are stored as JSFunction constants, // register which are holding the JSFunction pointer, or recover // instruction with Default value. Value funval = si_.readWithDefault(&calleeRVA_); // Skip extra value allocations. while (si_.moreAllocations()) { si_.skip(); } si_.nextFrame(); calleeTemplate_ = &funval.toObject().as(); script_ = calleeTemplate_->nonLazyScript(); MOZ_ASSERT(script_->hasBaselineScript()); pc_ = script_->offsetToPC(si_.pcOffset()); } // The first time we do not know the number of frames, we only settle on the // last frame, and update the number of frames based on the number of // iteration that we have done. if (frameCount_ == UINT32_MAX) { MOZ_ASSERT(!si_.moreFrames()); frameCount_ = i; } framesRead_++; } JSFunction* InlineFrameIterator::callee(MaybeReadFallback& fallback) const { MOZ_ASSERT(isFunctionFrame()); if (calleeRVA_.mode() == RValueAllocation::INVALID || !fallback.canRecoverResults()) { return calleeTemplate_; } SnapshotIterator s(si_); // :TODO: Handle allocation failures from recover instruction. Value funval = s.maybeRead(calleeRVA_, fallback); return &funval.toObject().as(); } JSObject* InlineFrameIterator::computeEnvironmentChain( const Value& envChainValue, MaybeReadFallback& fallback, bool* hasInitialEnv) const { if (envChainValue.isObject()) { if (hasInitialEnv) { if (fallback.canRecoverResults()) { RootedObject obj(fallback.maybeCx, &envChainValue.toObject()); *hasInitialEnv = isFunctionFrame() && callee(fallback)->needsFunctionEnvironmentObjects(); return obj; } JS::AutoSuppressGCAnalysis nogc; // If we cannot recover then we cannot GC. *hasInitialEnv = isFunctionFrame() && callee(fallback)->needsFunctionEnvironmentObjects(); } return &envChainValue.toObject(); } // Note we can hit this case even for functions with a CallObject, in case // we are walking the frame during the function prologue, before the env // chain has been initialized. if (isFunctionFrame()) { return callee(fallback)->environment(); } if (isModuleFrame()) { return script()->module()->environment(); } // Ion does not handle non-function scripts that have anything other than // the global on their env chain. MOZ_ASSERT(!script()->isForEval()); MOZ_ASSERT(!script()->hasNonSyntacticScope()); return &script()->global().lexicalEnvironment(); } bool InlineFrameIterator::isFunctionFrame() const { return !!calleeTemplate_; } bool InlineFrameIterator::isModuleFrame() const { return script()->isModule(); } uintptr_t* MachineState::SafepointState::addressOfRegister(Register reg) const { size_t offset = regs.offsetOfPushedRegister(reg); MOZ_ASSERT((offset % sizeof(uintptr_t)) == 0); uint32_t index = offset / sizeof(uintptr_t); #ifdef DEBUG // Assert correctness with a slower algorithm in debug builds. uint32_t expectedIndex = 0; bool found = false; for (GeneralRegisterBackwardIterator iter(regs); iter.more(); ++iter) { expectedIndex++; if (*iter == reg) { found = true; break; } } MOZ_ASSERT(found); MOZ_ASSERT(expectedIndex == index); #endif return spillBase - index; } char* MachineState::SafepointState::addressOfRegister(FloatRegister reg) const { // Note: this could be optimized similar to the GPR case above by implementing // offsetOfPushedRegister for FloatRegisterSet. Float register sets are // complicated though and this case is very uncommon: it's only reachable for // exception bailouts with live float registers. MOZ_ASSERT(!reg.isSimd128()); char* ptr = floatSpillBase; for (FloatRegisterBackwardIterator iter(floatRegs); iter.more(); ++iter) { ptr -= (*iter).size(); for (uint32_t a = 0; a < (*iter).numAlignedAliased(); a++) { // Only say that registers that actually start here start here. // e.g. d0 should not start at s1, only at