// |reftest| skip-if(!this.hasOwnProperty("Intl")) const tests = { // minimumGroupingDigits is one for "en" (English). "en": { values: [ { value: 1000, useGroupings: { auto: "1,000", always: "1,000", min2: "1000", "": "1000", }, }, { value: 10000, useGroupings: { auto: "10,000", always: "10,000", min2: "10,000", "": "10000", }, }, ], }, // minimumGroupingDigits is two for "pl" (Polish). "pl": { values: [ { value: 1000, useGroupings: { auto: "1000", always: "1 000", min2: "1000", "": "1000", }, }, { value: 10000, useGroupings: { auto: "10 000", always: "10 000", min2: "10 000", "": "10000", }, }, ], }, }; for (let [locale, {options = {}, values}] of Object.entries(tests)) { for (let {value, useGroupings} of values) { for (let [useGrouping, expected] of Object.entries(useGroupings)) { let nf = new Intl.NumberFormat(locale, {...options, useGrouping}); assertEq(nf.format(value), expected, `locale=${locale}, value=${value}, useGrouping=${useGrouping}`); } } } // Resolved options. for (let [useGrouping, expected] of [ [false, false], ["", false], [0, false], [null, false], ["auto", "auto"], [undefined, "auto"], ["true", "auto"], ["false", "auto"], ["always", "always"], [true, "always"], ["min2", "min2"], ]) { let nf = new Intl.NumberFormat("en", {useGrouping}); assertEq(nf.resolvedOptions().useGrouping , expected); } // Throws a RangeError for unsupported values. for (let useGrouping of [ "none", "yes", "no", {}, 123, 123n, ]) { assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => new Intl.NumberFormat("en", {useGrouping}), RangeError); } // Throws a TypeError if ToString fails. for (let useGrouping of [Object.create(null), Symbol()]) { assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => new Intl.NumberFormat("en", {useGrouping}), TypeError); } if (typeof reportCompare === "function") reportCompare(true, true);