class base { constructor() { } method() { this.methodCalled++; } } class derived extends base { constructor() { super(); this.methodCalled = 0; } // Test orderings of various evaluations relative to the superbase // Unlike in regular element evaluation, the propVal is evaluated before // checking the starting object ([[HomeObject]].[[Prototype]]) testElem() { super[ruin()]; } // The starting object for looking up super.method is determined before // ruin() is called. testProp() { super.method(ruin()); } // The entire super.method property lookup has concluded before the args // are evaluated testPropCallDeleted() { super.method(()=>delete base.prototype.method); } // The starting object for looking up super["prop"] is determined before // ruin() is called. testElemAssign() { super["prop"] = ruin(); } // Test the normal assignment gotchas testAssignElemPropValChange() { let x = "prop1"; super[x] = (()=>(x = "prop2", 0))(); assertEq(this.prop1, 0); assertEq(this.prop2, undefined); } testAssignProp() { Object.defineProperty(base.prototype, "piggy", { configurable: true, set() { throw "WEE WEE WEE WEE"; } }); // The property lookup is noted, but not actually evaluated, until the // right hand side is. Please don't make the piggy cry. super.piggy = (() => delete base.prototype.piggy)(); } testCompoundAssignProp() { let getterCalled = false; Object.defineProperty(base.prototype, "horse", { configurable: true, get() { getterCalled = true; return "Of course"; }, set() { throw "NO!"; } }); += (()=>(delete, ", of course!"))(); assertEq(getterCalled, true); // So, is a horse a horse? assertEq(, "Of course, of course!"); } } function ruin() { Object.setPrototypeOf(derived.prototype, null); return 5; } function reset() { Object.setPrototypeOf(derived.prototype, base.prototype); } let instance = new derived(); assertThrowsInstanceOf(() => instance.testElem(), TypeError); reset(); instance.testProp(); assertEq(instance.methodCalled, 1); reset(); instance.testPropCallDeleted(); assertEq(instance.methodCalled, 2); instance.testElemAssign(); assertEq(instance.prop, 5); reset(); instance.testAssignElemPropValChange(); instance.testAssignProp(); instance.testCompoundAssignProp(); if (typeof reportCompare === 'function') reportCompare(0,0,"OK");