/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 8; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- * vim: set ts=8 sts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "jit/WarpBuilderShared.h" #include "jit/MIRGenerator.h" #include "jit/MIRGraph.h" using namespace js; using namespace js::jit; WarpBuilderShared::WarpBuilderShared(WarpSnapshot& snapshot, MIRGenerator& mirGen, MBasicBlock* current_) : snapshot_(snapshot), mirGen_(mirGen), alloc_(mirGen.alloc()), current(current_) {} bool WarpBuilderShared::resumeAfter(MInstruction* ins, BytecodeLocation loc) { // resumeAfter should only be used with effectful instructions. The only // exception is MInt64ToBigInt, it's used to convert the result of a call into // Wasm code so we attach the resume point to that instead of to the call. MOZ_ASSERT(ins->isEffectful() || ins->isInt64ToBigInt()); MOZ_ASSERT(!ins->isMovable()); MResumePoint* resumePoint = MResumePoint::New( alloc(), ins->block(), loc.toRawBytecode(), ResumeMode::ResumeAfter); if (!resumePoint) { return false; } ins->setResumePoint(resumePoint); return true; } MConstant* WarpBuilderShared::constant(const Value& v) { MOZ_ASSERT_IF(v.isString(), v.toString()->isLinear()); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(v.isGCThing(), !IsInsideNursery(v.toGCThing())); MConstant* cst = MConstant::New(alloc(), v); current->add(cst); return cst; } void WarpBuilderShared::pushConstant(const Value& v) { MConstant* cst = constant(v); current->push(cst); } MDefinition* WarpBuilderShared::unboxObjectInfallible(MDefinition* def, IsMovable movable) { if (def->type() == MIRType::Object) { return def; } if (def->type() != MIRType::Value) { // Corner case: if the MIR node has a type other than Object or Value, this // code isn't actually reachable and we expect an earlier guard to fail. // Just insert a Box to satisfy MIR invariants. MOZ_ASSERT(movable == IsMovable::No); auto* box = MBox::New(alloc(), def); current->add(box); def = box; } auto* unbox = MUnbox::New(alloc(), def, MIRType::Object, MUnbox::Infallible); if (movable == IsMovable::No) { unbox->setNotMovable(); } current->add(unbox); return unbox; } MCall* WarpBuilderShared::makeCall(CallInfo& callInfo, bool needsThisCheck, WrappedFunction* target, bool isDOMCall) { auto addUndefined = [this]() -> MConstant* { return constant(UndefinedValue()); }; return MakeCall(alloc(), addUndefined, callInfo, needsThisCheck, target, isDOMCall); } MInstruction* WarpBuilderShared::makeSpreadCall(CallInfo& callInfo, bool needsThisCheck, bool isSameRealm, WrappedFunction* target) { MOZ_ASSERT(callInfo.argFormat() == CallInfo::ArgFormat::Array); MOZ_ASSERT_IF(needsThisCheck, !target); // Load dense elements of the argument array. MElements* elements = MElements::New(alloc(), callInfo.arrayArg()); current->add(elements); if (callInfo.constructing()) { auto* newTarget = unboxObjectInfallible(callInfo.getNewTarget()); auto* construct = MConstructArray::New(alloc(), target, callInfo.callee(), elements, callInfo.thisArg(), newTarget); if (isSameRealm) { construct->setNotCrossRealm(); } if (needsThisCheck) { construct->setNeedsThisCheck(); } return construct; } auto* apply = MApplyArray::New(alloc(), target, callInfo.callee(), elements, callInfo.thisArg()); if (callInfo.ignoresReturnValue()) { apply->setIgnoresReturnValue(); } if (isSameRealm) { apply->setNotCrossRealm(); } MOZ_ASSERT(!needsThisCheck); return apply; }