// This file was procedurally generated from the following sources: // - src/annex-b-fns/eval-global-init.case // - src/annex-b-fns/eval-global/direct-switch-dflt.template /*--- description: Variable binding is initialized to `undefined` in outer scope (Funtion declaration in the `default` clause of a `switch` statement in eval code in the global scope) esid: sec-web-compat-evaldeclarationinstantiation flags: [generated, noStrict] includes: [fnGlobalObject.js, propertyHelper.js] info: | B.3.3.3 Changes to EvalDeclarationInstantiation [...] i. If varEnvRec is a global Environment Record, then i. Perform ? varEnvRec.CreateGlobalFunctionBinding(F, undefined, true). [...] ---*/ eval( 'var global = fnGlobalObject();\ assert.sameValue(f, undefined, "binding is initialized to `undefined`");\ \ verifyProperty(global, "f", {\ enumerable: true,\ writable: true,\ configurable: true\ });switch (1) {' + ' default:' + ' function f() { }' + '}\ ' ); reportCompare(0, 0);