s0. FloatRegister ftmp = (*iter).alignedAliased(a); if (ftmp == reg) { return ptr; } } } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid register"); } uintptr_t MachineState::read(Register reg) const { if (state_.is()) { return state_.as().regs[reg.code()].r; } if (state_.is()) { uintptr_t* addr = state_.as().addressOfRegister(reg); return *addr; } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid state"); } template T MachineState::read(FloatRegister reg) const { #if !defined(JS_CODEGEN_RISCV64) MOZ_ASSERT(reg.size() == sizeof(T)); #else // RISCV64 always store FloatRegister as 64bit. MOZ_ASSERT(reg.size() == sizeof(double)); #endif #if !defined(JS_CODEGEN_NONE) && !defined(JS_CODEGEN_WASM32) if (state_.is()) { uint32_t offset = reg.getRegisterDumpOffsetInBytes(); MOZ_ASSERT((offset % sizeof(T)) == 0); MOZ_ASSERT((offset + sizeof(T)) <= sizeof(RegisterDump::FPUArray)); const BailoutState& state = state_.as(); char* addr = reinterpret_cast(state.floatRegs.begin()) + offset; return *reinterpret_cast(addr); } if (state_.is()) { char* addr = state_.as().addressOfRegister(reg); return *reinterpret_cast(addr); } #endif MOZ_CRASH("Invalid state"); } void MachineState::write(Register reg, uintptr_t value) const { if (state_.is()) { uintptr_t* addr = state_.as().addressOfRegister(reg); *addr = value; return; } MOZ_CRASH("Invalid state"); } bool InlineFrameIterator::isConstructing() const { // Skip the current frame and look at the caller's. if (more()) { InlineFrameIterator parent(TlsContext.get(), this); ++parent; // In the case of a JS frame, look up the pc from the snapshot. JSOp parentOp = JSOp(*parent.pc()); // Inlined Getters and Setters are never constructing. if (IsIonInlinableGetterOrSetterOp(parentOp)) { return false; } MOZ_ASSERT(IsInvokeOp(parentOp) && !IsSpreadOp(parentOp)); return IsConstructOp(parentOp); } return frame_->isConstructing(); } void SnapshotIterator::warnUnreadableAllocation() { fprintf(stderr, "Warning! Tried to access unreadable value allocation (possible " "f.arguments).\n"); } struct DumpOverflownOp { const unsigned numFormals_; unsigned i_ = 0; explicit DumpOverflownOp(unsigned numFormals) : numFormals_(numFormals) {} void operator()(const Value& v) { if (i_ >= numFormals_) { fprintf(stderr, " actual (arg %u): ", i_); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW) DumpValue(v); #else fprintf(stderr, "?\n"); #endif } i_++; } }; void InlineFrameIterator::dump() const { MaybeReadFallback fallback; if (more()) { fprintf(stderr, " JS frame (inlined)\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, " JS frame\n"); } bool isFunction = false; if (isFunctionFrame()) { isFunction = true; fprintf(stderr, " callee fun: "); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW) DumpObject(callee(fallback)); #else fprintf(stderr, "?\n"); #endif } else { fprintf(stderr, " global frame, no callee\n"); } fprintf(stderr, " file %s line %u\n", script()->filename(), script()->lineno()); fprintf(stderr, " script = %p, pc = %p\n", (void*)script(), pc()); fprintf(stderr, " current op: %s\n", CodeName(JSOp(*pc()))); if (!more()) { numActualArgs(); } SnapshotIterator si = snapshotIterator(); fprintf(stderr, " slots: %u\n", si.numAllocations() - 1); for (unsigned i = 0; i < si.numAllocations() - 1; i++) { if (isFunction) { if (i == 0) { fprintf(stderr, " env chain: "); } else if (i == 1) { fprintf(stderr, " this: "); } else if (i - 2 < calleeTemplate()->nargs()) { fprintf(stderr, " formal (arg %u): ", i - 2); } else { if (i - 2 == calleeTemplate()->nargs() && numActualArgs() > calleeTemplate()->nargs()) { DumpOverflownOp d(calleeTemplate()->nargs()); unaliasedForEachActual(TlsContext.get(), d, fallback); } fprintf(stderr, " slot %d: ", int(i - 2 - calleeTemplate()->nargs())); } } else fprintf(stderr, " slot %u: ", i); #if defined(DEBUG) || defined(JS_JITSPEW) DumpValue(si.maybeRead(fallback)); #else fprintf(stderr, "?