# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this # file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import os import posixpath import sys import tempfile from datetime import timedelta from mozdevice import ADBDevice, ADBError, ADBProcessError, ADBTimeoutError from .adaptor import xdr_annotate from .remote import init_device from .results import TestOutput, escape_cmdline TESTS_LIB_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) JS_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(TESTS_LIB_DIR)) JS_TESTS_DIR = posixpath.join(JS_DIR, "tests") TEST_DIR = os.path.join(JS_DIR, "jit-test", "tests") def aggregate_script_stdout(stdout_lines, prefix, tempdir, uniq_tag, tests, options): test = None tStart = None cmd = "" stdout = "" # Use to debug this script in case of assertion failure. meta_history = [] last_line = "" # Assert that the streamed content is not interrupted. ended = False # Check if the tag is present, if so, this is controlled output # produced by the test runner, otherwise this is stdout content. try: for line in stdout_lines: last_line = line if line.startswith(uniq_tag): meta = line[len(uniq_tag) :].strip() meta_history.append(meta) if meta.startswith("START="): assert test is None params = meta[len("START=") :].split(",") test_idx = int(params[0]) test = tests[test_idx] tStart = timedelta(seconds=float(params[1])) cmd = test.command( prefix, posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib/"), posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "modules/"), tempdir, posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "tests"), ) stdout = "" if options.show_cmd: print(escape_cmdline(cmd)) elif meta.startswith("STOP="): assert test is not None params = meta[len("STOP=") :].split(",") exitcode = int(params[0]) dt = timedelta(seconds=float(params[1])) - tStart yield TestOutput( test, cmd, stdout, # NOTE: mozdevice fuse stdout and stderr. Thus, we are # using stdout for both stdout and stderr. So far, # doing so did not cause any issues. stdout, exitcode, dt.total_seconds(), dt > timedelta(seconds=int(options.timeout)), ) stdout = "" cmd = "" test = None elif meta.startswith("RETRY="): # On timeout, we discard the first timeout to avoid a # random hang on pthread_join. assert test is not None stdout = "" cmd = "" test = None else: assert meta.startswith("THE_END") ended = True else: assert uniq_tag not in line stdout += line # This assertion fails if the streamed content is interrupted, either # by unplugging the phone or some adb failures. assert ended except AssertionError as e: sys.stderr.write("Metadata history:\n{}\n".format("\n".join(meta_history))) sys.stderr.write("Last line: {}\n".format(last_line)) raise e def setup_device(prefix, options): try: device = init_device(options) def replace_lib_file(path, name): localfile = os.path.join(JS_TESTS_DIR, *path) remotefile = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib", name) device.push(localfile, remotefile, timeout=10) prefix[0] = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "bin", "js") tempdir = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "tmp") print("tasks_adb_remote.py : Transfering test files") # Push tests & lib directories. device.push(os.path.dirname(TEST_DIR), options.remote_test_root, timeout=600) # Substitute lib files which are aliasing non262 files. replace_lib_file(["non262", "shell.js"], "non262.js") replace_lib_file(["non262", "reflect-parse", "Match.js"], "match.js") replace_lib_file(["non262", "Math", "shell.js"], "math.js") device.chmod(options.remote_test_root, recursive=True) print("tasks_adb_remote.py : Device initialization completed") return device, tempdir except (ADBError, ADBTimeoutError): print( "TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | tasks_adb_remote.py : " + "Device initialization failed" ) raise def script_preamble(tag, prefix, options): timeout = int(options.timeout) retry = int(options.timeout_retry) lib_path = os.path.dirname(prefix[0]) return """ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH={lib_path} do_test() {{ local idx=$1; shift; local attempt=$1; shift; # Read 10ms timestamp in seconds using shell builtins and /proc/uptime. local time; local unused; # When printing the tag, we prefix by a new line, in case the # previous command output did not contain any new line. read time unused < /proc/uptime echo '\\n{tag}START='$idx,$time timeout {timeout}s "$@" local rc=$? read time unused < /proc/uptime # Retry on timeout, to mute unlikely pthread_join hang issue. # # The timeout command send a SIGTERM signal, which should return 143 # (=128+15). However, due to a bug in tinybox, it returns 142. if test \\( $rc -eq 143 -o $rc -eq 142 \\) -a $attempt -lt {retry}; then echo '\\n{tag}RETRY='$rc,$time attempt=$((attempt + 1)) do_test $idx $attempt "$@" else echo '\\n{tag}STOP='$rc,$time fi }} do_end() {{ echo '\\n{tag}THE_END' }} """.format( tag=tag, lib_path=lib_path, timeout=timeout, retry=retry ) def setup_script(device, prefix, tempdir, options, uniq_tag, tests): timeout = int(options.timeout) script_timeout = 0 try: tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode="w", delete=False) tmpf.write(script_preamble(uniq_tag, prefix, options)) for i, test in enumerate(tests): # This test is common to all tasks_*.py files, however, jit-test do # not provide the `run_skipped` option, and all tests are always # enabled. assert test.enable # and not options.run_skipped if options.test_reflect_stringify: raise ValueError("can't run Reflect.stringify tests remotely") cmd = test.command( prefix, posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "lib/"), posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "modules/"), tempdir, posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "tests"), ) # replace with shlex.join when move to Python 3.8+ cmd = ADBDevice._escape_command_line(cmd) env = {} if test.tz_pacific: env["TZ"] = "PST8PDT" envStr = "".join(key + "='" + val + "' " for key, val in env.items()) tmpf.write("{}do_test {} 0 {};\n".format(envStr, i, cmd)) script_timeout += timeout tmpf.write("do_end;\n") tmpf.close() script = posixpath.join(options.remote_test_root, "test_manifest.sh") device.push(tmpf.name, script) device.chmod(script) print("tasks_adb_remote.py : Batch script created") except Exception as e: print("tasks_adb_remote.py : Batch script failed") raise e finally: if tmpf: os.unlink(tmpf.name) return script, script_timeout def start_script( device, prefix, tempdir, script, uniq_tag, script_timeout, tests, options ): env = {} # Allow ADBError or ADBTimeoutError to terminate the test run, but handle # ADBProcessError in order to support the use of non-zero exit codes in the # JavaScript shell tests. # # The stdout_callback will aggregate each output line, and reconstruct the # output produced by each test, and queue TestOutput in the qResult queue. try: adb_process = device.shell( "sh {}".format(script), env=env, cwd=options.remote_test_root, timeout=script_timeout, yield_stdout=True, ) for test_output in aggregate_script_stdout( adb_process, prefix, tempdir, uniq_tag, tests, options ): yield test_output except ADBProcessError as e: # After a device error, the device is typically in a # state where all further tests will fail so there is no point in # continuing here. sys.stderr.write("Error running remote tests: {}".format(repr(e))) def get_remote_results(tests, prefix, pb, options): """Create a script which batches the run of all tests, and spawn a thread to reconstruct the TestOutput for each test. This is made to avoid multiple `adb.shell` commands which has a high latency. """ device, tempdir = setup_device(prefix, options) # Tests are sequentially executed in a batch. The first test executed is in # charge of creating the xdr file for the self-hosted code. if options.use_xdr: tests = xdr_annotate(tests, options) # We need tests to be subscriptable to find the test structure matching the # index within the generated script. tests = list(tests) # Create a script which spawn each test one after the other, and upload the # script uniq_tag = "@@@TASKS_ADB_REMOTE@@@" script, script_timeout = setup_script( device, prefix, tempdir, options, uniq_tag, tests ) for test_output in start_script( device, prefix, tempdir, script, uniq_tag, script_timeout, tests, options ): yield test_output