/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- var BUGNUMBER = 885553; var summary = 'Array.prototype.find and Array.prototype.findIndex'; print(BUGNUMBER + ": " + summary); /************** * BEGIN TEST * **************/ function isString(v, index, array) { assertEq(array[index], v); return typeof v == 'string'; } function dumpError(e) { var s = e.name + ': ' + e.message + ' File: ' + e.fileName + ', Line: ' + e.lineNumber + ', Stack: ' + e.stack; return s; } var expect; var actual; var obj; var strings = ['hello', 'Array', 'WORLD']; var mixed = [0, '1', 2]; var sparsestrings = new Array(); sparsestrings[2] = 'sparse'; var arraylike = {0:0, 1:'string', 2:2, length:3}; // array for which JSObject::isIndexed() holds. var indexedArray = []; Object.defineProperty(indexedArray, 42, { get: function() { return 42; } }); Object.defineProperty(indexedArray, 142, { get: function() { return 'string'; } }); // find and findIndex have 1 required argument expect = 1; actual = Array.prototype.find.length; reportCompare(expect, actual, 'Array.prototype.find.length == 1'); actual = Array.prototype.findIndex.length; reportCompare(expect, actual, 'Array.prototype.findIndex.length == 1'); // throw TypeError if no predicate specified expect = 'TypeError'; try { strings.find(); actual = 'no error'; } catch(e) { actual = e.name; } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'Array.find(undefined) throws TypeError'); try { strings.findIndex(); actual = 'no error'; } catch(e) { actual = e.name; } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'Array.findIndex(undefined) throws TypeError'); // Length gets treated as integer, not uint32 obj = { length: -4294967295, 0: 42 }; expected = undefined; actual = Array.prototype.find.call(obj, () => true); reportCompare(expected, actual, 'find correctly treats "length" as an integer'); expected = -1 actual = Array.prototype.findIndex.call(obj, () => true); reportCompare(expected, actual, 'findIndex correctly treats "length" as an integer'); // test find and findIndex results try { expect = 'hello'; actual = strings.find(isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'strings: find finds first string element'); try { expect = 0; actual = strings.findIndex(isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'strings: findIndex finds first string element'); try { expect = '1'; actual = mixed.find(isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'mixed: find finds first string element'); try { expect = 1; actual = mixed.findIndex(isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'mixed: findIndex finds first string element'); try { expect = 'sparse'; actual = sparsestrings.find(isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'sparsestrings: find finds first string element'); try { expect = 2; actual = sparsestrings.findIndex(isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'sparsestrings: findIndex finds first string element'); try { expect = 'string'; actual = [].find.call(arraylike, isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'arraylike: find finds first string element'); try { expect = 1; actual = [].findIndex.call(arraylike, isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'arraylike: findIndex finds first string element'); try { expect = 1; actual = 0; Array.prototype.find.call({get 0(){ actual++ }, length: 1}, ()=>true); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'arraylike with getter: getter only called once'); try { expect = 'string'; actual = [].find.call(indexedArray, isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'indexedArray: find finds first string element'); try { expect = 142; actual = [].findIndex.call(indexedArray, isString); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, 'indexedArray: findIndex finds first string element'); // Bug 1058394 - Array#find and Array#findIndex no longer skip holes var sparseArray = [,,1]; var sparseArrayWithInheritedDataProperty = Object.setPrototypeOf([,,1], { __proto__: [].__proto__, 0 : 0 }); var sparseArrayWithInheritedAccessorProperty = Object.setPrototypeOf([,,1], { __proto__: [].__proto__, get 0(){ throw "get 0"; } }); try { expect = undefined; actual = sparseArray.find(() => true); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, "Don't skip holes in Array#find."); try { expect = 0; actual = sparseArray.findIndex(() => true); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, "Don't skip holes in Array#findIndex."); try { expect = 0; actual = sparseArrayWithInheritedDataProperty.find(v => v === 0); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, "Array#find can find inherited data property."); try { expect = 0; actual = sparseArrayWithInheritedDataProperty.findIndex(v => v === 0); } catch(e) { actual = dumpError(e); } reportCompare(expect, actual, "Array#findIndex can find inherited data property."); try { expect = "get 0"; actual = sparseArrayWithInheritedAccessorProperty.find(() => true); } catch(e) { actual = e; } reportCompare(expect, actual, "Array#find can find inherited accessor property."); try { expect = "get 0"; actual = sparseArrayWithInheritedAccessorProperty.findIndex(() => true); } catch(e) { actual = e; } reportCompare(expect, actual, "Array#findIndex can find inherited accessor property.");