\n"); #endif } fputc('\n', stderr); } JitFrameLayout* InvalidationBailoutStack::fp() const { return (JitFrameLayout*)(sp() + ionScript_->frameSize()); } void InvalidationBailoutStack::checkInvariants() const { #ifdef DEBUG JitFrameLayout* frame = fp(); CalleeToken token = frame->calleeToken(); MOZ_ASSERT(token); uint8_t* rawBase = ionScript()->method()->raw(); uint8_t* rawLimit = rawBase + ionScript()->method()->instructionsSize(); uint8_t* osiPoint = osiPointReturnAddress(); MOZ_ASSERT(rawBase <= osiPoint && osiPoint <= rawLimit); #endif } void AssertJitStackInvariants(JSContext* cx) { for (JitActivationIterator activations(cx); !activations.done(); ++activations) { JitFrameIter iter(activations->asJit()); if (iter.isJSJit()) { JSJitFrameIter& frames = iter.asJSJit(); size_t prevFrameSize = 0; size_t frameSize = 0; bool isScriptedCallee = false; for (; !frames.done(); ++frames) { size_t calleeFp = reinterpret_cast(frames.fp()); size_t callerFp = reinterpret_cast(frames.prevFp()); MOZ_ASSERT(callerFp >= calleeFp); prevFrameSize = frameSize; frameSize = callerFp - calleeFp; if (frames.isScripted() && (frames.prevType() == FrameType::Rectifier || frames.prevType() == FrameType::BaselineInterpreterEntry)) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( frameSize % JitStackAlignment == 0, "The rectifier and bli entry frame should keep the alignment"); size_t expectedFrameSize = sizeof(Value) * (frames.callee()->nargs() + 1 /* |this| argument */ + frames.isConstructing() /* new.target */) + sizeof(JitFrameLayout); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(frameSize >= expectedFrameSize, "The frame is large enough to hold all arguments"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(expectedFrameSize + JitStackAlignment > frameSize, "The frame size is optimal"); } if (frames.isExitFrame()) { // For the moment, we do not keep the JitStackAlignment // alignment for exit frames. frameSize -= ExitFrameLayout::Size(); } if (frames.isIonJS()) { // Ideally, we should not have such requirement, but keep the // alignment-delta as part of the Safepoint such that we can pad // accordingly when making out-of-line calls. In the mean time, // let us have check-points where we can garantee that // everything can properly be aligned before adding complexity. MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( frames.ionScript()->frameSize() % JitStackAlignment == 0, "Ensure that if the Ion frame is aligned, then the spill base is " "also aligned"); if (isScriptedCallee) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(prevFrameSize % JitStackAlignment == 0, "The ion frame should keep the alignment"); } } // The stack is dynamically aligned by baseline stubs before calling // any jitted code. if (frames.prevType() == FrameType::BaselineStub && isScriptedCallee) { MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT(calleeFp % JitStackAlignment == 0, "The baseline stub restores the stack alignment"); } isScriptedCallee = frames.isScripted() || frames.type() == FrameType::Rectifier; } MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( JSJitFrameIter::isEntry(frames.type()), "The first frame of a Jit activation should be an entry frame"); MOZ_RELEASE_ASSERT( reinterpret_cast(frames.fp()) % JitStackAlignment == 0, "The entry frame should be properly aligned"); } else { MOZ_ASSERT(iter.isWasm()); wasm::WasmFrameIter& frames = iter.asWasm(); while (!frames.done()) { ++frames; } } } } } // namespace jit } // namespace js